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  1. good luck
  2. Boxing Number #32 Participants Hassan - FBI|Raf Winner(s) | 1-Round=Hassan | 2-Round=Hassan | 3-Round= Raf ScreenShots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/ndi6w30c/
  3. Boxing Number #28 Participants Hassan - B~B|Judy Winner(s) | 1-Round=Hassan | 2-Round=Hassan | 3-Round= hassan ScreenShots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/16l9siydw/
  4. Boxing Number #27 Participants Hassan - ETF|Max Winner(s) | 1-Round=Hassan | 2-Round=Hassan | 3-Round= hassan ScreenShots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2ut5faa38/
  5. Boxing Number #26 Participants Hassan - Flora Winner(s) | 1-Round=Hassan | 2-Round=Hassan | 3-Round= hassan ScreenShots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1azxxgwse/
  6. Roleplay Number #5 Participants Hassan - @flora Story At night i was in my house sleeping after 20 min i started to get my car and move around SA to do some things and earn money , after some mins i got idea to go to a Gym and i went to there and i did some trainings there and i felt hungry and i went to a res and i ate some things but when i was going to drive my car police stopped me they thought i am criminal and i had stars and they saw my ID and they said iam free and i dont have any crime so walked around SA after some mins i called my friend to do some trainings with me and we did it and after some hours i went to my house with my friend to watch some things in T.V and it was very nice day with my friend. ScreenShots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1a3s99z3y/
  7. Hosted by: Hassan SDO Members: @Hassantt SDO-Helpers : [B~B]Fys - Cop Screens : ::: https://postimg.cc/gallery/d06pyhz2/ :::
  8. Good luck brothers
  9. Agree but make it for all not only donators
  10. Gz guys i dont kow what i say but u did Good job
  11. @Franklin and we dont need ur support .. dont post any thing here again
  12. Hassantt


    Roleplay Format Roleplay #2 Roleplay with BloodZ Participants: @BucKK - @Kyro - @Hassantt History: At Morning i was Patroling with my car and i went to alot of Store robbers and Bank robbers and i arrested many people and it was very Nice day and when i was patroling i was very hungry and i decieded to go any Shop and eat some things and after i finished ate i got phone from my Friend he said to me big Deal Gangs ( drugs and weapons) will happen soon in Base BloodZ after that i got my car and i went fast to there and they was working in weapons and drugs and i parked my car and i talked with them about this weapons and drugs and they said they did it bec they wanna earn money but its not allowed in rules Police to arrest any one selling drugs or weapons and i checked this car and i saw all things weapons and drugs and i said give me your IDs and i checked it and i got them to my car and i put them at jail and i compeleted my day with arresting Criminals and stopping Store robbers and Bank robbers and i tried to Protect all SA from criminals and Weapons and Drugs and we will do all SA safe it was nice day . Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/24rihj3q6/
  13. @Franklin said in Federal Intervention Unit: Dude its as clear as a day that you faked the logo.. you completely failed to erase the watermark.. my ocd makes me wanna punch a wall when I see this.. and what are those media archive banners oh god.. gl anyways I guess for the 69452452th time Real logo btw: ::: ::: Frank u can try to give us Support and if u wont, so we dont need any one Fixing our Logo or comment about it bec we like this Logo and banners and if u have any comment u can call us in Discord
  14. Hassantt


    Roleplay Format Roleplay #1 Roleplay with Los INKAS Participants: @Spartan History: At night i was in my house watching some things in T.V and after 1 hour i wanted to go see if any Store robber or Bank robber happened or no Around SA but when i was near to my car i got phone from my Friend he said Big Bank robber will happen now at Los Santos City so i got my car and i went to there but i didnt saw any one only 1 member from INKAS gang and i think he was inside this bank robber so i started to follow him and i gave him binds to stop his Car bec i saw he had alot of Weapons but he didnt stop and he went to INKAS Base and i arrived to there too and i talked with them alot of time and i checked The base and car too and i found weapons and i said to them up ur hands but they got the weapons from car and they wanted to kill me but i got my car away and i called my friend to help me here after 5 min i arrived to there again and fast i arrested 1 member but they was Much i said to them come to my car u are under arresting and they came to my car and i went to jail them and it was nice and hard day . Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/er547ic0/
  15. @Freezoom said in Federal Intervention Unit: Good luck @Rick said in Federal Intervention Unit: Good Luck.But always same team @samcro said in Federal Intervention Unit: @Rick said in Federal Intervention Unit: Good Luck.But always same team Always same shit* @Greed said in Federal Intervention Unit: Good luck nice topic @Wassim said in Federal Intervention Unit: Good To See ANew Squad on the server Best Of Luck Lads! @Klay said in Federal Intervention Unit: Good Luck Boys .... @Markus said in Federal Intervention Unit: :waitwhat: @FoxZilla said in Federal Intervention Unit: Gl @SoulFly said in Federal Intervention Unit: Oh again good luck, I hope the devil's cock won't come back to you. Thank you Guys for your supports
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