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Posts posted by SpeeD1Tn

  1. Part I:

    Link your Donation Tracking Topic: 


    Part II: What I Want to be Removed

    All removed


    Part III: What I Want to be Added

    Vehicle 1: Dodo

    Vehicle 2: Cheetah

    Vehicle 3: Stallino

    Vehicle 4: Buffalo
    Location: Out Laws's base

  2. Part I:

    Link your Donation Tracking Topic: 


    Part II: What I Want to be Removed

    Vehicle 1: Shamal

    Vehicle 2: Alpha

    Vehicle 3: Bus


    Part III: What I Want to be Added

    Vehicle 1: Dodo

    Vehicle 2: Buffalo

    Vehicle 3: Stallino

    Location: Out Laws's base

  3. alt text

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    Welcome to my LWS Events Topic

    What you should know about me: My name is Mahdi. I'm from Tunisia, 19 years old. I started playing SAES since 2018. I'm an active person. I made this topic to make a step forward to join LWS .

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    Total Money spent on events: 6.000.000$

    Total events: 6

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