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Everything posted by Note

  1. CC Activity number: #4 Participants: Myself Duration: 15 minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/YBV7fd9
  2. CC Activity number: #3 Participants: Myself Duration: 15 minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/2SVkGgy
  3. CC Activity number: #2 LWS: Voli Event type: Land on my DFT Prize: $1.000.000 (2 rounds) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/HIUqKSN
  4. CC Activity number: #1 Participants: Myself Duration: 15 minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/9rBX5mD
  5. CC Activity number: #4 Participants: Myself Duration: 15 minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/qm722a2
  6. CC Activity number: #3 Participants: Myself Duration: 15 minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/NJnOW2X
  7. CC Activity number: #2 Participants: Myself Duration: 15 minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/e6lo1uV
  8. CC Activity number: #1 Participants: Myself Duration: 15 minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Ju0ptGp
  9. CC Activity number: #4 Participants: Myself Duration: 15 minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/9E1jJL6
  10. CC Activity number: #3 Participants: Myself Duration: 15 minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/tlSjAs5
  11. CC Activity number: #2 Participants: Myself Duration: 15 minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Q01euAj
  12. CC Activity number: #1 Participants: Myself Duration: 15 minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/CIrgL5z
  13. CC Activity number: #4 Participants: Myself/Barras Duration: 17 minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/4ngPhAX
  14. CC Activity number: #3 Participants: Myself/Barras Duration: 17 minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/fn66zRA
  15. CC Activity number: #2 Participants: Myself/Barras Duration: 15 minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/g4hPSHU
  16. CC Activity number: #1 Participants: Myself/Barras Duration: 15 minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/S6WkH9C
  17. Please join our Discord server by clicking here. Head to #application-thread channel and click "Create ticket". Copy the application format bellow without removing the formatting (don't delete the stars, press space after them and type your answer) and fill it in the previously created ticket. **In-game name:** **Username:** **Age:** **Nationality:** **How long have you been playing SAES:** **Any past history with DJing:** **Do you have a microphone (good quality)/are you a talking DJ:** **Which DJ/broadcasting software do you intend to use to stream:** **Tell us about yourself:** **Why are you interested in joining Radio San Andreas:** **Why should we accept you:** **Genres of music you really enjoy:** **Your top 10 songs of all time (in a spoiler):**
  18. Hello, just came to congratulate developers and contributors for those changes, it seems all those discussions, feedbacks, forum posts were worth it, time to raise activity time honest congratulations.
  19. Type of Activity: Refueling Date: 20/08/2022 Participant(s): Myself Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  20. Happy birthday hobbit couz
  21. Nickname: Note Ingame account name: kafon Discord name and tag: Note#5092 How long you have been playing SAES?: I have been playing SAES for 7 years. Server Memberships: S.W.A.T., CC, rTECH, CS, ALT & Radio SA. Your strengths: I strive for success in every task I'm given as I am very goal-oriented and I enjoy facing my challenges head-on. I like to treat everyone with respect which I believe is key to getting the job done in a team whether I'm leading or not. I can be decisive, attendant & hardworking, easily adapting to different circumstances and situations. Your weaknesses: I may lose my temper often around a specific type of people as well as I am constantly striving for flawlessness and perfection in my work which could potentially decrease my productivity. Last legitimate adminjail: July 30, 2018 Last legitimate ban: January 11, 2019 Additional Information (Optional): Have you read the entire topic before applying?: Yes, I have.
  22. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/31850/donation-point-balance-note When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? April 20th, 2022 ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Cheetah Location: 2 Uber Street Vehicle 2: Damaged Glendale Location: Cluckin Bell North Lv Vehicle 3: Damaged Glendale Location: Electrical Tools Store Vehicle 4: Damaged Glendale Location: SSB base (already removed) Vehicle 5: Bullet Location: SSB base (already removed) Vehicle 6: Super GT Location: Fyrrs Mums Muff Trimming Ls Store ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: NRG-500 Location: 2 Uber Street Username: kafon Vehicle 2: Police LV Location: Cluckin Bell North Lv Username: kafon Vehicle 3: Bullet Location: Electrical Tools Store Username: kafon Vehicle 4: Stratum with sirens Location: S.W.A.T. base underground parking Username: kafon Vehicle 5: Bullet with sirens Location: S.W.A.T. base underground parking Username: kafon Vehicle 6: Police SF Location: Fyrrs Mums Muff Trimming Ls Store Username: kafon
  23. Thank you everyone <3
  24. Address: Barancas Road Store 5 Account name: skirillex Last seen: 12th April 2022 Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  25. Your ingame username: kafon Your ingame alias: Note Your year of birth: 1998 Your gender: Male Nationality: Tunisian Country of residence: Tunisia How long you have been playing SAES: I have been playing SAES for roughly 7 years, precisely since late 2015. Qualities you can offer: Some of the qualities I am willing to bring to the table that I consider as critical to this job are passion, dependability and flexibility. Without a passion for what you are doing, it is not possible to ideally perform the tasks at hand. I have a strong desire to help others which influences my performance positively. My commitment and ability to consistently follow-through along with being patient are traits that I take pride in. I can adapt to different circumstances, different people and tackle tasks and changes as they come therefore allowing me to handle unforeseen events with a sense of calm and grace. Other attributes of mine include communication skills - seeing that I am fluent in both English and Arabic which makes for more than half the player base thus ensuring efficient communication - , ease in interacting with people and a respectful attitude mixed with a sense of humor that can lighten up the mood in tense situations. I can be an active listener and remain neutral, impartial, and unbiased yet involved whilst solving conflicts. But perhaps my past experience as SAHA staff and the fact that I know the ins and outs of this position is what allows me to stand out from fellow applicants. Your weaknesses: I am constantly striving for flawlessness and perfection in my work which can lead to critical self-evaluations and concerns regarding others' evaluations hence I am likely to put off tackling tasks waiting for the right context, time and solution thus decreasing productivity although I can say that I have improved a lot lately when it comes to this aspect. I may also lose my temper often around a specific type of people though I always maintain a professional stance and avoid overreacting. Do you have Discord Installed: Yes, I do. Reason for application: Throughout my time in this community in general and my short spell as SAHA staff specifically, I have come to learn that there is nothing more I genuinely enjoy doing than helping players sort out their problems and/or requests. I was ashamed of how my time as SAHA staff abruptly came to an end and I have been regretful ever since. This is why I still feel that I owe a lot to this community and that after all these years here, I would like to give back and contribute to the server by helping its players. I believe I deserve a second chance to make things right, continue what I started and hopefully leave a better impression. Furthermore, I would like to gain more experience interacting with people and making new acquaintances which I think is key to acquiring new skills and consequently developing more as a person. I only decided to apply after I knew for a fact that I am ready to take on such a challenge that will help move my career forward. Server Memberships: South Side Blazers, Cuban Cars, raceTECH, Cunning Stunts and Radio SA. Additional information: For those of you who do not know me, my name is Ahmed, a 23-year-old computer science and management information student. In my free time, I like to listen to music and play video games. I lead an all-round quiet life but I am always seeking out fun and open to new opportunities and challenges when they present themselves as long as they feel right. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I have received a couple of adminjails and occasional mutes here and there none of which were of a significant nature. I have however been stripped of my previously occupied position as SAHA staff due to a ban on which I go into detail down below. Previous (legitimate) bans: I was banned in 2019 due to PayPal chargingback two donations of mine plus a fee after I managed to workaround the fact that it is unsupported in my country. The funds were since returned thus I was unbanned but as aforementioned, it cost me greatly.
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