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Rock2's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Nickname:The-Rock. Username:red20. Age:17. Nationality:Algeria. English Skill's:8. Shooting Skill's:8. Languages you can speak:Arabic,Frensh,English. How long have you been playing on SAES? :About 1 year old. Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : TST. Are You In Any G/S/C now? N/A. You know any members of TheH? If yes , who ?All Members Are my Friend. Why you want be TheH member ?I Want Help My Country Player hhh And I Want Rais it Up.
  2. > Participant: @Razak @McJoni @Imad01 @Casper > Story: Today we packed yesterday's shipping, that took long enough to find us new clients, in shipping was protein, fresh protein. After picking it up we drove to place where.. We received a call from our Rock customer that he would be a little late and see a black car approaching us, alone, without any other citizens in it, telling us that we were 3 people from our gang CDS Half an hour later, Rock arrived ... *Rock was busy, so he wanted to do everything quick, he didn't even care about price, because goverment will pay him, so he doesn't worry about price, but he wanted to test protein quality, because we were new to him. So we showed him our protein and gave Rock to test it out and tell us how is it, is it good or not. He was alright with it, he said put it in my car's back, so after my boys Imad and McJoni put it in we shook hands, said bye to each other and dealt that we have to teach TST troopers new moves, because he liked protein, maybe we train well too. * THE END
  3. Participant: @Razak Story: After yesterdays incident with the mechanic, I thought I had gotten off and the drugs were never discovered. Turns out someone had told the police I was carrying drugs in my trunk of my car. It was a new day, early in the morning. I was cruising down the Las Venturas highway when a police officer approached me from behind and switched his lights on. I tried to run for it, I had hit a lamp post and finally came to a stop thinking well this is it, I am going to jail. The officer approached my vehicle gun drawn and told me to get out of the car with my hands up. I did as the officer said, I didn't want another dead body on my hands today. This cop wanted to search my trunk, he said he had gotten a call regarding me carrying drugs in my motor vehicle. I refused to allow him to search my vehicle, at this point the officer made a surprising turn. His attitude changed, I realized I knew this officer, it was Rock my friend a friend of CDS. I decided to slip him a $20 and he let me off. SS:https://imgur.com/a/FiyfLkA
  4. @Rock said in ~[The Strike Team]~(navy) Media Archive: ! Participants:@FireSnow Story:And I opened a food shop and there is a policeman coming to check my Mukalla and found the pies from the Pisa polluted and examined the rest of the agencies and found a little equipment contaminated P said to me"u are under arrest"And took me to the court and two streets on this polluted food began to work again and made new foods and every day and I want to open this shop I find customers waiting for me to open and became the most famous cook Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. [Attenders:] @gondinfayar [Story:] I was driving from LV Road. There was a reckless driver who exceeded the speed limit. I rushed to his interrogation. He was interrogated at [TST] headquarters. I was detained for a certain period. After the prison sentence, I warned him against repeating this serious mistake and respect the laws of speed and not stop by the police. [SS:]https://imgur.com/a/MQf5rsv
  6. ~[Part 1 / Personal information.]~(navy) Ingame Name: Rock Account name:Anis02 Real Name: Anis Age: 16 Country: Algeria Languages: Arabic,Frensh,English Gender: Male Nationality: Algeria Have you ever been kicked/banned from the server ? / if yes why?:N/A Have you ever been kicked from a Gang/squad ? / if yes why?: N/A,i was in ICE and i do left,because there's was some problems. ~[Part 2 / Your playtime in MTA/SAES.]~(navy) How long have you been playing MTA?:About 3 years How long have you been playing on SAES?:About 1 year old. How many hours do you play in a day?:3-4 hours per day. How many times do you visit the forums in a day?:Maybe,2-3 times per Hour. Previous gangs/squads?:ICE Are you in any groups?:No Do you have PC (Procop membership)?:Nope. ~[Part 3 / Questions about your qualifications.]