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  1. This suggestion serves no purpose other than to nerf us. You provided a video showing only how ONE Store Robbery's location is negatively affected by the current spawn time. Your suggestion will fix that ONE Store but will fuck up everything else, the Bank Robberies, Casino Robberies, and every other SR Location. You're using that one SR location to justify the huge impact your suggestion will have. As Steven said, you guys have a higher win rate in pretty much everything not just BRs. So, why nerf us? Be open-minded.
  2. @Fatroucha So, you make an argument against this suggestion and when you're hit with a counterargument, your response is "its my opinion, stfu pls" ?. You can't critique this and then act like a baby when you get criticized. You criminals are portable vending machines, you can sell speed anywhere at any time. I don't see how it's unfair for EVERYONE to get a stationary vending machine in their base. Furthermore, you guys always have snipers on roofs to make it impossible for us to use the vending machine. When you finally buy an energy drink, you enter the bank with a quarter of your HP. You always have speed during BRs and Jailbreaks, so how is it unfair for us to also have speed? Might as well make this exclusive to criminals, lmao.
  3. @M7mDGr7 Calling this addition annoying is subjective. Your opinion can be valued more if they were rational and intellectual. Adding this feature won't harm you or anyone, it's advantages outweigh the disadvantages. This addition probably won't help you, but that doesn't mean it won't help others. Be open minded about this, there are people that use g/s vehicles.
  4. Bro, ain't no way we chasing criminals in hydras. At this point, yall are making this pay to escape. We shouldn't have to donate for shit in order to arrest people nor should there be donations that make fleeing easier. Only way this could work is if we make a whole different dimension for it.
  5. ^[] Activity Type: LS BR FBI Members Involved: @Kruger @cui @fandi Date: 22/03/2022 Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  6. ^[] Activity Type: SF BR FBI Members Involved: @Kruger @JohnnyEnglish @Beast_ @KiroSa @fandi @Narcilius Date: 22/03/2022 Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  7. ^[] Activity Type: Bank Robbery 5/8 by CDC FBI Members Involved: @Kruger @KiroSa @smoken @fandi Date: 22/03/2022 Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  8. ^[] Activity Type: Store Robbery FBI Members Involved: @Kruger @Russell @blx Date: 06/03/2022 Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  9. Account name: GoldenKruger Icon name: 32 Seedy Side Apartments Account name: Golden Kruger Icon name: 2 Suxdix Close
  10. Address: Cdc Drug Den Account name: percoso Last seen: 7th of Feb Screenshots:
  11. Address: Las Payasadas Restaurant Account name: percoso Last seen: 7th of Feb 2022 Screenshots:
  12. Address: Rc Dry Cleaning business Account name: bonobos19 Last seen: 23rd January 2022 Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  13. Address: Rc Dry Cleaning business Account name: bonobos19 Last seen: 23rd January 2022 Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  14. happy brithday yo
  15. ^[] Activity Type: SR FBI Members Involved: @Kruger @Darknight @Suvlun @Fasulo @Zaid Date: 2022-02-15 Screenshots: [s=][/s]
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