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chaplin last won the day on October 11 2023

chaplin had the most liked content!

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  1. Account name: eleos Property Name: Dirt Club Hq
  2. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? April 11 ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Everything Removed due to inactivity ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle's : Shamal (x4) Location: LS AP / LV AP / SF AP / BC AP Username: eleos Interior Vehicle's : Turismo, RC Goblin Location: Hidden Dildoo Store Username: eleos Interior Vehicle's : Bullet Location: Appartment Block 106 Username: eleos Interior Vehicle's : Kart, Monster Truck, Stuntplane, Forklift, Location: O Base Username: eleos Interior Vehicle's : Forklift Location: Helvete Base Username: eleos Interior Vehicle's : Jetmax Location: VIP drop RC Username: eleos Interior Vehicle's : Skimmer Location: VIP drop BC Username: eleos Interior
  3. das hella gay
  4. Type Of Activity: LV-LS Highway crash incident Date: 05/05/2024 Participants: chaplin, nord, ankush, macyezzon Story: While I was driving to delvier a small construction's vehicles cargo from North LV to LS docks I had an urgent call from my supervisor and I had to answer that, I know it was a big mistake to use the phone while driving but my supervisor sounded really mad at me so I focused on him. After 2 minutes of me trying to negotiate over the phone I did a small mistake and crashed my car in the edge of the LS-LV highway bridge, my truck was half hanging from the bridge and I had to call for SAFD help as fast as I could. Once they arrived they managed to check if there was any fire on the engine and they noticed only some leak causing smoke to spread. They were pretty slow and after some minutes my truck was completely out of control and fell off the bridge and it caught fire. I got burns and some serious hits and waited in front of the car until an ambulance would arrive to the scene and take care of me.
  5. sorted (1/2).
  6. sorted 2/2
  7. sorted 1/2
  8. 1 week passed with no offers made auction closed.
  9. very cool shop but 1 week passed with no offers made auction closed.
  10. you need to edti your post
  11. sorted ✔️
  12. sorted ✔️ Next time you can post all of them in one comment btw
  13. sorted ✔️
  14. Sorted (1/2).
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