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Everything posted by Remp

  1. Good Luck MMC!!
  2. Deleted.....
  3. Nice :D :heart_eyes: @Casper said in Show us yourself V3: With my brother :D
  4. Roleplay Number :131. Story :On this day I was sitting with my friend and we were talking and I told him I am very hungry and after some bites until we passed the fast food car and locked it and asked him several requests and sat and I and my friend and we ate until the end, but I forgot my wallet and tell us Give me my money and I said, I am afraid that I forgot my wallet and said I will contact the policeman and I repeat to him that I forgot and after a few came the policeman and talked with him, but the owner of the food did not allow me and went to the court and asked me to money this man and imprisoned me for a year. Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  5. Activity Number: 155. Activity Type: (28.10.2019). Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  6. Roleplay Number : 129 Story :Early this morning I was walking down a street in LS and after a while I came back to the beautiful Base and I got in the car and I was out of Base but one of the policemen was in front of me and we came down and talked to him and had wanted to see Base and I accepted this and went searching all The cars, but he found the drugs in my car that I was out and I said who took care of them and said I will search this base every day and now you must come with me to go to court and went and after we arrived I first entered and he entered after me and had He is talking to me about this and in the end he said I should imprison you for 3 years. Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  7. Section I : General things. Ingame name :910|The-Best. Account name :abdrahim01. Nationality: Algirien. Spoken Languages :Arabic/English/Fransh. How long have you been playing Multi Theft Auto ? :i start playing MTA:SA Since 2016. How long have you been playing SAES RPG ? :i have playing in SAES:RPG since 2017. Any bans before? ( if yes state the reason ) :N/A. Previous organisations ( G/S ) :ICE/TST/CDC. ICE: i left ICE Because its Inactive and i want to Try for Crim Side too. CDC: i left Because All brazilian i cant understand theyr Language and i want to back to cop side. TST:I Left because its inactive . Current groups :N/A. Section II : Specific things. Describe your roleplay character history within 150 words ( less or more but we want to see 150 words ) :Role-Play Is trying to come to in-game a real life situation, like police operation stops, asking for license driver and the I.D means acting like reallife. Why do you want to join us?( Your words are very important in this question, we want to see your words specific. ) :becuse she have a good members and friendly and i like it cuse its knows as great gang and i wana be a part of it and enjoy the game with each other. Why should we accept you ? ( You words are very important in this question too, we want to see same as above. ) :because iam active player i can help Pirus members and iam respectfull one . Describe The Pirus in your own words : Pirus is the best gang in saes and he is a criminal organization founded by young black and some white people.
  8. Name: Ayoub. Username: The-Best. Ingame Name: 189|The-Best. Age: 17. Nationality: ALgiria. Capability to talk english (1-10): 7/10. In-Game information How long do you play on SAESRPG?: i have playing in SAES:RPG since 2017. What other gangs/squads/companies have you been in, and have you been kicked?: ICE: i left ICE bcz its Inactive and i want to Try for Crim Side too. CDC: i left bcz All brazilian i cant understand theyr Language and i want to back to cop side. TST:I Left bcz its inactive and i have a problem with members TST. Do you have Discord and a working microphone?: yes .I have, (The-Best1 #6794). How many hours a week do you play?:i play 6-7Hours only. What are your strengths and weaknesses?: I'm good at my experience, my driving, shooting skills. I like teamworking and roleplyas. arresting etc.Paracheting. What made you want to join BloodZ?: because this gang is active and I also want to help her and give her everything I have and take level one. Can you bring anything specific to our gang?: I want her member to give her everything she wants and I am able to do so and also respect her and her members..... Answer the following as good as you can: What is Roleplay?: Role-Play Is trying to come to in-game a real life situation, like police operation stops, asking for license driver and the I.D means acting like reallife. What is our Gang RP and Motto?: the motto is:our Motto is Hit em' up and Hit em' fast. We are deling with drugs. Who is BloodZ's leader?: leader is Makaveli. What do you do if you get deathmatched?: I will tell you that this is not allowed and if I continue I will inform you. What do you do if you see someone else breaking a rule?: Tell him not to do next time and stop. Tell us something about yourself: My Name is Ayoub,I am 16 years old, I Live in Algeria. As a sport, I am interested in football .I like being a Cop and I believe I will improve myself over time.
