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Everything posted by Bisollini

  1. Section A: Information: Nickname: OC|>Alex Account name: alex0107 Age: I'm 11 years old Primary Language: Bulgarian Current S/G/C and rank: OverdoseCrime Other RP groups you're in: IAC Describe SAM in your own words: (Not less than 30 words) San Adreas Medics are doctors who we need.We need help when we are severely injured.If we die, they are coming with the ambulance and reviving us. In other words, that's a role play group of doctors in San Andreas . Why was SAM founded? SAM is founded to help people who are injured . They also are trying to revive the people and doing it. What is the SAM motto? The motto of San Adreas Medics is Always there when you need us most Who founded SAM? SAM is founded by Dr.Joe. Section B: Theory: 1 - A major earthquake has occurred in metropolitan Los Santos and there are many casualties. You're based in Blueberry and must respond to a barrage of emergency distress calls as a result of the earthquake. Describe your method of response to this situation and be sure to include how you would interact with your fellow medics and which equipment & vehicles you would use. Answer: I will use Helicopters and planes, because cars can't drive on earthquake. I will call to all medics to come in Los Santos and put men and women in helicopters and planes. After that to go in San Fierro's hospital and revive. When earthquake stoped we will go with them in Los Santos again. 2- Multiple officers have been shot while responding to an armed bank robbery. You have been called to assist in the rescue operation. Describe how you would respond. Answer: I would react so that I can quickly summon up three or four of my colleagues to come with me to the ambulance and go to the bank.When we go to the bank, take the cops and get them a quick help until we get to the hospital.Once we get to the hospital, we put them in a room where we'll put them down or inject to get them sleeping and operating them so they do not feel pain.Once we get to the hospital, we put them in a room where we'll put them down or inject to get them sleeping and operating them so they do not feel pain.There must be a few doctors in the room, with two of us putting the instruments in, and the others operating the patient.After the surgery, if it's okay, we'll leave him in the hospital for a few days.Later after the days have passed and the patient is well we will write it down and let him go.We will, of course, recommend that he be more careful. 3- Multiple people have been stabbed and burned by several terrorists at a train station and you 're the first medic to arrive on scene. The wounds are of varying severity. What would you do? I.e. How would you treat the wounds? Answer: I would react so that I can quickly summon up three or four of my colleagues to come with me to the ambulance and go to the bank.When we go to the bank, take the cops and get them a quick help until we get to the hospital.Once we get to the hospital, we put them in a room where we'll put them down or inject to get them sleeping and operating them so they do not feel pain.Once we get to the hospital, we put them in a room where we'll put them down or inject to get them sleeping and operating them so they do not feel pain.There must be a few doctors in the room, with two of us putting the instruments in, and the others operating the patient.After the surgery, if it's okay, we'll leave him in the hospital for a few days.Later after the days have passed and the patient is well we will write it down and let him go.We will, of course, recommend that he be more careful. Section C : Aptitudes: 1.How would you respond to criticism by a superior? I will apologize to him. Everyone is learning from his mistakes. It won't happened again. 2.Why exactly are you applying today? Sometimes I'm bored and wanna work more. I want to help people. After every SR there are people with low health and now I'm free. That's why I'm applying today. 3.What are your strengths and weaknesses? My strenghts are: Flying,driving,teamwork,loyalty,activity,roleplaying and shooting. I don't see any weaknesses 4.Why should we accept you to our team? You should accept me, becauase I'm active and want to help people. Also I was in SAM before the summer. ~Thanks for Reading~
