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Everything posted by Kok

  1. Address: Hot Coffeee Productions Unlimited Corp Account name: hi5ha Last seen: 18th May 2019 Screenshoot:https://imgur.com/rURhL1v
  2. #NoCSnoFun
  3. Try to think about people who are having fun with cs!
  4. Address: Jazz Museum Shop Account name: iani582094 Last seen: 2nd February 2019 Screenshots:https://i.imgur.com/88vVxkv.png
  5. Address: Appartment Block 106 Account name: rouge Last seen: 14th February 2019 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/gallery/JCWWfed
  6. *Ingame: kokwedy *ingame username: kokwedy *previous organizations and leaving causes: This will be my first gang. *Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire is an organised crime syndicate. Full of corrupt businessmen, gangsters like Al Capone who want to get rich by bloody money. UE (Underground Empire) is more accurately known as "Old Mafia". They earn money by selling drugs and weapons. Also, one of the most popular and successful methods used by UE is to convert dirty money into chips at one of UE's own casino. *What binds you with Underground Empire: The honest of gang members. The old classical way of killing,robbing and getting rich. The thought that they are a large family of trained murderers, people of honor, loyalty and a large arsenal of weapons. *What do you know about organized crime: The intelligence they have for computing, calculating and the flair of good and accurate plans. The resources they receive from criminal activity. And the ties they have with corrupt politicians, state actors and others.
  7. Address: 3 Solarin Road Account name: amir1996 Last seen: 11th April Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/6oqzrE1
  8. Address: Random Lv House Account name: tadeucosta00 Last seen: 16th March Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/crQgwSE
  9. Kok

    inactive LV

    Address: Random Lv House Account name: tadeucosta00 Last seen: 16th March Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/crQgwSE
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