**In-game name & Age :**Reaper 13 **Account name :**Reaper **Nationality & Timezone :**Egypt GMT+2 **Gender :**Male **Language skills? :**8 **Tell us about yourself in 2 paragraphs :**My real name is Omar im 13 years old i have one brother no sisters i always play online games and i love to play football my favorite team is Real madrid im funny guy and i love to go to club with my friends and we always play MTA **How long have you been playing on SAES? :**just today im new Are you part of any groups, if so which? : no **Previous group(s) and leaving cause(s) :**i didnt join **Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server? ( If so, details please ) :**nope **Previous (legitimate) bans? ( If so, details please ) :**nope Character roleplay backstory ( If you don't have one, make one. At least 1 paragraph ) : Well i dont have beacuse i started the game today i was asking for any Biker group and i found this so i applying **Define Demon Disciples Motorcycle Club :**Its good and awesome **Why should we invite you into Demon Disciples Motorcycle Club & how could you benefit us? :**well im active and good worker and love to be biker **Do you have any unique abilities that you can bring within the club? :**yeah i can bring the honor and make our name up and everyone talk about us **Did anyone recommend you to apply or do you have any friends inside the club? :**no **Any additional information we may need to know? :**no ty