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Everything posted by Remp

  1. Date: 24.09.2019 Active Members: 7 Screenshotrs: ::: :::
  2. Attenders:@FastYounq Story: On this day, I'm going to Raid Pirus Base and talked to one person at the base and he is a member of the pirus. To check the Pirus base and then check the base, I found the drugs and talked with me about the fact that drugs are not allowed and I can imprison you and ride him in the car and went to the prison and imprisoned him for 5 years. Screenshotrs: ::: :::
  3. Attenders:@Casper @Jordimens Story: This was a very nice day, so I was walking around in the LV until I turned my left and looked at one of the criminals driving a car very quickly and he was drunk and one of his colleagues and I followed them quickly and locked them in. Until I talked to these criminals and then searched the car's back, but it It was filled with drugs and forms and then I arrested them in my car and took them to prison ten years. Screenshotrs: ::: :::
  4. Attenders:@Energizer .@Raf Story:I was with friends and my friend he ate pizza and me and @Energizer we was smoking outside until I got a call from the police station on my radio that we have HB. So when we arrived There was a thief who was trying to steal the house. Then I quickly intervened. When he was stealing the house, I decided to follow him secretly and up to where I give him an order to raise his hands in the air so I searched him and I handcuffed him and I gave him an order to ride in ICE car I took him to the police station I put a report in his file and I ended up put him in jail. Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. Attenders: Me @Smurf Story: it was a hot day, i started my day shift at 9am drinking a cup of coffe in a total peace till i got an emergancy call from the LasVentarus Dispatcher i wasen't ready to respond but it seemed to be so much important because the dispatcher informed all the police units even the air reinforcements so i quickly dropped the coffee away and focused on the radio and the dispatcher said'' we've found the most dangerous Arms Dealer in the city and the helicopters and keeping an eye on him.....''after i got all the informatioons i need about the wanted guy i turned on my engine and my sirens and started the mission, i reached the las venturas cross and waited there i knew the arms dealer will come so i placed 2 stingers and blocked the way after some minutes the guy showed up and he was too fast so the barriers couldn't stop him but the stingers worked pretty well so it was easy for me to catch him i told him to stop and surrender and he refused but he couldn't do anything the car made him stop and he finally gave up i informed the dispatcher then i stepped out of my car, i took my gun out and i was ready to pull the trigger if he tried to do anything stupid that put my life in risk but he didn't ,after i read all his rights i used the hand cuffs and putted him in the back seat and then we went straight up to the base then i chose a deep isolated place to put the dangerous guy in just to make sure that he won't espace or something i told him that he has the right to do one phone call so he called his lawyer and after the TST investigators did some investigations it turns out that the Arms Dealer is involved in too many crimes so we went to court the judge Sentenced him to imprisonment for life. Screen Shots: ::: :::
  6. Attender: @africano02 @mCcLaRm Story: I was patrolling around the Bone Country. I saw a bit of biker away from me. I decided to check them out. When I came to them, they were strained. As usual, I asked an ID and a driving license. I knew something was strange. Because they were stressed. I told them to open the trunk to control the car. When they opened it I saw the box and I opened it. There was a gun in it. I was sure it was illegal. I grabbed my handcuffs and put them in the car. I told them their rights and started to drive to the police station. Once I got their information at the police station and then I put them in the cell. Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Participants in The RP: @tomiklisa1 RP Scenario: A federal member called me, and when he delivered the guilty to the prison he said that the car had a few voices in his engine and that the smoke had risen I wanted to get the place where the car broke down and I wanted to take the place and as a message we tried to go right where the car broke down I finally found the federal officer and I immediately began to examine the vehicle's engine by opening the front door by taking the supplies I needed immediately the car had a few pieces of melted parts and cables in the engine needed to repair them I immediately started to repair the engine of the car, helping the car as a result of long efforts I finished all the repair work and started to drive with the vehicle straight as a test drive the car is now very good and I have finished all repairs you paid me and I left. ScreenShot(s): ::: :::
  8. Event type : Box All Vs All Prize : 1000.000 LWS/G6: @Goodie Winner(s) : @M7mDGr7 Screens : ::: :::
  9. Attenders: @Barboy Story:It was a great day to pamper around LS, here we see a young man, with a broken car and it was the wrong way. We stopped him and asked a few questions about a license, a car, and we told him that you were drunk and you had drugs in your car and we should talk to you a little. But you are unfortunately carrying drugs, I have to do my duty and I will put you in jail for 2 years and you must respect the laws and do not be pregnant with drugs next time because you do not prevent anyone next time.. Screens: ::: :::
  10. Event type : Checkin arreste Prize : 1000.000 LWS/G6: @Karim Winner(s) : @Lynch Screens : ::: :::
