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Everything posted by rivalsj

  1. My blood glucose level dropped, I need to eat something sweet. Can I eat you @Adistar ?
  2. Parabns caralho, gira esse @JP4
  3. hbd bro :) <3
  4. :honk:
  5. @Siirtuga Parabens caralhooo
  6. @Adistar
  7. Hbd broski dog of arabia
  8. Hot topic
  9. kid hhhh hbd, soon 10y bro
  10. Hbd viadao
  11. Hbd bro eso ;)
  12. Hbd camels in da house
  13. Hbd queen
  14. It was a great pleasure to be part of this fantastic and amazing group and to be able to lead it together with the best people side to side. These were incredible moments, over the years several achievements have been made, goals completed, progress and I can only thank everyone who took part in this journey I just have to thank everyone who could be part of this group and those outside of it who gave us motivation Keep the code, Always be yourself, unless you can be a pirate. Then always be a pirate. May your blade always be wet, and powder dry. Yarrrrrrrrrr.
  15. HBD :hype:
  16. Address: Idlewood Flats 2 Account name: aymen000 Last seen: 25th July 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/VXhKC4l
  17. Address: Idlewood Flats 2 Account name: aymen000 Last seen: 25th July 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/VXhKC4l
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