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Psychopath's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. well im a new guy on the server but he is right, cops here are abit overpowered since the dmg of the weps its quite reduced and the only thing they have to do is to hit u with a taser meanwhile u cant go face to face with him with the shotgun cuz u will be stopped while shooting and u are a ez target, if u try to use close combat weps like uzi its better but the dmg that the uzi takes its rly a shit lets be honest, one more thing we cant run with guns such as a M4 / Sniper so it makes even worst for us to run from a cop you guys should change some aspects to make the game even better, i played on some other servers and i rly like this one but the combat system is rly bad i have to be honest lets see why: you cant run with good weps, only 1 group or something like that use 2 uzi fking unfair thats suppose to be to everyone, if u engage 2 cops its impossible to kill them both since they can just keep spamming taser till they hit u, i think u should add a violent crim and non violent crim system: lemme explain if im wanted and i dont try to kill the cop im a non violent criminal it means only by tasing they can arrest me, if i aim at the cop i change to a violent criminal that means that only by killing they can arrest me it will improve asf the combat situations between cops and it will be needed skills to kill someone, the uzi thing too why we cant use 2 uzi and only 1 group can? i understand they must have some benefits but not that one thats suppose to be to everyone dont take it like im telling that this server sucks or something im just saying some aspects that we should improve. One more thing the jail time is rly high for just 1 robbery if we get arrested we get 400 secs thats like 6 mins it rly makes the new guys quit if you dont have a group with a base or something u cant rly survive so well cuz everytime u find a cop its almost impossible to run cuz only thing it takes to cops is to hit u with the nightstick
  2. Application Format: Personal information Nickname: Psychopath Ingame Username: TheH4ckerPT (acc name) Psychopath ( nickname ) Age: 18 English proficiency: 7/10 thats how i rate my english skills Nationality: Portuguese Spoken Languages: English and abit of spanish Roleplay skills: i did some with rebels but im here to improve im not very experienced at it Previous Organizations you joined and the reason why you left/kicked : none Questionnaire Write a paragraph explaining our Role: by my own words i think that Wild Angels is a well organized criminal crew that do everything at his reach to achieve his goals no matter whos facing with Previous punishments/bans and reason: with 1/2 hours i got punished because i was wanted and i found 2 cops near me and i start shooting because i thought they were trying to arrest me Why you want to join Wild Angels?: Because i see WIld Angels as an experienced gang and a good gang to improve myself and to feel needed, the way that the gang acts fits me because i dont quit easily and i do everything i can to achieve my goals too What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : im different because i can adapt myself easily to hard situations and with them i rly improve myself faster and i enjoy that cuz i feel that my hard work is giving me some profits What does DeathMatch means: dmging someone or something like a car without any reason. If someone randomly DMed you, what will you do?: i will try to make him stop by talking with him and explaining him and then if i feel like that its rly needed i will report him to an admin or i will just ignore it if it is a new guy. So you were going for a JB then you find a cop (AFK or not chasing you), what will you do?: i will keep doing my job and let him there. What does avoid arrest means: using dirty moves to avoid being arrested by a cop like killing myself on a disk. State 3 turf rules: 1- you can only use ur gang spawn to turf not to help your own gang as a cop or as a medic. / 2- only way to heal yourself is by respawing or getting health from a medic that dont belong to your gang. / 3- you cant use unreachable roofs to turf , State 3 BR rules: 1- A gang can only do a BR 2 times per day / 2- its not allowed to camp the entrace of the BR once it starts. / 3- killing crims on purpose to avoid being arrested outside by the cops. State 3 GR rules: 1- you cant use helpers to rob a gang, only gang members can do it / 2- if u call another gang to help you, u cant kill them after the rob to get your money back. 3- robbing a gang that is hosting a BR its not allowed Additional Information Do you know any WA Member, and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : yes Kalash and Expert they seem to be rly good guys. Nah no one did i saw with my own eyes that WA is a good gang to me. What are your strengths: Commitment: because i dont quit so easily / and long distances fights like sniper fights What are your weaknesses: im not a patient guy but i will try to improve that aspect Something else to add?: i hope u guys accept so we can improve both as an individual and a group i already see WA as a family aswell so lets ride brothers.
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