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  1. Application Type: CS Your ingame username: nunog Your ingame alias: Nuno Your real name: Nuno Your DOB: 06/04/94 00:00 Your gender: Male Nationality: Portuguese Country of residence: Portugal Language skills: Portuguese, Spanish, English English Proficiency: Good How long you have been playing: Since 2011 Your strengths: Knowledge of the server and the community gained through the experience of the years. Your weaknesses: I usually play during the night (sv time), so that would be the activity ingame during the peak of the server, although that’s also when you have most of the staff online and not during the late hours. However I’m very active on discord during the day. Member of the SAES discord server: Yes Reason for application: I consider myself someone who likes to help people, I always try to put myself on their shoes. On the sever, players create an expectation on the administration and staff, which is the obligation and availability to help solving their issues and that’s what it should deliver to them. I do have that mindset not only on the staff part but as a player who’ve always tried to welcome and teach newcomers. Unique qualities you can offer: Pretty much what I already wrote above. Server Memberships: The Outfit VL, raceTECH VL, CLO Teniente, OB Additional information: I hope I’m not applying for Cunning Stunts. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Obviously a few AJ, many years ago. Can’t confirm when or how many. No punishments on the last few years. Previous (legitimate) bans: Got a ban for DM like a decade ago from either Deso or Nanobob, can’t really recall. 3 years ago a ban of a few hours by Tut for a miss understanding, on which I keep being bullied about it inside O, should fill a complaint about him!
  2. Address: 11 beach view Account name: khaled0099 Last seen: 5 nov 2023 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/3wk4T5q
  3. Address:BES LV Warehouse Account name:luisdavid123 Last seen: 7th October 2023 Screenshots:
  4. For a moment I thought you would create WSG gang again.
  5. Address: 4 LS Marina Account name: piemonster11 Last seen: 23rd March 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/KYOk7zu
  6. I forgot to mention I got ZIP when the group was created... I'm interested in joining again to be able to make a few constructions.
  7. @LxTiaguinhO Good times :)
  8. Disable it for jail and bank robs, Kain.
  9. @Tut-Greco If the amount of cops drop below 10, our cracking panel automatically closes and we can't proceed until we don't have 10 again. If this script rule can be changed, obviosuly it would be great. Even if that gets changed DE and HLS should be counted into that quote.
  10. @Crash Let's focus on the main subject that is simply about counting DE as a cop for the bank robs. If you want to speak about gang/DE rules, this isn't the topic for it. Speak with DE HQ and solve it internally. @Patrol I put it in the same bag because you can attend to a bank rob... @Marko Your reply is so baseless that I wonder if you know what are we discussing here.
  11. Good afternoon, Lately, we (official gangs) have faced a problem on BR's, some of the current players spawned as cop, respawn HLS or DE. This already made us fail a few robberies because the number of cops decreased below the limit of 10. To avoid this problem, I suggest that HLS and DE start counting as cop. Regards,
  12. I don't agree with removing kill arrest at the prison. I like the cop side to be active so we can have more fun. About bank robberies, in my opinion kill arrest is not fair at all. If a cop can respawn and come to the bank again, criminals should be able to do it. Another thing: We have cops who respawn criminals when we start doing a BR. HLS members respawn HLS, O failed a BR this week because Kain respawned as HLS and some other cop as criminal, which dropped the enough quantity of cops to be able to BR. I won't say HLS shouldnt be able to attend BR, but at least make them count as cop !
  13. @Deu said in Department of Homeland Security - Bank Review: @System31 said in Department of Homeland Security - Bank Review: oUtFit is iNactiVe I would be active after several months of inactivity and several memes as well, considering you haven't been demoted by the gang management which is highly inactive and can't make a simple decision among their team. btw keep free inviting ex safp members into your gang and call yourselves active kek @Deu At least NNB is still alive and activily working to stop BRs. Keep your good job man.
  14. Event type: Last Man Standing Event price: 500.000 Event winner: U|Venom Event screens: Link
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