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Newbie (1/14)



  1. @Jiirak thx Bro :D
  2. ~[Personal information]~(purple) ~[Nickname]~(purple) Brooz ~[Ingame Username]~(purple) aziz95400 ~[Age:]~(#800080) 17 ~[English proficiency]~(#800080) 7-10 ~[Nationality]~(#800080) tunisian ~[Roleplay skills:]~(#800080) 6-10 ~[Previous Organizations you joined and the reason why you left/kicked :]~(#800080) * [ CDC|Luffy ]: i left because its inactive gang ~[Questionnaire]~(purple) ~[Write a paragraph explaining our Role:]~(800080) WA its bigg gang in the serveur and aslo have illegal activity in the sale of rare varieties of drugs with high quality ..it is also one of the largest in the trade of all types of weapons and has ... ~[Previous punishments/bans and reason:]~(#800080) i have 1 adminjail ( i did something wrong ) ~[Why you want to join Wild Angels?:]~(#800080) i decide to join amongg WA family coz i will find my comfort there coz the most players tunisian also i want to upgrade my exprience !! WA its the dream of all SAES crims. ~[What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? :]~(#800080) i' m active player , friendlly , i will respect my WA mates specially HQs team aslo i have gang expr i mean i knw what i will do also i know all the rules basic / gangs rules ( i won't do any mistake ). ~[What does DeathMatch means:]~(#800080) DM is means to Dm or killing Someone with No reasan. ~[If someone randomly DMed you, what will you do?:]~(#800080) I will make SS and i will report him. ~[So you were going for a JB then you find a cop (AFK or not chasing you), what will you do?]~(#800080): I won't do anything to him !! its not allowed ~[What does avoid arrest means:]~(#800080) When cop will arrest you don't kill ur self or make /reconnect ~[State 3 turf rules:]~(#800080) Don't spawn as medic or cop to help ur gang mates. Nades allowed in turfwar. Helper / gang alliance can help in turf. ~[State 3 BR rules:]~(#800080) Don't BR alone. Don't kill in enterance. Don't jump form roof without parashute ( kill ur self ). ~[State 3 GR rules:]~(#800080) don't spawn in your Prop. Nades not allowed. Don't block ur safe with vehicle. ~[Additional Information]~(purple) ~[Do you know any WA Member, and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? :]~(#800080) @Hetler ~[What are your strengths:]~(#800080): Shooting / Driving / Parashuting. ~[What are your weaknesses:]~(#800080): FPS/Lag. ~[Something else to add?:]~(#800080) : i need one chance to show my skills !! i will do my best for my new family WA !! i will follow all ordres !! and thanks for reading :heart:
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