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Everything posted by killa

  1. Patrol Number: 1 Date: 28.07.2020. Cuban Cars Members: - Estimated Duration of Working: 20 minutes. Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 11 cars. Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. This topic will be for killa's CC Activites. Here you will be able too see my work, such as roleplay, repairs, answering calls and much more will be on the way, so be tuned. With my pleasure, killa. Patrol format **Patrol Number: #** **Date:** **Cuban Cars Members** **Estimated Duration of Working:** **Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired:** **Screenshots:** Roleplay format **Roleplay Number: #** **Date:** **Cuban Cars Members:** **Participants** **Story:** **Screenshots:**
  3. LS East Beach House Car spawn is available Spot for donation car Starting bid: 3.000.000$ ::: :::
  4. -=(yellow,lime,cyan,blueviolet,violet,magenta,maroon,sienna,olive,green,navy,purple,white,silver,gray)Hey!=-
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