~(navy) Strengths:Driving, Shooting, Team Working, Driving Heli and planes and Aresting Weaknesses: i dont know i tell you when i find my weakness Describe Deathmatch:Deathmatch are Killing someone with no reason,For example!:if im a cop and i see criminal whit 0 stars i CANT kill him or destroy his car Describe Roleplay:Roleplay is acting like in reallife For example:Kidnaping someone or protect someone. Describe TeamWork:Helping Your team in every thing,For example: when i am whit someone and help them if i am whit my friend and i see a 36 star i help him to arrest him whit 36 stars! Add a picture of your stats by using www.imgur.com (press /stats ingame)(use spoilers: ::: ::: ~[Part 4 / What to do if.]~(navy) What would you do if you are chasing someone and they avoided arrest?:Simple thing,I'll write the /report and report him,in this case admins will do the rest. What would you do if someone came and asked you for a bribe?: Well,as i see,TST never bribe just bribe friends,also if i want to bribe i would like to bribe only who gots 5-Stars. Someone DMs you:Just Report him to the Admins. An admin asks you something:I'll let all my work and answear him.ofcourse i do the possible to. Someone from our squad with a higher rank calls you? I will try to respond to the call immediately. If I'm really bussy, I will try to finish it ASAP, and after come to the higher ranked player. ~[Part 5 / Additional Questions.]~(navy) Did any TST member suggest you to apply? Who?:Nope. Did you have the chance to hang around with any TST before applying? If so who?: yes, [TST]NRG[HQ],[TST]McJoni. Where is our private forums?:https://saesrpg.uk/topic/70/tst-the-strike-team Who is the Leader and the Vice leader of TST?: The Leader are :[TST]John[L] -Vice Leader is :[TST]N.FUN[VL]. Why do you want to join TST?:I'd like to join in TST because it's really active squad and fun.I still have a lot of friends here.Still,I like the TST members,because they were having fun,and we always patrolled.I want to be one of them. Give us atleast one good reason to accept you?:Because,Im active one,and i like to play as a cop,Im loyal and mature&Trusted members,Also,ill offer all that things In-game. Tell us something about yourself( more than 30 words):My real name is Anis I live in Algeria. in free time I like play football and play computer games like FIFA MTA Far CRY GTA V! also a lot of time I spent on SAES:RPG it my biggest strength also I like spent time hanging out with my friends and some friends I have from SAES but they live with me in one city and we are hanging out in real life Additional information: N/A
  7. ~[SAES RPG 2019 : NCI-Activity]~(blue) ~[SS:]~(blue)https://imgur.com/a/ewUiPaR.
  8. GENERAL INFORMATION In Game Name: Rock Username: Anis02 Age: 14 Nationality: algerian. Languages: Arabick and English. Total Server Playtime: 159hours. Previous Gangs/Squads/Companies: N/A Current/Previous Groups: N/A Have you ever been banned, if yes, why: N/A ROLEPLAY INFORMATION For you, what is C.I.A.: For me, C.I.A is a group of experienced people which keeps USA's and San Andreas's citizens safe from criminals and dangerous units. It also gathers intelligence in order to help others infiltrate them. What unit would you like to join in the future, and why: If I get into this squad I would like to join intelligence unit because I really like scouting and gathering intel about gangs and organisations. What is our main role: Your main role is assisting other organisations and squads in gathering intel and smoothing down problems eventually. What can you bring to the squad: I can bring some of my experience of the game to the squad like my driving and roleplaying skill. Describe a short situation (a few paragraphs), on how you would act during a spying mission: During a spying mission I would of course keep cool stay disguised. While stalking the target I would use a common used car like Ford if I had to .Keep a safe distance between me and the target and learn on what the target is up to. OTHER INFORMATION Any other information you wish to specify: N/A Anyone recommended you to apply, if yes, who: Andre did Why did you choose C.I.A.: I chose C.I.A because I like the intelligence gathering type of squads. It also reminds me of MI6 which I miss. I feel like I really want to be in this squad and help it grow efficiently. 1 Reply Last reply 22 days ago Reply. Iam rock Ilike CIA..
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