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Everything posted by Adiztar

  1. Give crim teaser same as cop
  2. oral sex
  3. nitro
  4. We really need this!!!
  5. Address: Church Of Ghosttown Account name: ozcn Last seen: 22nd April 2020 Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/foF6AQE
  6. Address: Transfender Modshop Account name: racetech Last seen: 22nd august 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/hRBSpPl
  7. Address: Nude & Xxx Shop Account name: shadowz1 Last seen: 5th march 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/AKOiKLw
  8. Ingame name: 215|zlLuisHDlz. Ingame username: luisdavid123. Previous organizations and leaving causes: CDS: It's a great gang to be honest, i wish them the best of luck, but sadly, they didn't want me in their gang anymore, i still don't know the reason... HRMC: A good motorcycle gang, but sadly, they closed. Define Underground Empire: Underground empire is an organized crime syndicate, which was founded by 3 people: Jonh Dixon, Edward Mcfarlane and Judah Davis in 1866. UE are involded in arms trafficking, drug trafficking and money laundering, and others,they keep a low profile to don't call cops attention. What binds you with Underground Empire: Honestly, i have to many friends here, i feel really comfortable hanging and helping the gang in turfs,and others activities. They are a serious gang, and have a good reputation, so i want to join you to help the gang to grow up and grow up myself in too many ways. What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is any organization made up of a group of people with certain hierarchies, roles and functions, whose main objective is to obtain material or economic benefits through the commission of crimes.
  9. Ingame name: 215|zlLuisHDlz. Ingame username: luisdavid123. Previous organizations and leaving causes: CDS: It's a great gang to be honest, i wish them the best of luck, but sadly, they didn't want me in their gang anymore, i still don't know the reason... HRMC: A good motorcycle gang, but sadly, they closed. Define Underground Empire: Underground empire is an organized crime syndicate, which was founded by 3 people: Jonh Dixon, Edward Mcfarlane and Judah Davis in 1866. UE are involded in arms trafficking, drug trafficking and money laundering, and others,they keep a low profile to don't call cops attention. What binds you with Underground Empire: Honestly, i have to many friends here, i feel really comfortable hanging and helping the gang in turfs,and others activities. They are a serious gang, and have a good reputation, so i want to join you to help the gang to grow up and grow up myself in too many ways. What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is any organization made up of a group of people with certain hierarchies, roles and functions, whose main objective is to obtain material or economic benefits through the commission of crimes.
  10. Nickname: zlLuisHDlz Age: 17 Country: Mexico Languages spoken: Espaol From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): I understand a bit of English so it would be 2 out of 10 How long have you been playing on SAES: approximately 2 years In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: Arms Assassins they are a gang that are mainly dedicated to selling illegal weapons to players Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): I have not been in any Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: any Name 3 BR rules: you can start with more than 1 member / only 2 bank robberies are allowed in a day / It is forbidden to jump from a non-parachute roof at the end of the BR Name 3 GR rules: CLO / DE attendance is prohibited Do not generate killing / camping in the monstrous gangs, it could lead to pubs Do not even try to enter or check the other gang's safe out of curiosity, it could lead to punishment Name 3 Turf rules: CLO and DE forbade helping the gang as a spawn/doctor and police are not authorized to father/If you are standing on a roof, make sure the roof is scalable What is Roleplay?: the role play is based on real life selling arms being chased by the police making thefts buy house, properties to keep generating money among other things What is Deathmatching?: is to kill a player or organization without some reason Someone DMs you. What do you do?:?: I take photo and informed You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: I'm doing nothing Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: yes rubik Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): hello my name is Luis David a 17 year old boy I am a kind person who likes to help I am a high school student who likes games I struggled to get ahead to fulfill my goals in the game my strong are the pomegranates I like to use them when needed I do not use them to hurt those of more I like to defend my playmates and because I am fun I like to live with all kinds of people and every day to meet new people to make good friends and without more to say here they have a friend.
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