  2. Your ingame username: alex0107 Your ingame alias: Felix Your real name: Alexander Your year of birth: 2007 Your gender: Male Nationality: Bulgarian Country of residence: Bulgaria Language skills: I can speak Bulgarian and English. English Proficiency: Will say 7-8/10 How long you have been playing: I'm playing in SAES from 2017 July. Your strengths: Activity,teamwork,rp,driving,flying,loyalty Your weaknesses: I don't see any weaknesses Preferred Position (SAHA/CS/SAES): I want to be community staff. Teamspeak Installed: No Discord Installed: Yes. Do you frequently get involved on discord.: Yes. Reason for application: I want to join, because I want to help people. If they have asks,reports I will help them. Unique qualities you can offer: Well I can offer activity. Also will help you much as I can. Server Memberships: OverdoseCrime member, IAC member. Additional information: I started playing in SAES in June,2017. I was playing as cop. My first gang was FXR. This gang wasn't with topic and left them. I played more time and wanted to join a gang which is 0,1 or 2lvl, because I needed to play more to join lvl 4-5 gang. I had a lot of friends there and more of them are in Blood Brothers MC now. I don't know why, but Fastyoung closed it. As I said earlier I wanted to join 0 or 1 lvl. I joined Confero's. They kicked me. It was a normal day and UE and more one gang turfed I don't remember who. I was helping UE and on the next day they kicked me without reason. In November or December, 2017 I joined UE. They kicked me, because my friend and I went to the BR as cops. It wasn't our and someone and my friend told us that we can join it as cops. And they kicked me. Then my friend Mrwan asked for a help to his gang named The Corleone. After 1-2 weeks it was closed. I joined WA and left it, because UE told me to come back again and other people told me to apply for them. I joined UE again and was staying around 2-3 months. I was bored of crim side and went to the cop side. I joined SAPA , I got my PC Diploma and left it. Then I joined Special Task Force - STF. I left and will tell you why in the game :). After that I went inactive for 4-5 months and now I'm in OverdoseCrime. About myself I like to play basketball and MTA. These 2 things are my hobbies. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I got adminjailed when I was new in the server for deathmatching. Also was banned for 5 hours. I don't know the reason. Previous (legitimate) bans: Yes, but don't know the reason. Are you a muslim?: No ~Written by Alex~
  3. Well it doesn't need, because there is CEO , LWS and G6.
  4. Your Ingame nickname : OC|>Alex Your username : alex0107 Your ingame hours : 1369 Do you use Discord ? if yes had you joined our Discord ? : 1. Yes, I'm using discord. 2. I didn't join your server, but will do it soon. Your building skills ?/10 : Will say 6-7/10 Your English skills ?/10 : 8/10 Your current G/S/C : OverdoseCrime Your Current Group(s) : IAC Why you want to join CEO and why should we accept you ? : Well. I want to join CEO, because I want to help to my gang with events and not only my gang. I want to help everyone who needs help with event. You should accept me, because I will be active. Any additional attachment ? (Optional) : No
  5. -Section 1- In-game Nick : OC|>Alex Nationality: Bulgarian Age: I'm 11 years old English proficiency: Will say 7/10 Other Languages: Bulgarian -Section 2- Why do you want to join us?: I like to kill cops and I'm making jailbreaks almost everyday and I want to make it with friends, because there are times when the cops are camping inside and can't make jailbreak alone. Current membership(s): OverdoseCrime - IAC -Section 3- Something about you, no less than 100 words: I started playing in SAES in June,2017. I was playing as criminal as cop. My first gang was FXR. This gang wasn't with topic and left them. I played more time and wanted to join a gang which is 0,1 or 2lvl, because I needed to play more to join lvl 4-5 gang. I had a lot of friends there and more of them are in Blood Brothers MC now. I don't know why, but Fastyoung closed it. As I said earlier I wanted to join 0 or 1 lvl. I joined Confero's. They kicked me. It was a normal day and UE and more one gang turfed I don't remember who. I was helping UE and on the next day they kicked me without reason. In November or December, 2017 I joined UE. They kicked me, because my friend and I went to the BR as cops. It wasn't our and someone and my friend told us that we can join it as cops. And they kicked me. Then my friend Mrwan asked for a help to his gang named The Corleone. After 1-2 weeks it was closed. I joined WA and left it, because UE told me to come back again and other people told me to apply for them. I joined UE again and was staying around 2-3 months. I was bored of crim side and went to the cop side. I joined SAPA , I got my PC Diploma and left it. Then I joined Special Task Force - STF. I left and will tell you why in the game :). After that I went inactive for 4-5 months and now I'm in OverdoseCrime. About myself I like to play basketball and MTA. These 2 things are my hobbies. ~Thanks For Reading~ ~ Written by Alex~
