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  1. @Lincoln which still ruins the whole point of turf-wars. You neutralize a zone at night with 8 FBIs when "Gang X" has no active members, the next day "Gang Y" turfs it from you and shortly after "Gang X" turfs it back. Meanwhile, cops neutralizing the zones would decrease the defense attitude from gangs who are trying to hold their zones and fight for them. It's not always about the free money, the economy isn't the best anyway. You don't want a gang to farm free money? Then you can ask your favourite gang to turf them.
  2. And what's the point here? Resulting in more mess, flooding /reports and nothing more than that. If you have experienced real life scenarios in the west, turf war itself refers to controlling of territories. Police Department's job is to stabilize a turf war by arresting people when they are fighting for a zone, not to acquire a zone themselves as it makes no sense at all. As for the outnumbering part, it is quite balanced with 6v6 gangs and some being neutral. However if a gang lacks in taking part in such activities it is not to be blamed at the other side securing zones for days using their strategy.
  3. It is somewhat near to the Casino. It has 2 public cars and a public freeway near to it. Starting bid: $5,000,000 Minimum bid increase: $1,000,000 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/wxsies6
  4. Address: 7 Donut Road Account name: omarl68 Last seen: 2nd October 2021 https://imgur.com/b3VapCD
  5. @millionaire_ https://i.imgur.com/fJMZ6A0.png
  6. Address: Yoshi's party house Account name: Makeeeh Last seen: 21st February 2022 blob:https://imgur.com/3f08cb0f-fb32-4bf9-9523-948c57f3d8af
  7. Your ingame username: ghostviper Your ingame alias: UE|millionaire Your year of birth: 1995 Your gender: Male Nationality: Bengali Country of residence: Bangladesh How long you have been playing SAES: Been playing since 2014 Qualities you can offer: I believe in pure justice, I never differentiate in between strangers or people I know. I'm the same person to everyone. I would count in my time-zone as an advantage, I meet several cultures of people during my whole day of playing at different points. As long as I am available, I can respond within a couple of minutes. I have a lot of free time to play, however I don't have the motivation right now. I have always enjoyed the game, my playtime duration says it all. Your weaknesses: I am a short tempered person in real life however that never had anything to do with in-game. Although with the help of meditation I feel way more relaxed since last few months, so completely stable emotionally! This is actually a legit weakness I could list. Not sure if I would call it a weakness but I'm a little egoistic person, I only talk where necessary. Do you have Discord Installed: Yes, I do Reason for application: My interest in the clan have always been high. Maybe my qualities or my activity was not really up to the mark previously, however I'm willing to boost it to the maximum amount if I have responsibilities. Currently things are more scattered, with honesty I don't really play SAES like I used to. This is only because I have been doing the same things past 7 years. The only reason I still play is because of the community and the people inside. The number of people joining and leaving ratio is somewhat close. Therefore you always get to see new names and organizations around. I believe in my previous experience with leading and dealing, also my communication skills and methodology could suit me great for this position! Server Memberships: I am a High Commission member in Underground Empire, a ZIP construction worker also Cuban Cars Honorary member. Additional information: Hello, I am Muntasir, born and raised in a South Asian country named Bangladesh. I am a businessman also I am improving on my core education. I am a business student, I am very keen about cars in real life. I am a man with big dreams which I'm making progress on. I have a strong bonding with animals and nature. I like to spend my weekends in my village home most of the time which is a 2 hour drive from my address. I have started several small poultry businesses as well as meat production from cows and dairy farming, fish farming, plantations, etc. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: No legit punishments in the recent years that I can recall. Previous (legitimate) bans: I have been a part of a server back in 2015 which used SAES resources, wasn't really aware but meh.
  8. Our sincere sympathies to you and the family on behalf of @Underground-Empire
  9. Dont allow arresting inside turf zones. Let cops receive a notification when theres a turfwar, one cop killing the attacking gang member equals -20 progress. (If you cover and snipe its quite easy to kill everyone so dont whine about it) killing the defending gang however shouldnt reduce the progress to avoid abuse. Cops entering the zone should receive like 1k every 5 seconds? Turfwars shouldnt be as easy as it is at the moment anyway. Also it shouldnt be a gang vs gang situation only. Like the idea, might bring some activity into the cop side.
  10. Hi, I've been a part of ZIP Worker for last 6 years. Was invited by Tilong back then. I'd like to claim my membership back as I'm back active.
  11. @Rolando12 denied.
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