  9. Roleplay Number:#01 Roleplay Type:buy and sell the drugs. Organizations:N/A Attenders:@Freezoom @Max Story: I was sitting in our headquarters and then came to one of the people and said to me Hello do you have drugs to share with each other and I said yes, but no one should know and said yes and then I gave him and at the moment came one of the policeman and went to search our car and He said you have drugs and here they are and finally we are imprisoned. Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. = Part I, General Questions = In-game nickname:The-Best. In-game account name:abdrahim01. How old are you:17years old. Other languages u speak:english ,fransh,arabic. = Part II, General Game Questions = How long are you playing MTA:2years. How long are you active on SAES:1.5years. = Part III, Game Rules = 7. Describe our story in 3 sentences [Read our story completely]:weapon crafting and dealing and kidnapping. What is our slogan:We use our skills to pay the bills Why do u want to join LSC and what can u bring us: Well,Iwant join LSC Bcz Ihave many friends there need's my help ...
  11. Good Luck <3
  12. Attenders:@zodiac16 Story:I was at the crossroads guarding the place suddenly passed one of the criminal car fast and great speed I joined him in the car TST fast when my fear and stopped the car stopped I told him to get off the car and went down and surrendered took him to the prison headquarters of the TST and began to question him and I missed a paper warning him not to do again He said I am sorry I will not return it again and then released him. Screenshotrs: ::: :::
  13. @The-Best1 said in TST - The Strike Team | Media Archive: Attenders:@Planet and one in HHMC Story: I was walking around in LV and on my way to LS I saw one of the two young people talking and guessing and I went to them and I asked them about their subject and their problems and one of them answered and said hello sir that my brother has a problem in his bike and I told him, God willing, we will fix it and then I saw them trembling I have a doubt in the drugs and told them to raise your hands and inspected them and did not throw them and then asked him to allow me and finally handed him and went. Screenshotrs: ::: :::
  14. delet...
  15. Roleplay Number: #355 RP date: 10-18-2019 Attenders: @The-Best1 @Casper Story: After Lopez's brave escape from his death yesterday, I couldn't surrender. I started searching for him today. During the early morning cave, I decided it was the perfect time to start searching for Lopez I went to his apartment, and luckily he wasn't there. While sitting in the parking lot of his apartment building, I saw in the corner of my eyes a number plate that I recognized. I had to think for a second how I knew it, and then I remembered ... The shark officer is a friend of Lopez I thought to myself why he was hanging around here, so I followed. In red light, pulled in front of his car. He looked shocked, pointed my gun at him and shouted "Get out of the car." Luckily he got out of the car, otherwise he would have died at that time there. I told him to enter my car and come with me, happily agreed. We traveled for a moment, decided to be nice, so I offered to buy it (the last meal he would have lived, but he didn't know that). He got his food and we continued. For someone who was kidnapped, it was a beautiful claim, maybe I thought I wouldn't kill him now, and the magic of the hood convinced him that I'm not a murderer ... he was wrong. When we approached an intersection, the car stopped and we got out. . I wanted to kill him at the time and there, but I figured Ed would keep him alive for a few more minutes I imagine I might as well ask him about Lopez's website which seems to be his best friend, so I asked "Where's Lopez?" , Replied "in his apartment." He didn't know I knew he was lying, after a few shots on the knee caps he told me "he's in a boat in San Fierro." I was delighted to be a leader in Lopez, although I was happy that I received a final question for Officer The-best. I looked at him in his eyes and said, "What last words?" Because he murmured with his last desire to shoot him to death. Blood transfusion and gone. This is only the beginning, Lopez will be found ... Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. TST Activity Check Date:18/10/2019 Members:[TST]NRG[COS] [TST]Genetrix[L] [TST]Planet[R] [TST]The-Best[PFC] [TST]Max[PFC] [TST]Beast[MAJ] Screenshotrs: ::: :::
  17. Attenders:@xfox18 @StrreT Story: I was going to one of the cities and suddenly overturned my car and good luck I had the phone number of my friend who was working as a car repair worker so I called him and after a while he came to me and then talked to him about the subject and went to see her and told me that it is corrupt and we must take it to my friend We went to him and talked to each other and went to the backside of my car and gave him the necessary equipment and after a period of repair. Screenshotrs: ::: :::
