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  1. Name: Zaphod. Username: isusic. Rank before kick/leave: PFC or PFC+ if I remember corectly. How long have you been in sapa: Joined november 2016, left february 2018. Who kicked you: I'm not sure who it was but I wasn't kicked, I was just helped to the doors. Date of kick/leave: January or February 2018. Reason for kick/leave: I left because I was invited to SWAT. What happened from your side/why did you leave? : I kinda felt that SAPA is no longer active enough at that time. Also, I was asked to join SWAT by some friends. Why do you want back in? : I started to miss SAPA after some time. RP is non existent in other squads. Also as I play more often now, only being a SWAT member get's a bit dull. What have you learned from this? : I learned that there has to be a level of respect on server like it is in SAPA. I also realized that I miss some people from back in the days. Who do you want to apologize to? : Is this a question for ex cadets who offended SAPA HQ? Why should we give you a second chance?: I believe I can play a strong role in SAPA's future as I have the skills to teach new cadets to obtain certain skills.
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