  6. About yourself. In-game nickname: Alex In-game username: alex0107 Your real name: Alexander Age: I am eleven years old. Nationality: Bulgarian Do you already have any friends in The Outfit?: Yes, I have. Did anyone say that you should apply to join us?: No one told me that. What unique qualities can you offer to The Outfit? I can offer you activity and events. Additional information about yourself: My name is Alexander. I am eleven years old. I like basketball. I am living in Bulgaria,Bourgas. I have brother who is playing in the server. His nickname is Absent. Past experience in SAES:RPG. I was in many gangs only one official - UE and in 2 squads. From these 2 squads one of them is academy - SAPA. Other is Special Task Force - STF. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? (Please mention any inactivity absenses & forum time too): I have been playing in SAES:RPG 1 year ago. I was inactive 1 month, because was playing in other server, but the people there were retards. I visit the forum everyday. What previous gangs/squads/companies you have been in?(Please provide these in order, with time spent in each if possible): VLA - It died. C - It died. UE - Kicked I was there 2-3 months. TC - It died. WA - Left, I was there for 1 week. UE - Left, I was there 1 month. SAPA - Left I was there 1 month. STF - Left, I was there 1 week. Why have you left the above?: I left WA, because UE told me to come back. I left UE, because one member had problems with me and I bored of crim side. I left SAPA to join STF, one friend is there. STF - Had problems with the leader. What server groups are you currently a part of?: I am part of IAC,HHMC,BA and SAM. Previous server bans and reasons (include links): Only one time, because I didn't "Calm Down". Will tell you more ingame.
  7. ^[] ^[~[INORMATION ABOUT ME:]~(lime,green,lime)] ^[~[Hello everyone. My name is Alex. I live in Bulgaria, Bourgas. In this topic I will post the events which I'm hosting. I am 11 years old. I am playing MTA since 2016 - 2017. I play SAES since I play MTA ( 2016-2017 ) . Here are the organizations in which I was and the reason of leaving / kicked. My first gang was FXR. This gang wasn't with topic and left them. I played more time and wanted to join a gang which is 0,1 or 2lvl, because I needed to play more to join lvl 4-5 gang. I had a lot of friends there and more of them are in Blood Brothers MC now. I don't know why, but Fastyoung closed it. As I said earlier I wanted to join 0 or 1 lvl. I joined Confero's. They kicked me. It was a normal day and UE and more one gang turfed I don't remember who. I was helping UE and on the next day they kicked me without reason. In November or December, 2017 I joined UE. They kicked me, because my friend and I went to the BR as cops. It wasn't our and someone and my friend told us that we can join it as cops. And they kicked me. Then my friend Mrwan asked for a help to his gang named The Corleone. After 1-2 weeks it was closed. I joined WA and left it, because UE told me to come back again and other people told me to apply for them. I joined UE again and was staying around 2-3 months. I was bored of crim side and went to the cop side. I joined SAPA , I got my PC Diploma and left it. Then I joined Special Task Force - STF. I left and will tell you why in the game :). After that I went inactive for 4-5 months. I joined OC and after 3-4 months I left , because I wanted to go in FOX to my brother. Now I'm a FOX agent 2 lvl for those who care. FOX and NNB FTW. Thanks for reading and enjoy.] ^[ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:]~(lime,green,lime)] ~[Maturity :]~(lime,green,lime) ~[I am 11 years old soon 12 and I'm acting good.]~(lime,green,lime) ~[Behavior,Attitudes :]~(lime,green,lime) ~[I haven't any problems with anyone in the server. I am friendly and like almost everyone.]~(lime,teal,lime) ~[Quality:]~(lime,teal,lime) ~[I am hosting many LMS's , because I see many players like and coming. The events are organized.]~(lime,green,lime) ~[Quantity :]~(lime,teal,lime) ~[I hosted and posted 60 events.]