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Everything posted by denox

  1. Address: Mister Magoos Magic Emporium Shop Account name: artz Last seen: 18th November 2022 Screenshots:
  2. Date: 31/01/2024 Activity: Stopping BR. Participants: @Max. @aws @Ntruder @Dinaz @SKY-911- @nulgath @denox @Sou Screenshots:
  3. Date: 31/01/2024 Activity: Stopping SR. Participants: @Dinaz @aws @kellerman @denox Screenshots:
  4. Date: 31/01/2024 Activity: Securing VIP Participants: @Dinaz @nulgath @denox Screenshots:
  5. Date: 21/01/2024 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @JeremaYa @Enemy44 @denox Screenshots:
  6. Date: 16/01/2024 Activity: Securing VIP Participants: @JeremaYa @N2OStriker @denox Screenshots:
  7. Address: Chocolate Covered Scorpions Shop Account name: mojtabar Last seen: 26th September 2022 Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/weLdNzs.png
  8. Type Of Activity: Refueling gas stations. Date: 11.07.2023. Participants: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/GQN1kbZ
  9. Date: 07/07/2023 Activity: Securing VIP. Screenshots:
  10. Date: 05/07/2023 Activity: Stopping JB. Screenshots:
  11. Date: 05/07/2023 Activity: Stopping BR. Screenshots:
  12. Date: 04/07/2023 Activity: Stopping SR Screenshots:
  13. Ingame username: kavkazets Ingame nickname: Denox Previous nicknames: none Age: 19 Date started playing on SAES: 02/08/12 00:00 Current memberships: SWAT, CS and raceTECH. Previous memberships: TST, MI-6, ALT, BS, CripZ and HS. Previous punishments/bans: I've been banned twice for affiliating with a copycat server. My strengths: I can quickly adjust to new situations, handle change and think fast. I can solve complex problems, my ability to communicate and listen actively is a commitment to achieving common goals as a part of the team. My weaknesses: I keep striving for excellence, I sometimes tend to spend more time than necessary on tasks to ensure they are perfect. Additional information: None I agree to the rules of this organisation: Yes I agree to the rules of the community/server: Yes
  14. dead ass nigga
  15. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/30851/donation-point-balance-denox When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 06.02.2022 ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: removed for inactivity Location: removed for inactivity Interior: removed for inactivity ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Shamal (if possible) at LVAP. Username: kavkazets
  16. hapy birthday
  17. Nickname: My nickname is Denox. Ingame account name: kavkazets. Discord name and tag: denox#3440. How long you have been playing SAES?: 8 years straight. Server Memberships: I've come back from a very long low activity period and I'm not sure of all the groups I'm still in, but I can recall raceTECH and Cunning Stunts for sure. Your strengths: I believe that one of my greatest strength is the ability to solve problems quickly and efficiently. I can see any given situation from multiple perspectives, which makes me uniquely qualified to complete my tasks even under challenging conditions. That problem solving allows me to be a better communicator. I can firmly say that my ability to see all sides of an issue will make me a great asset to the team. Your weaknesses: Tendency to take on too much responsibility. Last legitimate adminjail: I don't remember the exact time, but surely months ago. Last legitimate ban: As far as I remember, it was back in 2019. Additional Information (Optional): Have you read the entire topic before applying?: Yes, I did.
  18. Hello, just came to congratulate developers and contributors for those changes, it seems all those discussions, feedbacks, forum posts were worth it, time to raise activity time honest congratulations.
  19. Display Name: Denox Username: kavkazets Link to ALL Donation Topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/4089/donation-denox-amount-5-00-gbp & https://saesrpg.uk/topic/4088/donation-denox-amount-5-00-gbp Total number of Donation Points: 10 DP
  20. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/30851/donation-point-balance-denox When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 25.01.2021 ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: removed for inactivity Location: removed for inactivity Interior: removed for inactivity ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Infernus (no upgrades), HS base, exact place will be shown in-game.
  21. North Dakota Access Pipeline Protests Ferguson Riots 2017 St. Louis protests2017 Nuclear testing at Bikini Atoll Unite the Right rally Charlotte riots Attack on the Sui-ho Dam Milwaukee riots Shooting of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile Occupation of the Malheur NationalWildlife Refuge Malheur death of Freddie Gray Shooting of Michael Brown death of Eric Garner, Oakland California Eric Garner Operation Condor Occupy WallStreet My Lai Massacre St. Petersburg, Florida Kandahar Massacre 1992Washington Heights riots 1992 No Gun Ri Massacre L.A. Rodney King riots 1979 Greensboro Massacre 1979 Vietnam War Kent State shootings Bombing of Tokyo San Francisco Police Department Park Station bombing Assassination of MartinLuther King, Jr. Long Hot Summer of 1967 1967 Bagram Selma to Montgomery marches Highway of Death Ax Handle Saturday Battle of Evarts Battle ofBlair Mountain McCarthyism Red Summer Rock Springs massacre Pottawatomie massacre Jeju uprising Colfaxmassacre Reading Railroad massacre Rock Springs massacre Bay viewMassacre Lattimer massacre Ludlow massacre Everett massacre Centralia Massacre Ocoee massacre Ocoee Herrin Massacre Redwood Massacre Columbine Mine Massacre Guantanamo Bay extraordinary rendition Abu Ghraib torture and prison abuse Henry Kissinger '
  22. @liyones said in Show us yourself V3: Eid Mubarak everyone ! <3 :smiling_face_with_sunglasses: Another one ! the drip is immaculate
  23. Address: 21 Donut Road Account name: mezwed Last seen: 11th June 2021 Screenshots:
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