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  1. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? no idea months/year ago? 2021 ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Shamal Vehicle2: Shamal Location: LV AIRPORT; SF AIRPORT; Location: LV and SF airport Username: presko99
  2. @bobo said in [SUGGESTION]Unban Amnesty 2022.: Unbanning people won't bring this much activity as you think. You're talking just because you want to see some people come back. The server needs improvement and changes for people to come back or get new players to join @bobo with the help of our superior HQ nanobob this is not something to worry about
  3. Stfu ur cringe enough
  4. Ok and
  5. Date: 20/07/2022 UE BR: Assisting RF BR:
  6. So youre so bothered about us making free money that you couldnt handle it while being a gang member and now you want to turf as a cop Let me correct you there is no outnumbered side we are pretty equally split haha CDC, O, RF , HS, UE and Z against AA, BB, GT , M, CripZ, SSB and ThC.
  7. Since cops have 3 different spawns why don't we crims get such too?
  8. This is as rigged as my LWS events once were jk gz bros
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