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Everything posted by Legend

  1. @lil_borivoje Dear Applicant, you took part at some of our activities and RPs and it seems like you're good enough to join the group. Im glad to infor you that you have passed your application stage and your in game tests and you are now one of us. Keep in mind to become full PoS member you have to pass your probation which is hosting 2 RPs and 1 Event in a week. Regards, PoS HQ Team.
  2. RP Number #23 Roleplay Title: Checking out an old cemetery The Story: This time one of the warlocks came to lead the priests to search for something useful at one of the oldest cemeteries around SA. He got a team of few priests and they started the move from RC church. It was not that long way, as Ghost Town was not that far from their church. Once the priests came to the cemetery they started looking for something useful for PoS. They spent a lot of time there and actually one of them found a book, that seemed to be a book full of new spells that the warlocks have never known before. They got the book to rc church and the one leading the group asked them to go on the job by trying to find someone to translate it, as that was a language that no one of them knew. Participants: @Legend @prophet @RadiO Batya, Ballas Date: 13.01.2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/gallery/KojKnOY ::: :::
  3. @lil_borivoje Dear Applicant, your application seems to be written for our old topic and rp type, as now things have changed. I would recommend you to read our new topic to be sure about that what is this about for now, but actually I can't say that your acclication isn't that suitable for our new role, that's why I'm glad to inform you that you're on ~[PENDING]~(orange,purple) now, try to help PoS taking part of our activities, good luck.
  4. @Rowdy35 ~[PENDING.]~(orange,purple) Pretty good application, It seems you are an experienced player which means you got enough chances to be part of the group. The thing is that you didnt attend our activities and we would like to see you helping us, to make sure you deserve to be PoS member. Good Luck.
  5. @RadiO ~[PENDING.]~(orange,purple) Dear Applicant, We would like you know more about you in game, try to spend some time attending our activities, that might raise your chances to get the positive answer. Regards, PoS HQ Team.
  6. General Information Group Name: Priests of Sodom Group Tag: PoS|nickname|Rank PoS Color Code: #250000 Our Motto: - Date of creation: 12.01.2019 Group Bank: 80.000.000$ Group Founder: @Legend @Prophet Link to our discord channel: PoS Media Archive: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5281/priests-of-sodom-media-archive Use RC>Civil>Priest to spawn as PoS or RC>General 1 for Warlocks and Top Branch Recruitment Status: CLOSED THIS IS A GROUP so you don't need to leave your G/S/C in order to join us. ~[NOT ABOUT RELIGION AT ALL!!!!!]~(red) The group dates back to medieval times. Back to the time when mean people used any opportunity to get stuff under their control, a bunch of warlocks was content with their own stuff. Things however had changed a great deal back then. The crew had found a magic spell which made them immortal. The curse which they had to suffer. The spell they used made them so powerful that they couldn't let things go the way they'd used to do. The team craved to rule things on their own. It gifted them a chance to influence kings. They enjoyed the one they had and used it to the full. Centuries have passed, and still if rumors are to be believed the shadow group exists and intends to come out of the shadow and get back in the race. We can do RPs, Events and Sermons which are: Role play. Priests of Sodom are the priests who by day pretend to be the ordinary clerics and when no one sees try to find more spells and magical objects for more abilities. By nights the curse has them turn into the ghosts and feed on human fears as that gives them strength to live on. Events. You can do whatever you want, that doesnt have to be related to our role. Sermon. Is an activity when the members meet for a sermon which is hosted by a shepherd. About our ranks and treir roles: -Magnus - Leader, (owner) -Magister - Vice Leader/ Leader while Magnus is away -Warlock - Sub leader/ vL while Magnus is away -Top Brass - HQ -Priest - Regular PoS member -Neophyte. Those people who have just joined, newbies. Don't insult anyone Follow all the F1 rules, don't break them and don't act like that retard. Always wear the group tag when spawned as PoS Respect all the members within the community Be mature and respectful all the time Listen and follow all the High Ranked members orders Try to be as useful as you can If you have any problems with any member of the group tell that to the HQ Team, no need to fight Try not to spawn wanted You are not allowed to speak any language in group chats or during an rp or anything but english Have fun and enjoy your time being one of us, after all that's just a game ::: BASE LV CHURCH LS CHURCH TR CHURCH Farmhouse ::: Magnus: @Legend @Prophet Magister: @Energizer Warlock. @Tema Top Brass: Priest: @iani @Terry @Nikki_ @Tapi @QieZZ @lil_borivoje @Cornelius @Staifi Neophyte: @Harb Ballas @Rowdy35 @RadiO @laminee -horkent 70.000.000$ -Matvey 20.000.000$ -Batya 20.000.000$ -q1ezz 10.000.000$ -Absent 10.000.000$ -Staifi 9.000.000$ -Balla$ 5.000.000$ V.I.P__ filippo Castiel Duracell FOX Sam Terry Sem ::: Personal information Ingame name: Account name: County of residence: Primary language: Other languages that you can speak: Age: Ingame information How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG: Have you ever been banned? If yes, then why?: How much time you play per week?: Your English skills ?