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Everything posted by Wolfys

  1. replace police Car with jester!
  2. TXN ID: <TXN ID HERE> eg. 0xb92f88c65efa2984dc05f9089f103cffaad157572f5a3ffebaf77de7f7d0a8b7 Donation Amount: <AMOUNT HERE> eg. 20.00GBP Vehicle Type: Hotring Racer , Jester Vehicle Colour:Black both Specify any upgrades:v8+awd both donatior spawn - total donated 40.00 GBP Username to lock: (your username only, use /arturs112 to add additional users) Where you want it placed: https://postimg.cc/dhC0Nzn4 For any help with rewards, please check this topic. @Brophy
  3. TXN ID: <TXN ID HERE> eg. 0xb20d6023ff4c8d8f0eb87e4e3e8551e2e1193870e57f2174bd8b60e0c2bc26bb Donation Amount: <AMOUNT HERE> eg. 20.00GBP Vehicle Type:Kart and superGT Vehicle Colour:Black both Specify any upgrades:v8+awd both Username to lock: @arturs112 Where you want it placed:https://postimg.cc/4n8MFc7Y @Brophy
  4. im sorry for that what i did :( what u cant understand?
  5. okey im sorry for that i will not again do it really sorry i dont want it :( idk what hapend to me but yes i hope @cappo u will forgive me
  6. well after she shooting his own car he kill me so yes and there is that point why i report him ;)
  7. actualy i was inactive 2 weeks so im playing saes like now 3 days so...how i can dm players if i was inactive? :D
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