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Everything posted by Bisollini

  1. Angel Pine Bank has been given to @Douglass (subkage) :white_heavy_check_mark:
  2. Type Of Activity: RP ALT Members: @Winter-Soldier @Bisollini Information/Story: I was called by HQs to meet supervisor Winter at base for a special assignment. It was a special delivery for Linden Station, Las Venturas. I received all the details needed to complete this delivery. What made this delivery special was the quality. The task itself was very important and no ordinary trucker could take on it. Winter claimed I was qualified enough for that. Was it my experience or driving skills that caught his interest, I can't tell. At that time, there were many ZIP constructions and the road wasn't really suitable for trucking. It's Las Venturas we're talking about! Despite that, I took on it. I got warned to be cautious. While driving, suddenly, I lost control over the wheel and due to the not finished construction, I went off road. Not just off-road but I got stuck along with the truck and delivery. In fact, the cargo was holding the truck steady. If I had moved, I would had fallen off the cliff along with the truck. I tried to stay calm, I looked for help on the radio. Fortunately, supervisor Winter was on line. I explained him the situation and requested air backup. The plan was him picking the whole truck with the Cargobob. Due to the heavy cargo, this couldn't happen. Therefore I had to detach and abandon it. As it was a really important delivery, not just for the client or because of the cargo, but for the company (ALT) itself. I am the face of the company, a representative. I sought further assistance by nearby truckers. The rescue was successful. My buddies had also completed the delivery for me. Back at the HQ, I had a long talk with the supervisor. There were no consequences. I was still in shock. Surely will be more cautious next time. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/oDDO8nC
  3. @schwaring said in House Removals: shiroi36 Removed.
  4. @Absent said in House Removals: Account name: bobi02 Icon name: Bobi02's Fashion Clothes Shop Removed.
  5. @HaniCriminal said in House Removals: hanicriminal Removed.
  6. @HaniCriminal said in House Removals: hanicriminal Removed.
  7. Request denied, user is not inactive.
  8. Already requsted: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/34283/inactive-rc
  9. @quxistaff Temporarily bans cannot be appealed. If you wish to discuss your punishment in details with the SAES clan, this is the wrong section as it has nothing to do with tutorials. Join SAES Discord here and open a ticket.
  10. Failed to find a SAHA in-game within 48 hours to claim the property, hereby this property has been put for public sale.
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