~(lime,green,lime) ~[Skills:]~(lime,green,lime) ~[I won't build that perfect , but I will learn and do it.]~(lime,green,lime) ~[Creativity:]~(lime,teal,lime) ~[Will try to make new types of events and will make events who aren't hosted that usually.]~(lime,green,lime) ~[Originality:]~(lime,teal,lime) ~[I will use different builds for the types , and not only Chicken Shooter.]~(lime,green,lime) ~[Activity:]~(lime,green,lime) ~[If I'm not at school or on a trip , I'm active all the day.]~(lime,green,lime) ~[Money spent: 108.000.000$]~(green,teal,lime,lime,green,green,green) ~[Alex' LWS Events: 88]~(green,lime,green) ~[Here is the link to my previous Lighting World Sports' topic in the previous forum]~(lime,green,lime): ~[https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/96705-alexs-lws-events/]~(lime,green,lime) ^[~[THE FORMAT WHICH I AM GONNA USE TO POST MY EVENTS:]~(lime,green,lime)] Event Number: Type of event: Prize: LWS/G6 member(s): Winner(s): Screenshot(s):
  8. alt text Patrol # 9 Personal Patrol # 1 Participants: Only me Amount of healed individuals: 20 minutes 10+ Healed individuals ScreenShots: (Please use a link): https://imgur.com/a/Xavr8uQ
  9. Why all is Underground. There is Underground Empire, The UnderGround Circle and now that. Good Luck btw
  10. Special Task Force Roleplay Roleplay type: Arresting terrorist ( criminal ) and giving back money bag to the bank. Mission done: Successful Participants: @Dufabo , @infared , @Arone , Bones Description of roleplay: It was a normal day. I was working and someone called and told me that he saw a guy with mask, black uniform and backpack who entered in the bank and after few minutes sirens activated. Also he said, he saw how the terrorist carry weapons and money bag. And the guards were killed. My friend and me saw him. We started to chase him. This guy was driving fast and he crashed. Then we took him in our police car and also I took the money bag. He went to the prison and we gave the money bag back to the bank. Images: https://imgur.com/a/xa2FV1q
  11. Personal Information - Name: Alexander Nickname: Alex|PC* Age: I am ten years old Gender: Male Nationality: Bulgarian. Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum): I am Alexander. I am from Bulgaria. After 4 days I will be on 11 years old. I have a brother who is playing in this server. His name is Absent. I live in Bourgas (That's one city in Bulgaria). How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? I have been playing on SAES:RPG 1 year ago. Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why? I got adminjail, because of deathmatching when I joined the server. I got ban,because I got scamm and the staff / admin didn't say anything and banned both of us. Please list your previous squad/gang/company history: VLA - Joined it to help them, but they kicked my friends. C - I joined it, because I was new in this server and it was 0 lvl gang. It died. UE - I joined it, because UE have skilled members. TC - I joined it, because Mrwan wanted my help. WA- I joined it , because they were new and need more RP,Activity,Events. UE - I joined it again, because Vladimir and ClaR told me to come back. SAPA - I joined it to get my PC diploma. Please list your current group memberships on the server: I am part of SAM,HHMC,BA and IAC. What are your strengths? I am good at shooting,driving,flying,teamwork,activity,rping,arresting. What are your weaknesses? I don't see any weaknesses Do you have discord & TS3? I have only Discord. Whats your average ping? 40-60 Do you have access to the PC spawns? Yes, I have access. How many hours do you have in-game? I have 1190 hours ingame. How often do you visit the forums? I visit the forums everyday. Rate your skills below - RP (out of 10): 8/10 Arresting (out of 10): 9/10 English (out of 10): 8 /10 Driving (out of 10): 8/10 Combat (out of 10): 9/10 Answer the following questions - Why do you want to join STF? I want to join STF to help you with activity,events, level. Did somebody recommend that you apply to STF? If so, who? Yes, The guy who recommended me to applied for STF was Laza. Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws? Yes, I have. In your own words, define roleplay: RolePlay is role in real life, but it's in game and you must act like it. In your own words, define DM: Deathmatching is killing a person without reason. In your own words, define teamwork: Teamwork is people than 1 who working together.
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