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Newbie (1/14)



  1. @bazuka36 who reported who for 'DM'? And what really happened? A set-up?
  2. Did Navm|Sneiken reported your gang for DM?
  3. I played as fuel trucker for some time and decided to ask for some improvements of this job (idk it can be done). I have 3 suggestions. There is Oil Refinery where Fuel Trucker takes fuel from. It needed to be refueled too. Oil Refinery can be refueled by usual trucker by driving cargo name 'Crude Oil' many times to refinery until it will be refueled. Can admins place some display (so it will show different numbers, idk can it be made or not) on Oil Refinery building with info how much percent of fuel is left in refinery or put this info near speed-o-meter when someone is playing as trucker. -- Often when i play as Fuel Trucker, i'll spawn as him, going to my fuel truck, checking volume of fuel left in tank on truck and volume of fuel in Oil Refinery and see it about 0 % or sometimes 0%. ; ( (sad) So my suggestion for admins to put a text on a wall of Oil Refinery saying approximately this "Please refuel fuel tanks on DFT's and refuel Oil Refinery too after finishing refueling gas stations" For example, put a board like this (since Fuel Trucker is available for those who completed 1000 trucker missions, they can also refuel Oil Refinery as usual trucker (500 missions needed there)) I think some people with 500 trucker missions made just don't know that Oil Refinery can be refueled that way, gotta inform them. -- In the description of 'Trucker' job in F1 section written about refueling Oil Refinery that Oil can be taken from south-east LV trucking spot, it is a mistake, it can be taken from spot to the north of it (near diskette). Please change description like 'to the north of trucking spot on south-east of LV' Ty np for reading, that's all.
  4. @Crash i know that ) I've shown that it's empty. And there is no possibility for Fuel Trucker to refuel it (no pipe and no yellow marker for fuel trucker)
  5. @Daryl Thanks, Daryl!!! ^_^
  6. @Daryl There 2 gas stations recently opened in Las Venturas - across the street of Fire Department and station inside of Racetech base (to the south of previous mentioned) They have no ability to be refueled (by fuel trucker at least). Can someone refuel it? Could be mapped for fuel trucker to refuel it?
  7. I've read info in jobs section about trucker job, that he can refuel the refinery for Fuel Trucker if trucker has 500 or more missions completed. Location - South East Last Venturas spot for truckers. Trucker who has >500 missions can come there and see additional tab 'Crude' and refuel refinery. I came there and i've seen no such option (i have >500 trucker missions). Please fix it.
  8. There was a rule before about cops and criminals can't use unclimbable roofs on SRs (cops and criminals can't use it to shoot themselves in SR). But now its deleted, and i've seen cops who are shooting criminals on SR from faaaaaar distance from these unclimbable roofs. Criminals usually don't use them because there few SR spots with unclimbable roofs for criminals.
  9. @Brophy idk what's cancerours posts does Filex create, i don't use forum so much.
  10. @Brophy Where can i find change-logs on this forum?
  11. ----Changing trucker job's I remember moment when were two spawns Trucker and Trucker v2 (is it able to bring it back?) Beacause illegal trucking was fun when you beeing chased for criminal cargo and get well payment for it. ----High inflation (on SAES) Where can i read about it? Or can you explain here? ----Glue on cars Admin said that its not realistic. So before till 2018(or when it was disabled) it was realistic and now not realistic? ----Deleting captain job How is it abuseable? Can it be edited to not be abuseable? ANY SAES please comment Quote "We very much appreciate the fact you guys spend your own time to make the community/MTA server a better place" a better place i'm not sure its a better place with some of this changes
  12. ----Changing trucker job's I remember moment when were two spawns Trucker and Trucker v2 (is it able to bring it back?) Beacause illegal trucking was fun when you beeing chased for criminal cargo and get well payment for it. ----High inflation (on SAES) Where can i read about it? Or can you explain here? ----Glue on cars Both sides (cops and criminals - balance) can do it (before) and help each other with taking more people on car. ----Deleting captain job How is it abuseable? Can it be edited to not be abuseable? ANY SAES please comment
  13. @JohnnyEnglish thanks for answer!
  14. @gunslinger SAES please answer other players please comment
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