Part 1 / Personal information. Ingame Name:Danetion Real Name:Ahmed Age:16 Country:Cairo Languages:English,Arabic Gender:Male Nationality:Egyptain Have you ever been kicked/banned from the server ? / if yes why?no Have you ever been kicked from a Gang/squad ? / if yes why?no Part 2 / Your playtime in MTA/SAES. How long have you been playing MTA?6 years+ How long have you been playing on SAES?less than a week How many hours do you play in a day?5 + How many times do you visit the forums in a day?4+ Previous gangs/squads?:N\A Are you in any groups?:N\A Do you have PC (Procop membership)?:no Part 3 / Questions about your qualifications. Strengths:Tactics Weaknesses:N\A Describe Deathmatch:In a Team Deathmatch, the players are organized into two or more teams, with each team having its own frag count. Friendly fire may or may not cause damage, depending on the game and the rules used if it does, players that kill a teammate (called a team kill) usually decrease their own score and the team's score by one point; in certain games, they may also themselves be killed as punishment, and/or may be removed from the game for repeat offenses. The team with the highest frag-count at the end wins. Describe RolePlay:A role-playing game is a game in which the participants assume the roles of characters and collaboratively create stories. Participants determine the actions of their characters based on their characterisation, and the actions succeed or fail according to a formal system of rules and guidelines. Within the rules, they may improvise freely; their choices shape the direction and outcome of the games. Describe TeamWork:In a Team Deathmatch, the players are organized into two or more teams, with each team having its own frag count. Friendly fire may or may not cause damage, depending on the game and the rules used if it does, players that kill a teammate (called a team kill) usually decrease their own score and the team's score by one point; in certain games, they may also themselves be killed as punishment, and/or may be removed from the game for repeat offenses. The team with the highest frag-count at the end wins. Add a picture of your "stats" by using (press /stats ingame)(use spoilers: [ Spoiler][ /spoiler] Part 4 / What to do if. What would you do if you are chasing someone and they avoided arrest?I'll keep chasing him until i catch him What would you do if someone came and asked you for a bribe?I'll refuse Someone DMs you:I'll answer if he really needs my help An admin asks you something:I'll respond Someone from our squad with a higher rank calls you?I'll respond asap Part 5 / Additional Questions. Did any TST member suggest you to apply? Who?Yes, [TST]Bangas Did you have the chance to hang around with any TST before applying? If so who?yes,[TST]Bangas Where is our private forums?:I don't know to be honest Who is the Leader and the Vice leader of TST?:[TST]John[L] PC, SAES>TheKiller PC,[TST]Nfun[VL] PC Why do you want to join TST?:Well,Because as i can see TST is one of the best groups overhere and to be honest i would like to be part of a great group like TST to gain alot of skills also to make new friends and to learn everything about SAES,today i meet Bangas he is really mature and respectful he help me out to gain money also he told me some rules about the server. Give us atleast one good reason to accept you?:You should accept be because I'm a different and unique kinda of person and my behavior is also a nice mix of bein social,funny but come on It's TST so we obivously need some serious and independent behavior before we step into this big adventure and I'm honest and just trying to make the best of it as you maybe but just maybe can see I'm also a hard worker Tell us something about yourself( more than 30 words): Hello, my name isAhmed Sayed, I am 16 years old which makes me the youngest member of my family, I live in Egypt, Cairo which is known as a beautiful landscape, I used to have a very childish behavior mostly ingame which makes me feel regretful. Anyway, I am currently mature for my age and excelled on many of my varied hobbies. I do well at school, often knowing how to talk English very well and Brazlin a little bit before the concept had ever been introduced to our class. I was quite smug, unfortunately, self-awarness wasn't something I learned until many years later., I am getting a lot of pressure placed on my by my parents and I began to get tired of it, hopefully that I am doing a good job and about to succeed, I love sports and exercises to keep myself in a good shape. Additional information:Nope