Section I: General Information In-game name: Juke Account name: Surmso Real name: Tamme van der Weide Title(Mr/Mrs): Mr Date of birth: I was born on 28/02/1998 Origin country: I was born in The Netherlands Country in residence: I also reside in The Netherlands Timezone: GMT +1 Spoken languages: Dutch, English, Turkish, German English proficiency on a scale of (1-10): I would say that I am pretty fluent in English, but nobody's perfect, and therefore I would give myself a 7,5 Do you have TeamSpeak 3/Discord/Whatsapp installed?: Yeah, I've got all three applications and I can be active on all 3 if needed. Section II: SAES Experiences How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?: I started playing on SAES way back in 2009 till 2012, I found a different roleplay server in which I felt more at home, I stayed here untill 2016, that's when the server shut down. I completely stopped playing MTA all together, and regained my interest at the beginning of march. Previous organization(s): I have been a active member of multiple gangs on SAES, this is because back when I was younger. I didn't have the skills to be able to join a squad. Why did you leave or why were you kicked? Briefly explain: I can't remember why I left the gangs back in 2009. I did however leave The Company last week, because I didn't feel like I fit in as a criminal, I have been playing as a law enforcement officer on the other roleplay server for about 2-3 years. I have led multiple squads as either a commander of a team or either a leader. So when I joined The Company, I felt like I was ruining my own gameplay experience by roleplaying as something that I do not enjoy being. Nonetheless I really enjoyed my stay at the company and I really love the members in it Have you ever been punished by staff(s)? If yes, briefly explain: I have been punished by staff members of SAES back in 2010, I was 11 years old, and with that age comes a sort of irritating character. It was hard for me to act as a normal person and thus insulted some staff members without any logical reason. But I have apoligised for that many times, and have laid those troubles at rest. Do you have Professional Officer Certificate?: No I do not. If you had it before, how did you lose it? Briefly explain: I have never lost this document, nor have I ever obtained it, If I do need it, I would like to be pointed into the right direction so that I can have it. I feel like it may be of potential use later. Are you a part of any group in SAES? If yes, state your position within the group: No I am not. Section III: Theoretical Knowledge Write a summary of your qualification(s): Through years of experience I have gained a lot of skills in multiple factors. One of them being in strategics and coming up with a plan of action. I have gained a incredible skill in being quick and versatile, I hardly miss my tazer shots and know how to precisly calculate on how to succesfully arrest a wanted criminal of the state. I never let any criminal get away from me, no matter how hard it gets. Persevernace is one of my key points What is your greatest weakness?: I feel like it's really naive to say that I can not really come up with a weakness, but I would be lying if I said that I had some. I have been in this game for so long that I actually feel like I have become incredibly good at being a police officer, but I might be totally wrong. It's just my opinion, when it comes to any communication, I have no problems with it and know how to bring my point across. I also like to listen to what other players have to say. I'm sorry it's sort of hard for me to answer this question. Why do you want to be part of the NNB?: I believe that drugs should not be decriminaIized I have seen what drugs does to a normal human being, throughout the years as a leo I have seen multiple families being torn apart because of drug use. I believe that drugs is the number 1 enemy of the state. I want to take the right step into fighting the war on drugs, and I feel like the National Narcotics Bureau can help me help them fight that war. Why would we choose you rather than the other applicant(s)? I know what it's like to work in a team and to work on something with slow results. Choosing me is also financially better and less time consuming. You wouldn't need to spend a lot of time and money into training me for I have obtained my fair share of skills through out time. I would also fit in with your current crew very well. What is the role of NNB in SAES? Briefly explain: The National Narcotics Bureau's main goal is to completely eradicate the use of drugs / the drug market. The NNB wants to achieve this goal by educating the public about the dangers of narcotics, NNB trains and uses detection K-9 dogs to perform operations, and has multiple connections with other police departments or agencies to scan out any activities regarding illegal narcotics. How would you describe roleplaying? Briefly explain: I would describe roleplaying as being an actor. The name already says it, you're basically taking over a role of something which you are not. For ex, In this case I would act as a law enforcement officer, and to maintain that persona. I would act that way by learning 10- codes, talking like a police officer and perform it's duties. What does "Team Spirit" mean to you? Briefly explain: Team spirit is basically when you unite as one in my opinion. Having a team is one thing, but having a team in which all members enjoy eachothers presence and know how to communicate with eachother basically says that you're one spirit. You have team spirit. If someone kills you for no reason, what would be your first reaction? Briefly explain: I do not get bothered by someone killing me randomly. But for the sake of the question, I would probably send the killer a private message asking him what reason he had to open fire and and murder me. He would probably not respond to it. If I would feel really bothered by it, I would probably contact an admin and seek out a solution for the problem. How would you describe marker arrest?: Marker arrest is the act of unfairly arresting a person stuck in the game's animation, I find it unfair because you're basically arresting someone with no power to do anything against it. I feel like arresting someone in that position does not count as roleplaying anymore. How do you describe yourself to people? Briefly explain: I would describe myself as a pretty open minded person, I hold not judgmental toughts towards others. I am a very socially active person and like to surround myself with others. Here you go! [spoiler][/spoiler]