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Everything posted by killa

  1. Patrol Number: 102 Date: 29.08.2021. Cuban Cars Members: @Judyes Estimated Duration of Working: 35 minutes. Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: - Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. Patrol Number: 101 Date: 26.08.2021. Cuban Cars Members: - Estimated Duration of Working: 30 minutes. Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 40 Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. Patrol Number: 100 Date: 26.08.2021. Cuban Cars Members: @Judyes Estimated Duration of Working: 10 minutes. Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: - Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. Patrol Number: 99 Date: 18.07.2021. Cuban Cars Members: @Afufu Estimated Duration of Working: 1 hour. Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 3 Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. Patrol Number: 98 Date: 16.07.2021. Cuban Cars Members: - Estimated Duration of Working: 25 minutes. Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 36 Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. Patrol Number: 97 Date: 16.07.2021. Cuban Cars Members: - Estimated Duration of Working: 1 hour Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 24 Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Patrol Number: 96 Date: 12.04.2021. Cuban Cars Members: - Estimated Duration of Working: 5 minutes Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 9 Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. Address: Vinewood Avenue 4 Account name: catmemes Last seen: 13th March 2021. Screenshots:
  9. Address: Sata Temple Edge Of Market Account name: monorealg4life Last seen: 12th March 2021. Screenshots:
  10. Roleplay Number: 14 Date: 12.04.2021. Cuban Cars Members: - Participants: - Story: I was working at a garage in Las Venturas, when a customer came and asked me to check his motor and change the exhaust. At first, I opened the hood to check what is going on with the motor. The first problem that I immediately noticed was the massive oil leak from somewhere. So I grabbed my toolbox and went to the motor, to examine the problem with the oil leak. Took some time, but I found the oil leak and immediately started to work on it. After some minutes, the problem was solved and the motor was cleaned afterwards. Then I checked the motor oil level, it was normal. Then I told that he will need to change the engine oil after 2000 km. After that work was done, I went to the cars back and got under it to check the exhaust. The exhaust had a hole, wich made a ugly noise, while driving the car. So, I went to get a new exhaust for this car. Then I got under, started to remove screws and trying to get the exhaust off the car. After some minutes, the exhaust had came off, then I tried to install the new exhaust, it took some time, because I was alone, but after some time, the new exhaust had been installed and the customer was happy with the job. Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. This is an automated post TXN ID: 8PV789310X912054M Donation Amount: 10.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Damaged Glendale Vehicle Colour: 000000 Specify any upgrades: V8 and AWD Usernames to lock: bananalv Location: 7_s&m_road For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  12. Roleplay Number: 13 Date: 07.04.2021. Cuban Cars Members: @Trevor @Niklaus Participants: @pain @Law Story: We started this internship program in our SF Garage with Killa, Law, and Pain. The first car was an orange Comet, the owner hit a wall by mistake and called us to fix his car, the front bumper and hood were fully damaged so we had to replace them with new parts, Mr.Killa was on them while Mr.Pain was checking the wheels and Mr.Law was checking the engine. Mr.Pain checked the tires and everything was fine there so he decided to help Mr.Law, the oil pipe was damaged and leaking so Mr.Law brought a new pipe for it and Mr.Pain was fixing some screws, Mr.Killa was done with the front bumper and hood, the owner came to check on his car, he smiled and said I knew this garage was my best option, then he asked is to paint the car too after we finish with the damaged parts. We tested the car and everything was fine so we brought it to the other side to start painting it, the owner said he likes the black cars so he always wanted to paint it in black. Me, Mr.Law, and Mr.Pain were painting the body and Mr.Killa was painting the wheels. I told the owner to follow me to pay and sign on the guarantee papers, it cost him 300$ for the new parts and 150$ for the painting. The second we finished with Mr.Ka0z, Mr.Tokiits came to fix his car, it was an old car and fully damaged from everything. All three of the mechanics hurried up to fix the car, Mr.Pain started with the trunk and it was fully damaged so he had to replace it with a new one. Mr.Law was checking on the doors, the back left door needed to be replaced with a