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Everything posted by Malone

  1. Serial killer
  2. @Tut-Greco said in Adding Personal Skin System: we have had this suggested, please read this Git thread https://github.com/saesrpg/saesrpg/issues/4 Oh my bad.
  3. I came with great idea about adding personal skins system and each skin you donate gotta pay 10 for it about scripting it I can do I used to Be Lua programmer I can made simple one but not sure if developers agree but really this idea might lead community for tons of donation as everyone like have his own personal skin to make him self unique.
  4. Well i wish that I can contribute a bit for group but Im kinda busy in my other server in MTA. Sorry guys @MonkaS etc.. Gonna improve my activity next week.
  5. In-game nickname: Malone In-game username: MaloneJustice Your real name: Yaser Age: 17 Nationality: Turkey How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG: well i was Ex Member of 2015 but i start to bring old day's back What previous gangs/squads/companies you have been in: N\A If you were in a G/S/C before, Why did you leave them: G\A Previous punishments/bans and reason: N\A Shooting Skills (0/10): 8/10 Roleplay Skills (0/10): 10/10 Driving Skills (0/10): 7/10 What are your strengths/weaknesses: My walking style Why you want to join Original Gangsters: i hear from a simple and cool guy these group have nice future's and they are pressing forward even they members mate are so cool. What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you: well because my loyalty but some day's i go inactive for a bit but 80% always active so you can attend on me guys i'm a nice person who can trust. Additional information about yourself: well my name Yaser, i was living in Jordan but i move to turkey these 2 year's for study but ofc i speak Turkish i got too much amazing friend's there i used to be Pixle Designer / Pixle Developer / Game Maker / Lua Programmer / Card Creator Engine also i like build a community's and help others side
  6. @xDarkMan said in Adding /mark <PlayerName>: cops will ez arrest u we will be targeted i think i said you can Enable/Disable that allowed who mark you or not, please read the idea before you guys posting.
  7. This is an automated post TXN ID: 11L18561UV244373L Donation: 1.16 GBP Requested rewards: i request for donation perk in group membership & i want cash in-game
  8. This is an automated post TXN ID: 2L376488TB084471V Donation: 0.30 GBP Requested rewards: i request for donation perk in group membership & i want cash in-game
  9. This is an automated post TXN ID: 3R901079M3987615V Donation: 0.30 GBP Requested rewards: i request for donation perk in group membership & i want cash in-game
  10. This is an automated post TXN ID: 3RA86068G5560073H Donation: 0.30 GBP Requested rewards: i request for donation perk in group membership & i want cash in-game
  11. i was think with my self why we don't add a command to mark other player's they can enable/disable it from settings. example /mark Malone then a special blip show up where Malone's location. a lot of player's wanna this idea as soon impossible it's helpful a lot too.
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