  11. Part 1 / Personal information. Ingame Name:The-Best. username:abdrahim01. Real Name:Ayoub. Age:16. Country:Algeria. Languages:Arabic,English,Fransh. Gender:Male. Nationality:Algerien. Have you ever been kicked/banned from the server ? / if yes why?NO. Have you ever been kicked from a Gang/squad ? / if yes why? Comando Da Capital:Im Left bcz to members is brazilia. ICE:left bcz i need playing Criminal. Part 2 / Your playtime in MTA/SAES. How long have you been playing MTA?2years. How long have you been playing on SAES?1year. How many hours do you play in a day?6-7hours. How many times do you visit the forums in a day?All Times. Previous gangs/squads?:Comando Da Capital And ICE. Are you in any groups?:N/A Do you have PC (Procop membership)?:Nope Part 3 / Questions about your qualifications. Strengths: Well, my strenghts its my experience, my driving, shooting skills. I like teamworking and roleplyas. arresting etc.Paracheting. Weaknesses:Im not best pilot, but i'm trying to make my skills better in that Describe Deathmatch: DeathMatching is to killing anyone for a no reason And u cant shooting cars or DM any one player. Describe RolePlay:Role-Play Is trying to come to in-game a real life situation, like police operation stops, asking for license driver and the I.D means acting like reallife. Describe TeamWork: TeamWork is the most important thing in a squad/gang bcz if you have good teamwork your squad will be better,faster and stronger. Add a picture of your "stats" by using www.imgur.com (press /stats ingame)(use spoilers: [ Spoiler][ /spoiler] Part 4 / What to do if. What would you do if you are chasing someone and they avoided arrest?I will report him. What would you do if someone came and asked you for a bribe?It depends on if a squad member would ask me I would but If it is a criminal I would not.Only if he has a good reason and less then 5 stars I would even bribe this criminal. Someone DMs you:I will tell you that this is not allowed and if I continue I will inform you An admin asks you something: I will answer this official, and talk to him. Someone from our squad with a higher rank calls you?I will drop anything and I will respond immediately. Part 5 / Additional Questions. Did any TST member suggest you to apply? Who?@N.FUN @Lucifer. Did you have the chance to hang around with any TST before applying? If so who?@Sanfara @Lucifer @NRG. Where is our private forums?:Territorial Support Group>The Strike Team Private Forums. Who is the Leader and the Vice leader of TST?: Leader:John. Vice Leader:N.FUN. Why do you want to join TST?:I want to join TST is to do better than myself, it's the best dream team, I hope to be part of them. Give us atleast one good reason to accept you?: I am a man I work at all times, I have a skill in arresting criminals, and I often contribute everything I got. Tell us something about yourself( more than 30 words):My Name is Ayoub,I am 16 years old, I Live in Algeria. As a sport, I am interested in football .I like being a Cop and I believe I will improve myself over time. Additional information: N/A
  12. Event Type: Chiken Shooter Event Price: 1.000.000$ LWS / G6:@Corn Event Winner(s):@Reus Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  13. Type(BR/PBR/JB):jB Location:LosSantos/Prison Date:02/09/2019 TheH ID's:@Striker @WiTTi01 @The-Best1 (SS): ::: :::
  14. Roleplay Number:01 Participants:@sohayb Story:On this day, I got an idea about the drug, I bought drugs, a policeman followed me in the store, injected me and started talking to me. Then he asked me to open the back of your car and start looking for me. My car and Dahab with me to court and talked to me a little and then arrested me in the body and sentenced to five years. (SS): ::: :::
  15. Event Type: Rhino survivor Event Price: 1.000.000$ LWS / G6:@KARIM Event Winner(s):@MrSolrac Screenshot(s):
  16. ~[Event Type: Last Man Stand Event Price: 1.000.000$ LWS / G6:@KARIM Event Winner(s):@Flusha Screenshot(s):]~(red) ::: :::
  17. Thanks @TaffyC <3
  18. mesclice
  19. deleted
  20. ty & NP
  21. Ingame name:203|The-Best Username:abdrahim01 Country of Residence and Nationality:Algeria/Algerien Spoken Languages:Arabic & English & Frensh Age:16 Date of the beginning of your SAES career:1 year Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: Immigration & Customs Enforcement: i left because i want to return to life as a criminal Comando Da Capital: i left because i want to joint ThC National Security Agency: Dead Write an introduction about yourself personally and your in-game character of 150 to 200 words: Hi, I'm a Algerien young my name is Ayoub , I study at a algeria faculty my second year .. I joined Saes 1 year ago i was playing league of legend the moment a freind called hash tell me to play this game. I chose the company cause it's simply perfect the members the game the prestige the team plays.. Everything, and I really had a good time with new best friends . I'm an active player right now again and back to the game and I just want to say that I went directly to THC base when I back to the game cause it means a lot for me, I m sure that the company is the best in this domain. the company help us to be professional criminals to earn some good money and jobs without any problems with the government this is how the criminal world should be, and to join the company u must be a good player who respect all the rules and be good with others and avoid all the problems which can effect bad to the company this something I understand very well as a helper i used to help the team at their turfs , etc..
  22. Good Luck My Friend @FireSnow
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