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Everything posted by Barry

  1. Address: Plaster of Paris Business Account name: cptjones Last seen: 6th June Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/KSLWKzo
  2. Address: Walk of Fame Shop#2 Account name: darkl1nx Last seen: 6 th may Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/yMvhudE
  3. Address: Walk of Fame Shop#2 Account name: darkl1nx Last seen: 6 th may Screenshots:Address: Account name: Last seen: Screenshots:
  4. Name: Barry Username: justen Team Betting on: CDS Amount: 3m
  5. mamo123,justen,star2000,mazen159
  6. This is an automated post TXN ID: 33363985PN5117508 Donation: 10.00 GBP Requested rewards: 1.100,000$ for Each 1 GBP means i need 1,000,000$ in game 2. Donator Status and Access To Donator Spawn for 30 days 3. Shamal Locked in SF airport color code: #776017
  7. Address: Corner Apartment 8 Account name: deno500 Last seen: 24 February Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/PR9o4gg
  8. Address: Fyrrs mums muff Triming LS store Account name: frankie[777] Last seen: 15 may 2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/AKfKaab
  9. Address: Appartment Block 145 Account name: azizme7rez Last seen: 11 april Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/VYVg1Am
  10. ScreenShot : https://imgur.com/a/tnVzHwc
  11. Address: Lebara Telecom Turk Shop Account name: Karagulis Last seen: 22 may Screenshots:
  12. Starting Bid: 2,000,000$ Note: just 1 Block away from bank https://imgur.com/a/ks6UvTA
  13. Address: 20 Redbridge Road Account name: p2asdxz Last seen: 19 may Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Ra9GVDm
  14. Address: Ronseals man Store Account name: arcom15 Last seen: 28th may Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/1NJc5de
  15. Address: 25 Seamen Road Account name: adrenalinex Last seen: 19th April Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/5EqNuOt
  16. Location: LS Near bank > Gangsta bail Bonds Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/rooD5UI
  17. Address: UFO House in Account name: hi5ha Last seen: 18 May 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/GfjXJSO
  18. i just Realized the rec is Closed "Edited"
  19. Nickname, account name, age, weakness and strenghts all classical stuff (3 lines min- 5 max) : barry , Justen, 16 , My weakness is Driving Aircrafts and Boats and some times i get FPS Drop and my Strength is Driving Cars and Playing vs cops That's why i earn most of my money from Store robbery and some From Transporter Job And from my personal info that i am from syria but i live in egypt and i started to play MTA since 2011 and SAES from long Time but i stopped for a long Time because of my work yes i am 16 and i work because i can see in myself something That can handle Responsibilities that's why i can play and go to work and manage my schedule What is our role : Dealing with legal and illegal Deals and Standing for everyone Why shall we accept you: because i am loyal and Trustworthy and Friendly and i take responsibilities Reasons to apply: because i was searching for a group to join to make a new friends and act a role What agency you would like to join if you get in: The Ghosts
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