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Ridden's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. hmmmm a back on some weeks
  2. hbd khoya l3zza :) hmd
  3. Ramadan Kareem All ;)
  4. adding cells will increase lags.. SO, why not 10 players in one cell xD
  5. @Markus At least we just need a simple section for to don't go on general chat ^^
  6. -The Royals- done a exeption- ^[] ^[]
  7. Sorry , i'm very busy in real life and working as designer 'Making a good logos,banners ' takes so much time. After being free i'll re_Open it . Ridden
  8. @ZeKinG who helped me for the basics on 2015 september
  9. Event Type: TRUE/FALSE Event Helper: @Zombie Price: 1.000.000 Winner: @Sanfara Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/cA0Y7Ri
  10. Event Type: Parkour Event Helper: @Matt Price: 1.000.000 Winner: @Disaster Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/5Cd9pPF
  11. @Dazz said in [GXT Application] - Dazz: Activity type: Trucking GXT Members: @Ridden Activity details: Whetstone to Creek warehouse. Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/jDLThcW ::: :::
  12. @Dazz said in [GXT Application] - Dazz: Activity type: Trucking GXT Members: @Ridden Activity details: Meet at GXT Base in SF, and truck from docks to Top MC. Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/lLTQFsP ::: :::
  13. @Dazz said in [GXT Application] - Dazz: Activity type: Trucking to top Mt.Chiliad GXT Members: @Ridden Activity details: Trucking from LS Docks to top of MC. Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/GNTFDgR ::: :::
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