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Everything posted by MaRoO

  1. BR Assistance 19/08/2024 VIP 20/08/2024
  2. BR Assistance 18/08/2024 BR Assistance 18/08/2024 CASINO ROBBERY 17/08/2024
  3. 16/7/2024 Event: Tennis nade Prize: 1.000.000$ LWS: me Winner(s): Butcher
  4. 16/7/2024 Event: Tennis nade Prize: 1.000.000$ LWS: me Winner(s): Yazzan
  5. 16/7/2024 Event: FaceToFace Prize: 1.000.000$ LWS: me Winner(s): Tawfi9
  6. 16/7/2024 Event: BOX Prize: 1.000.000$ LWS: me Winner(s): 666-Z
  7. Yee and pls make fps 60 like old. Can’t play my fps 33-100😭😭🤣🤣🤣
  8. CC Activity number: #2 Participants: me Duration: +20Mins Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/zstPWKB
  9. CC Activity number: #1 Participants: me Duration: +15 Mins Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/qmJWtBP
  10. Helping OL BR 27/3/2024
  11. Helping OL BR, O BR 22/03/2024
  12. Activity 20-3 Helpin R21 BR Helping OL BR
  13. Activity 19-3 Helping O BR and BB BR
  14. 18/03/2024 Helping OL SF BR 18/03/2024 Helping SM BaySide BR
  15. Vehicle ID: HR3 503 Wrap access: marwan Type of wrap: Custom Thread for reward change: N/A Wrap image: Translations: (if custom wrap) N/A
  16. 17/03/2024 Helping O SF BR 17/03/2024 SR With AA;P
  17. Gl brothers ❤️❤️
  18. This is an automated post for: MaRoO Donation: GBP 30.00 GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic:
  19. 11/03/2024 CR And some activity
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