/10: Your RP skills ?/10: Are you part of any group? If yes, list those: G/S/C you are currently in: Why do you want to join PoS? (Give us few sentences please): What is our role (in your own words): Have you had any experience of roleplay with us before?: Tell us about yourself please: ::: Once you apply for PoS you will get one of the following answers: ~[ACCEPTED.]~ means that you have passed your application stage and have to meet any HR member for your ingame tests. ~[PENDING.]~(orange,purple) means that you need to spent more time hanging with PoS or that we are not sure about you yet. ~[DENIED.]~(red) You failed the application stage and must wait at least 2 week to re-apply for it. If you got the positive answer and passed your in game test you are not the full PoS member yet, You have to wear PoS*| tag and get one week to pass your probation stage which is hosting at least 1 Event and 2 RPs per week Keep in mind there are some rewards for the hard-workers. Also we would like to apologize for re-starting the topic but we had to do it since our role, backstory and some other details have been changed, our media archive will stay as the activities posted there still are suitable for the new role that you can check now to make sure.
  7. RP Number 18 Roleplay Title: setting a cross The Story: Today some of our members noticed that something was actually wrong with our RC church, there was no a cross...I don't know how could that happen that the priests missed that someone just stole it but I only know that we had to fix that. That is what our members did, they went to a graveyard as there's someone could help them, had a deal with one of its employees, then got another cross and put that back in the same spot it was placed before. Participants: Legend, Prophet, Batya Date: 09.01.2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. RP Number 17 Roleplay Title: gettin' a book needed The Story: Today PoS were pretty serious about gettin' a book that another church owned it. We came to the church it was in and prepared everything to take it and get out of there as soon as possible. Some of us were ready to drive us away once the book is taken some were pretending to be the passers, and one of us walked in, found that what we needed and run out we to bring that to our own church. Participants: @Prophet @QieZZ Legend Batya Ballas Date: 08.01.2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. RP Number 15 Roleplay Title: The hellfire spell The Story: This day was too hard for PoS' warlocks. Noone could see that but last night Priests of Sodom found a very strong spell that we were trying to find for so long, this might be useful a lot for our organization. To be honest that wasnt even that hard to find it because someone just sold us that spell since he didnt know what was that and how can it be used. Just to tell you about the spell, It can be used to provide the warlocks some kind of protection in a difficult situation but also we can use it to burn the enemies, their properties and anything bound with them. We had to find it because that ensures us the power we have never had before. One of its advantages is that you can get flaming without any damage, because it hurts only those, who you use it against. Priests of Sodom are getting stronger day by day and pretty soon noone will be able to stop us. Participants: @Matvey-g88 @Prophet @IceCream Sanya @Legend Date: 07.01.2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/gallery/DZADHgj
  10. RP Number 13 Roleplay Title: Top Branch meeting The Story: well, today the top branch of PoS had to come for a meeting to discuss some things about our future and such. All the members that were part of the top branch were there. We met near RC church to get something we might need later and moved to BC church there the meeting occupied. That was a long meeting and many things have been discussed. Of course you can't know what was that about as even our members don't know it but actually something got changed and improved and now things are going much better than it was before Participants: @Matvey-g88 @Prophet @IceCream Legend Date: 07.01.2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. Roleplay type: extinguishing a cop car Saturday, January 07, 2019. 14:37 Description of roleplay (minimum 3 sentences): I woke up early. This was a sunny day but unfortunatelly I couldnt spend it with my family since I was going to a duty. at about 10 am I came to SAFD HQ, got an engine, some other tools and prepared everything I might need later. In about 2 hours SAFD got a call from a family who's house got flaming. Me and some other SAFDs immediately moved to the place where the accident occupied. we were fighting agains the flame and fortunatelly no one these got injured. once we finished with that job and the other SAFD members have gone I noticed a car burning, I moved closer and noticed something else, there wos a trooper sitting inside, he couldnt leave the vehicle, I run right there and started extinguishing it, once the fire was stopped I got a chainsaw and cut the door the man to step out. Location: RC Participants: Legend Screenshots: https://imgur.com/gallery/G2StGNF
