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  1. ingame Name:701|SupRim Age:18 Nationality:Tunsia English proficiency:6,5/10 Roleplay skills:6,5/10 What gangs/squads/companies have you been in?:N/A How much in-game hours do you have:115 hours Questionnaire Tell us in a paragraph explaining our role:Cartel Da Sinaloa spent their money on gambling and to promise risk with this dangerous method is to bet on every possible exit of some event,also, this gang got many ways to make their living such as drug dealing, arms dealing,carjacking, this is their way to invest in better quality equipment for work, to upgrade their gang either. they had the ability to steal everything such as shop, bank and etc ... they got some members who are professional in stealing cars however, they can steal cars without leaving any suspicious objects. they are creaturized in arms trade with good qualities and low prices, also, they got a huge experience in drugs dealing, as a consequence, their pure drugs made them very famous in all San Andreas. Why would you want to join us?: I think this gang will succeed and will be one of the best gangs in Saes and I want to help it in this period as much as I can
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