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Everything posted by Ikillyou_today

  1. Participants: @Ikillyou_today District: All Districts Shift period: Evening shift (09/26/2020) Number of vehicles: 10 ::: :::
  2. Participants: @Ikillyou_today District: LS/LV/SF Shift period: Morning shift (09/21/2020) Number of vehicles: 11 ::: :::
  3. Participants: @Ikillyou_today District: LS/LV Shift period: Afternoon shift (09/12/2020) Number of vehicles: 8 Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. GXT Members: [GXT]Ikillyou (me) Time Taken: 20 mins Vehicles Fixed: 13 Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. Roleplay type: Bomb threat Description of roleplay (minimum 3 sentences): It was a day of training for the LS Fire Department and Lieutenant Aurora was going to start the day for us. We then got an incoming emergency call of a possible bomb threat near ammunation LS. We immediately stopped our training and packed our gear. We arrived on scene with 2 engines and an ambulance. The intersection was blocked to prevent incoming traffic. In the process of defusing the suspected van it caught fire. We gave any civilians nearby a gas mask after the explosion and escorted them to safety. There was no severe damages on the scene after clearing everything up. Location: Los Santos Participants: @Aurora , @Guard , @Rocker ,@Shwarz Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. Participants: [SAFD*]Kill (Me) District: LS, LV Shift period: Morning (08/21/2020) Number of vehicles: 12 Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. GXT Members: [GXT]Ikillyou (Myself) Time Taken: 25mins Vehicles Fixed: 11 Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. Happy birthday Sanfara!
  9. Involved agents: Royal|Max, Royal|Kilios, RoyalLazar Type of the activity: General patrol ::: :::
  10. Participants: Remp District: All Districts Shift period: Night shift (08/06/2020) Number of vehicles: 6 Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. GXT Members: Myself Time Taken: 30mins Vehicles Fixed: 6 Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. Participants: Myself District: All Districts Shift period: Evening shift (08/01/2020) Number of vehicles: 8 Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. GXT Members: Myself Time Taken: 40 Vehicles Fixed: 7 Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. Participants: Myself District: All districts Shift period: Night shift 07/24/2020 Number of vehicles: 13 Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. Participants: Myself District: Los santos, Las Venturas Shift period: Night Shift (07/20/2020) Number of vehicles: 13 Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. Participants: @Ikillyou_today, @Matthews District: All Districts Shift period: Night shift (07/19/2020) Number of vehicles: 11 Screenshots: ::: :::
  17. Participants: Myself District: Las Venturas, Los Santos Shift period: Night Shift (7/18/2020) Number of vehicles: 11 Screenshots: ::: :::
  18. Shift: 7/13/20 Participants: @Matthews District: Los Santos, Las Venturas, San Fierro Shift period: 20 min Number of vehicles: 9 Screenshots: ::: :::
  19. Involved agents: Royal|FTH, Royal|Sanfara, Royal|Guard, Royal|Vanessa, Royal|Ikillyou Type of the activity: Mixed patrolling and vip. Screenshots: ::: :::
  20. RP: 7/04/20 Roleplay type: Emergency fire at ALT base in Bone County Description of roleplay (minimum 3 sentences): We received a emergency call of the ALT base being on fire in Bone County. The warehouse was heavily on fire and even started to rapidly spread. Our manpower alone was not enough for this fire and we received backup. With the use of all of our engines, we managed to successfully extinguished the fire. Location: Bone County ALT Base Participants: @FTH , @Ferthis , @ALIJR007 , @minx , @The-Best1 , @Leonard Screenshots: ::: :::
  21. Shift: 7/02/20 Participants: District: Los Santos Shift period: 10 min Number of vehicles: 6 Screenshots: ::: :::
  22. Shift: 6/30/20 Participants: @Matthews District: Las Venturas, Los Santos Shift period: 15 min Number of vehicles: 3 Screenshots: ::: :::
  23. Involved agents: Royal|Ikillyou, Royal|FTH, Royal|Sanfara, Royal|sushii Type of the activity: Mixed patrolling, VIP transportation and activity. ::: :::
  24. RP: 6/27/20 Roleplay type: Burning house in Los Santos Description of roleplay (minimum 3 sentences): Arrived to the emergency call in Los Santos. The roof was heavily on fire along with the garage. We arrived on scene and extinguished the fire as fast as possible. Location: Los Santos Vinewood Mansion Participants: @Ferthis, @FTH, @DALI-i , @Niklaus Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/MezHDHO :::
  25. Shift: 5/24/20 Participants: @Richard , @FTH , Tiesto District: Las Venturas Shift period: 10 min Number of vehicles: 4 Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/A29QMFV :::
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