  12. RP Number #7 Roleplay Title: Transporting zombie to a farm The Story: We started with reviving a guy at a graveyard. That was our first time and we have never done something like this before. Much work has been made to find a good spell for that job. Today at about 14:35 two priests were going to try it being asked by the magnus. There's a long story but actually they did it and the dead rised up and started the move. Priests were so glad to see that and send a letter to the other PoS members. After all of that they got another job to transport that zombie to a farmhouse located in BC to close him inside, as PoS might need him later for a sacrifice, the idea was like a victim must be pushed in the farmhouse where the zombie was. Participants: @Skerdi , Legend, Batya Date: 06.01.2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. RP Number #06 Roleplay Title: preparing a church for a sermon The Story: Today was an important day for our organization. We had to preach as we are used to do. There was a church in San Fierro where the meeting must take place. It was only for PoS members but we had to prepare for it. Priests started with getting some books needed, they went to a library and got some boxes full of those books their paster to come up with a good speech. After they moved to SF church and checked around if that's alright and can they start like this or no. Everything has been checked and fixed, the sermon started... Participants: @iani @SniperLyfe @Prophet Legend Date: 05.01.2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. RP Number 2 Roleplay Title: Taking PoS Books from church to church The Story: Well this was pretty hot day for PoS. That all because of the stuff we got to do. There was a thing the Magnuses were talking about for a long time. As far as you might know we have got many secrets as an organization that the people doesn't have to know. So today at about 20 o'clock Priests of Sodom were all ready for the deal we had informed them about before. There is one church in LS where we have been treasuring our books for years and today was the day to take them to another church in RC and hide there where according to our opinion those books woul'd be more safe. Participants: @Legend @Prophet @Staifi Balla$ @Matvey-g88 @Energizer Date: 03.01.2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. Welcome to PoS Media Archive, here you can find all our activity types. Feel free to post your activities here once you join the group. Please use the format below, If you host any new kind of activity you can make your own. RP Number Roleplay Title: The Story: Participants: Date: Screenshots: Event Number: Event Type: Prize: LWS/G6 Helpers: Winners: Screenshots: PoS Sermon (number) Date: Pastor: Congregation: Some screenshots here: (Now you are not allowed to host sermon if there are less than 6 members on.)
  16. Clar mi UE ples want be in thiz pro genk pliz
  17. Roleplay type: Vehicle Accident Description of roleplay: Saturday, December 23, 2018. 16:25 Description of roleplay (minimum 3 sentences): well that was a long long day patrolling. I was tired and bored of things happening. most of the day I spend in the department waiting if there anything about to happen. at about 16.35 I got called and informed about a car accident, after all the datails I got a prepared engine and left the base for that job. in few minutes I was straight on that spot the accident took place, there was a car dammaged. Some time later after I've done extinguishing it and when a mech came to pick up the car, I had to come back for the base. Location: Las Venturas Participants: Legend, Prophet Screenshots: https://imgur.com/gallery/QqmsS9M
  18. @Ikzelf well lws applicants might be doing their best, they have to come up with some really good and unique events to join it but what's the point of thinking about new type of events if you can do whatever you want
  19. @Ikzelf events are supposed to bring fun but we're talking about ubuse
  20. @Ikzelf if an event is not built well another lws can warp to fuck it up, also people can scam, about the ads...there's now a rule u gotta ask if anyone advertising atm to wait till he finishes, only then u can use it, it's pretty easy for a group in team chat or pm with another one but how about 10 people hosting smth in the same time? Even if they finish they can just ignore you
  21. @Ikzelf even if they cant spawn it, they can find 10000 more ways to abuse it
  22. Just logged in>spawned a hydra >fucked another event up> got banned for few days...
  23. Well, most of people are gonna upvote for it because they dont know enough and dont know how do things work. And filex, u say that it cant be abused in any way... didnt you think that everyone's gonna be advertising every 5 seconds?? 2nd.. they can break events of each other and such, also what about lws and g6? And even ceo, what's the sense of all those groups if we just get a spawn like this..
  24. Date: 25/11/2018 The place of the event: UE Base Event type: Uzi Star Wars LWS/CEO: @Legend Prize: $1,000,000 Hosted by: FOX Winner: flusha Screenshots: https://imgur.com/gallery/U4GR2ds
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