Application Format: Personal information Nickname: xLuna Ingame Username: xluna Age: 15 English proficiency: 6/10 Nationality: Tunisian Spoken Languages: Arabic Roleplay skills: 7/10 Previous Organizations you joined and the reason why you left/kicked : N/A Questionnaire Write a paragraph explaining our Role: Wild Angels is hunting and killing people like hitman one guy pay to Wild Angels. Previous punishments/bans and reason: No Why you want to join Wild Angels?: I think WA is an active gang, Friendly, A gang that is growing up per day. Proof of that, They got level 4 so it's good. So why Should'nt I try my luck. What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : Well, As I think, I can be a hoster for events & RPs, I like RPs so much, I can bring a lot of new ideas from WA role. I can say I have some experience with this business. However I can help with Turfs, GRs, I'm not that type of rulebreakers. Anyway, I hope I can pass a good time with you. What does DeathMatch means: Deathmatch mean Killing players without Reason If someone randomly DMed you, what will you do?: Take ScreenShoot and report him or tells u So you were going for a JB then you find a cop (AFK or not chasing you), what will you do?: Leave him What does avoid arrest means: When cops behind you want arrest and u did I'm Stuck Or Kill yourSelf or Quit from Games thats Avoid And Punshiment Adminjailed. State 3 turf rules: 1-Dont Spwan in Your House when your prop near War 2-Dont Spawn Cops To Arrest Enemy War 3-Dont Kill Your Alliance In Turf State 3 BR rules: 1- Gangs can make maximum 2 BR per day 2- You not allowed to spwan Cops and failed your alliance gangs or your teammate . 3- You Cant Start BR Alone State 3 GR rules: 1-Cops alowed to arrest 2-Dont spawn kill 3-CLO / DE not alowed to assist Additional Information Do you know any WA Member, and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : KARIM,Strong,Arone,Hetler and Rocket.. What are your strengths: Driving,Shooting,Flying,Parachuting What are your weaknesses: Cracking. Something else to add?: N/A Regards, Luna