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pub's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Address: 15 Alpine Road Account name: xirokax Last seen: July 11th 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/1BqecBc
  2. GXT Members: Myself Time taken: ~22mins Deliveries: Trucking around SA Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/aCshG3k
  3. GXT Members: Myself Time taken: ~35mins Deliveries: Trucking around SA Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/u1NeDlH
  4. GXT Members: Myself Activity: Repairing civilian and emergency vehicles Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/R98jpng
  5. GXT Members: Myself Activity: Towing request Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/qytpxcm
  6. GXT Members: Myself Time taken: ~35mins Deliveries: Refuelling gas stations around SA Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/fkE8CKH
  7. GXT Members: Myself Time Taken: 7 minutes Deliveries: TR>SF Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/OBignfs
  8. GXT Members: Myself Activity Type: Refueling gas stations Time Taken: 11 Minutes. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Md0Zp4e
  9. GXT Members: Myself Time Taken: ~10 minutes Deliveries: SF>TR Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/OBignfs
  10. GXT Members: Myself Time Taken: ~10 minutes Deliveries: SF> RC Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/KFF7xbB
  11. GXT Members: Myself Time Taken: 3 minutes Deliveries: LV>TR Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/uk8SMys
  12. Name & nickname: Awab/pub Nationality: Canadian English proficiency ( State your level, f.e: B1 ) C2 Punishment history ( Detailed ) : I've been banned way back before i knew what multi-accounting was as I shared same device as my brother and we'd play the same game and i got unbanned with the mass unban that's basically it. Reason of your application to The Royals ( Minimum two lines ) : Well developed squad cannot forget a lot of effort and dedication was put in to this squad.I also wanted to be apart of something professional with no toxicity. :) Summarize the role of The Royals with your own sentences ( Minimum two lines ) : Technically The Royals is a task force which's ran by the British government to stop terrorism and get into more classified cases within the country and it's case is also to fight corruption. What unit would you like to join? Either Undercover or Intelligence Unit ( State your reason of preference ) Undercover, I'd love to stay under the radar and get the job done as it may suit my perfections. Oath: I, pub, swear that this application has been written by myself and I am aware of the consequences if I don't follow the stated rules in F1. I pub, promise to serve for the honour of Great Britain and her majesty.
  13. I mean I'm a cop and I see this as a good idea too tbh, I'm chasin the bag bro anything for money
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