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Everything posted by IceBlue

  1. Activity: Impounding cars by San Andreas. Date: 11/07/2019 Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/gF0tZJy.jpg
  2. Activity: Fixing cars by San Andreas. Date: 10/07/2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/sxr7qDl
  3. Activity: Fixing cars by San Andreas. Date: 10/07/2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/vSXalLP
  4. This guy was looking for someone to make him a signature, luckily for him, I was online at that time xD. here it is, I hope you like it! Opinions are welcome. @M7mod ::: (I hope I'm posting this in the right place.) :::
  5. Activity: A Van hit the wall of the LS / LV Highway, so I was called to remove it from there because the cars could not get through. Date: 10/07/2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. Hello! Welcome to my activities as a Mechanic during my process of becoming a member of Cuban Cars! In this topic you will be able to see all my actions during my process! See you on the roads!
  7. Ingame name: IceBlue Ingame username: ericorave Previous organizations and leaving causes: I was never part of any organization yet. Define Underground Empire: Without a doubt, I can define the group as an organized group as far as I could notice by the days I've been monitored by an HQ. I see the dedication that the HQ team put in the group. I really like that. For a while, I could see some members turfing, they're really skilled. I'm impressed by the group's management and very excited to be a part of you. What binds you with Underground Empire: no doubt my skills fit the group. My loyalty is very good as well, I'm a good person and I see these concepts on UE's members. What do you know about organized crime: An organized crime is working as a group, knowing the right time to do an action and never be self-centered what means you should never think only on you, always check how's your teammate, if he does need help or anything, means be watchful.
  8. Ingame name: IceBlue Ingame Username: ericorave Previous organizations and leaving causes: I've never joined any group yet. Define Underground Empire: for the short time I have here (I intend to stay on the server), I can not say much. But I hope to adapt to the group and have my opinion about the group. Still, I have a first impression, that is of a well-organized group and with skilled and experienced people. What binds you with Underground Empire: On the server where I came from and in which I am apart of one of 3 respected groups. (Terrorists, Military, SWAT) I am apart of SWAT for 8 months. So I'm used to being in a well-organized group. which means that I must act in such a way. I must be serious, respectful, skillful (I need to get used to the weapons here, either way, I'm a fast learner). What do you know about organized crime: a few years ago I used to be a criminal on another server. Things here may be very different from there, but as I said I am a quick learner and I am sure that after joining the group I will learn even faster.
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