Personal information Nickname: nihen14 Ingame Username: nihen Age: 15 English proficiency: 8/10 Nationality: Tunisian, but currently living in Italy. Spoken Languages: English, Frensh, Arabic. Roleplay skills: 6/10 Previous Organizations you joined and the reason why you left/kicked : N/A Questionnaire Write a paragraph explaining our Role: Wild Angels Role consists of tasks in which this gang is specialized Such as hunt others and attacking them In a very violent way And those who stop in their way direct their destiny.She specialized in this field for a year and gained her high experience,Thus WA has become one of the most prominent and richest gang in the World. Previous punishments/bans and reason: N/A Why you want to join Wild Angels?: I have some friends there, and im new on this server, also it has nice members and i would like to proceed my criminal career with you guys. What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : Let's say im loyal, i can help you guys raising your activity and more ! What does DeathMatch means: Killing someone without no reason. If someone randomly DMed you, what will you do?: I will report him. So you were going for a JB then you find a cop (AFK or not chasing you), what will you do?: I will leave him alone. What does avoid arrest means: Avoid arrest is killing yourself with a nade or comitting suicide when a cop is chasing you or by simply doing /reconnect. State 3 turf rules: -Don't camp in unclimable roofs. -Don't use anims. -Don't spawn as cop in order to assist your gang. State 3 BR rules: -Don't BR without HQ permission. -Don't jump from the bank roof in order to suicide. -Don't camp at bank enterence. State 3 GR rules: -Nades are not allowed. -Spawn kill is not allowed. -Don't spawn in your properties in order to get advantage. Additional Information Do you know any WA Member, and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : Yes, i know GanJa, Expert,Kayle. What are your strengths: Well im pretty decent in RPing, and im active. What are your weaknesses: Propably lag. Something else to add?: Thank you for reading this.