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Everything posted by chaplin

  1. Request Denied. Property belongs to an admin.
  2. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 11/10/2023 Participants: Melou, Frank, Lazar, John_Dick RP Story: Last Autumn, during the planting and seeding of the new weed farm in The Outfit base it seemed like some drunk member threw extra alcohol in the seeds and when we smoked it, the taste was different. That's why we decided to name it as a new drug, "Iremia", as a reflection of our belief in the plant's ability to bring calmness and tranquility. As the crops flourished, word began to spread throughout the region about the exceptional quality of the cannabis grown at The Outfit base. Our commitment to organic farming practices and attention to detail set them apart from other growers in the area. Curiosity grew, and soon, even the local drug dealer, John_Dick, caught wind of their exceptional product. John, known for his business acumen, was open to new opportunities. He had a reputation for being a tough customer, but the gang believed that their passion and dedication would win him over. We wanted to showcase our cannabis as more than just a means to get high, but as a natural remedy for those who sought alternative therapies. With a carefully prepared presentation, O met with John under SF Highway bridge, on the outskirts of town. They explained their vision, sharing their knowledge about the therapeutic properties of cannabis and the positive impact it could have on people's lives. They hoped to persuade John to become their distributor, knowing his connections would allow their product to reach a wider audience. To their surprise, John was captivated by their presentation. He saw the potential in their approach and recognized that The Outfit could be the key to transforming his illicit business into something more meaningful. He agreed to become their exclusive distributor, on the condition that they maintained the highest standards of quality and integrity. With John's support, the new drug flourished. The demand for their product surged as people recognized the benefits of their carefully cultivated cannabis.
  3. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 11/10/2023 SR
  4. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 11/10/2023 SR
  5. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 10/10/2023 VIP
  6. This is an automated post for: chaplin Donation: GBP 10.00 GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Cheetah Vehicle Colour: - Specify any upgrades: - Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) eleos Where you want it placed: 7_walloper_road For any help with rewards, please check this topic:
  7. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 10/10/2023 SR
  8. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 10/10/2023 Assisting UE LV BR
  9. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 10/10/2023 TR BR
  10. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 10/10/2023 LS BR
  11. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 10/10/2023 Assisting KJ WH BR
  12. Request denied. Player has been active 7 days ago Next time fill the format of inactive housing requests correctly and make sure to /seen <username> of player before posting.
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