  18. Attenders:@xfox18 Story: On this beautiful day I was walking in LV city and even I was contagious on the headquarters of smugglers and hiding because I saw one of the smuggler and then I followed him and stopped him and came down and talked to him a little and then asked him that he was running away and began to search his truck from all over and received a lot From the drugs and I said to him and was telling me no I was not carrying him, but be one of my friends and then went to a court of the city and had been telling me the truth and then imprisoned. Screenshotrs: ::: :::
  19. Attenders:@Freezoom @Cornelius Story:On this day, I walked my car on the way until I turned left and saw one of the people enter to one of the neighborhood and then spied on him from the houses step by step until he met with drugs and then contacted my friend policeman and waited until he came to me and talked to him about the subject and then We went with each other and talked with him and I said to him, "Are you possessing drugs?" He said, "No, sir." I said, "No, but you own it." He said, "How did you know that I owned it?" I said, "I followed you from first to last." Drugs, sir, I told him, come on with me and then imprison him for a short time. Screenshotrs: ::: :::
  20. Event type :QSanchez bike race Prize :1.000.000$ LWS/G6: @KARIM Winner(s) : @Tema Screens: ::: :::
  21. Attenders:@SpeeD1Tn @Cornelius Story:Our agency has received some information About a drug dealer who transporing his drugs around Los santos. After reviewing the information and conducting the investigation around SF , It turned out that he forces a group of youngs to move his drugs to the rest of the city. We got a call about a suspecte who's driving from SF going to city , after 15 minuts of chase we pulled him over the suspect was transporting a bag of drugs from Los Santos to whetstone our agents arrested him and took him to our headquarters for further investigation . One of our agents brought to the young guy a set of questions : who the group leader and where is his location , The suspect was confused and after many question he gave us the necessary information about the real seller , the name of criminal is rake member of cdc ,We took a car and went on patrol aroundLS, An hour later we saw the suspect near base iac , we chased him for a while then we stopped him and checked the car , one of our agents found some drugs inside his trunk and then we arrested him . now , Rake in our jail for more investigations and discovery of other names of drug barons Screenshotrs: ::: :::
  22. **In-game name:**The-Best. **Account name:**Abdrahim01. Age: 16. Gender: Male. Country of residency:Algiria From how long are you playing SAES: I have been 3 years. Since when are you playing GTA:SA Im playing GTA:SA since 2016 How well do you speak English?: 6-7/10 What all languages can you speak other than English?: Arabic.Franch. Tell us about something about yourself: My Name is Ayoub,I am 16 years old, I Live in Algeria. As a sport, I am interested in football .I like being a Cop and Crim and I believe I will improve myself over time. List few of your strengths and weaknesses: Well, my strenghts its my experience, my driving, shooting skills. I like teamworking and roleplyas. arresting etc.Paracheting. Im not best pilot, but i'm trying to make my skills better in that. Are you in any group If yes, Name them and also name your previous groups and reason to leave them: No. Have you been ban or warned by any admin in the last 1 year if yes, Explain Why? I havent been warned or banned by a Admin in the last 1 year. Why do you want to join Cluckin' Bell?: Because it is beautiful and wonderful and I want to sell some fast food. What can you offer Cluckin' bell?I can offer her something beautiful and sum up what they need. What do you expect in return from Cluckin' Bell?I expect Cluckin 'Bell to increase in rank and my friends Do you agree to follow all the F1 rules and Cluckin' Bell rules?: yes I do agree with the F1 and Cluckin Bell rules. Who are Cluckin' bell's founders?: Its founders are@Tapi and @Rainy **What is Cluckin' bell's Motto?:**Kloken Bells logo is eaten up to fullness and says don't increase me please.
  23. Attenders:@RagnarTN Story: On this day, I was out of our headquarters, so my best friend, a pizza shop worker, called me and told me that one of the criminals entered the store with a weapon and went hastily. To the headquarters and then I spoke with him in court and told me that he wanted to take a small nap and said yes go and suspected that he was drunk and then took him to prison and sentenced him to 15 years in prison and my friend the shop owner thanked me.And I said to him: Do not thank me, I thank even God who helped us. Screenshotrs: ::: :::
  24. Event type : Chiken Chooter Prize :1.000.000$ LWS/G6: @Brooks Winner(s) : @Knight Screens: ::: :::
  25. Attenders:@Reus Story: On this day , the next task was to monitor a murder suspect, as planned, and was asked by my president that I should follow this name in order to take us to al-Qaeda. But he discovered and fought, but with the horrific bomb Garcia gave me for this mission, I used it and succeeded more than expected, the killer was stunned and caught, but the mission failed ... Screenshotrs: ::: :::
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