new one, so he went to the storage searching for a new one and thankfully he found one so we didn't need to call the other branches to ask about it. Mr.Killa was checking on the engine and the other parts there, the battery was damaged so he wore gloves and started replacing it with a new one. Mr.Pain was done with the trunk and started checking on the oil pipe, it was leaking so he had to replace it too with a new one. After fixing all these parts me and Mr.Pain took the car on a test drive, it was working fine so we head back to the garage. Mr.Tokiits was very happy about our work, sadly he didn't have the money on him so he chose the installment payment. In the end, I closed the garage, I thanked our students for attending this Internship-Program and told them they are free to leave now. Screenshots:** ::: :::
  13. Patrol Number: 95 Date: 06.04.2021. Cuban Cars Members: @Niklaus Estimated Duration of Working: 1 hour. Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 2 Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. Patrol Number: 94 Date: 05.04.2021. Cuban Cars Members: @baphomet Estimated Duration of Working: 50 minutes. Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 5 Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. Patrol Number: 93 Date: 05.04.2021. Cuban Cars Members: @Logi Estimated Duration of Working: 20 minutes. Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. Address: 7 S&m Road Account name: [FBI]Harry|Bope (Harry04) Last seen: 9th February 2021. Screenshots:
  17. Patrol Number: 92 Date: 04.04.2021. Cuban Cars Members: @Ardron @beauty @Afufu Estimated Duration of Working: 45 minutes. Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 1 Screenshots: ::: :::
  18. LS Property: NEAR SR = 7 seconds Starting bid: $2.000.000 Minimum bid increase: $1.000.000 Screenshot:
  19. LS Property: can be used as a base, have spots for donation cars, close to SR. Starting bid: $5.000.000 Minimum bid increase: $1.000.000 Screenshot: ::: :::
  20. Address: 8 Wills Parade Business Account name: Seol~ (Seol) Last seen: 12th February 2021. Screenshots:
  21. Roleplay Number: 12 Date: 04.04.2021. Cuban Cars Members: @Blue @Vynee @Brondy Participants: @alperens Story: The next customer came in with Pheonix. The engine seemed that it was broken, because from it was coming really black smoke, wasn't good. So, I had to check the engine and see what is the problem. After some time, I understood what had to be fixed. It was the motor head and nozzles. So I grabbed the toolbox, went back to the motor, started taking off the motor head and replacing it. After that I started to take off parts to get in for nozzles. All nozzles was popped and broken. Went to grab the new ones and started to replace them. After some time, the nozzles was replaced. Then I got under the car to check if anything is bad underneath it. Everything seemed to be good, except some oil leaks. But the customer said that it will be fixed later, that he isnt in any rush. So, I did my job and replaced the motor head and nozzles. The customer was happy. Screenshots: ::: :::
  22. Roleplay Number: 11 Date: 04.04.2021. Cuban Cars Members: @Blue @Vynee @Brondy Participants: @alperens Story: The day started, when CC Members opened garage on LS - LV highway. My first customer was with a Jester. It had problems with nitros, doors and the engine oil had to be changed. So I checked the car and went to grab the toolbox. After grabbing the toolbox, I went to the drivers side and started to take off the doors. Took out the doors, placed them onto the floor next to a wall. Grabbed the new doors for Jester and went back to replace it. Then I went to passenger side and started to take the doors out, placed them next to the old doors, grabbed the new ones and placed them back. Then I grabbed a flashlight and went to the motor and started to check it out. Everything with the motor was good, except the engine oil. So I got under the car, plugged out the plug and the old oil was out. Went and grabbed the new oil for engine motor and replaced it. Then the customer told that he would like to have the nitros changed. So I grabbed the toolbox, went to the nitros and started taking it out. After some time it was out, I grabbed the new nitros and went back to replace it. After some time, the new nitros was placed. When everything seemed to be finished. I got in the Jester and did a test drive. Everything was working fine, customer was happy. Screenshots: ::: :::
  23. Address: Elite Basement Account name: Mega9 (mega9) Last seen: 5th November 2020. Screenshots:
  24. Patrol Number: 91 Date: 03.04.2021. Cuban Cars Members: @Afufu Estimated Duration of Working: 15 minutes. Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: - Screenshots: ::: :::
  25. Patrol Number: 90 Date: 03.04.2021. Cuban Cars Members: - Estimated Duration of Working: 1 hour Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 27 Screenshots: ::: :::
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