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Everything posted by Bisollini

  1. FOX crew: @Hassoni , @Sam_ , @Eien , @Sw3dy , @Pegasus , @Absent and @alex0107 Date and time of the patrol: 04/06/2019 , Around 30 Minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/IAdusAb
  2. FOX crew: @Hassoni , @Sam_ , @Eien , @JohnnyEnglish , @Sw3dy , @alex0107 Date and time of the patrol: 03/06/2019 , 20 Minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Pdbzk1e
  3. Lol no many players are using them. And should be any car removed ? There are cars such like Manana who nones using , but they still are here.
  4. ~[====================================]~(orange)~[Roleplay]~(sienna)~[#2]~(sienna)~[===========================================]~(orange) ~[Date: 23/5/2019 Activity Number: #4 Activity Type: Roleplay Description: Mechanic Alex woke up for work. He woke up like 2 hours earlier than he need. He opened the window and said what a nice day. He put on his clothes and brushed his teeth. Then he made a coffe. While drinking it he was reading a newspaper. After that he was solving a crossword puzzle. Then his alarm was ringing which means to wake up , but he was already , so he decided to go outside ( to work ). He took his car ( Towtruck ). He was driving around the streets , Los Santos. He saw many cars illegally parked. Instead of impounding , he just was moving them on legal places. He was acrossing the park. While driving he saw a car with popped wheels and broken windows. Also he saw a guy all his body in blood. The door was open too. He talked to the guy , but he didn't answered. The guy seemed dead. Alex got him out of the car and tried to help him. He couldn't. He got him in the car back. With his own Towtruck he took the car and the guy. He went to the hospital. He left the guy there and talked to the medic. Alex waited for him outside. When the guy came he thanked to Alex. The mechanic said no problem anyways and asked him does he wants to repair. The person agreed. Alex told him for he will be free since the guy wasn't good and hadn't money. The guy cried and was verry happy , because there are usefull and good people on that planet. Alex drove to his own garage. There he checked up the car again. The only thing he noticed was the same thing at the beginning. Broken windows and popped tires. He parked the car in his garage and took a window and the hammer. He also took bolts and nails. While repairing it , badly he smashed his finger with the hammer. It was bleeding. , The guy had patches in his car. The guy gave him some patches , but before that they watered the finger. Alex thanked him and proceed working. He finished the windows and took two wheels , because only two were popped and couldn't do something for them. After that all , the guy still wanted to give him something , but Alex rejected and told him again that he doesnt need. Also the mechanic thanked him for helping him. Then the guy just gone with his car. Participants: RadioGaga and me CC Members: N/A Screenshot(s) https://imgur.com/a/nMo2TYt]~(sienna)
  5. ~[====================================]~(orange)~[Hanging]~(sienna)~[2#]~(sienna)~[=========================================]~(orange) ~[Date: 26/5/2019 Activity Number: #3 Activity Type: Hanging Description: Hanged with Bas Participants: Elegant and me CC Members: Bas Screenshot(s) https://imgur.com/a/m6Y87BP]~(sienna)
  6. Granted , but on your own server. I want you to stop corrupting my wishes.
  7. Name: Alex Username: alex0107 Rank before kick/leave: PVT on probation How long have you been in sapa: 1 month and 1-2 weeks I guess Who kicked you: No one I left SAPA. Date of kick/leave: I guess April Reason for kick/leave: Personal problems What happened from your side/why did you leave? : As I said personal problems if u want more info I will tell you ingame / pm Why do you want back in? : Well that leaving was a big mistake I know it. I just want to become an instructor ( Corporal ) and help the cadets with lesson / tests / info and whatever I can. What have you learned from this? : I learned that I shouldn't leave for that kind of problems and first I should talk with SAPA HQ about it. Who do you want to apologize to? : I want to apologize to JohnnyEnglish , Firefox and Kristiina. Why should we give you a second chance?: I think you should give me another chance , because this will be my last leaving. Which means I won't repeat it.
  8. ~[====================================]~(orange)~[Hanging]~(sienna)~[#1]~(sienna)~[=========================================]~(orange) ~[Date: 23/5/2019 Activity Number: #2 Activity Type: Hanging Description: Hanged with Crash and Lightning Participants: Landshark , Elegant and me CC Members: @Lightning and @Crash Screenshot(s) https://imgur.com/a/dy2FPIM]~(sienna)
  9. ~[====================================]~(orange)~[Roleplay]~(sienna)~[#1]~(sienna)~[===========================================]~(orange) ~[Date: 23/5/2019 Activity Number: #1 Activity Type: Roleplay Description: In the summer of 2003 , Mechanic Alex didn't know what to do. He was bored. It was sunday , he hadn't any work to do. He decided to watch TV , because it seemed that there was nothing else to do. He checked out the San Andreas News. Almost nothing new except one thing. He heard a new crime organization named "The Pirus" robbed this store. The reporter warned everyone about this dangerous organization / gangsters. He turned off the TV. Alex was hungry , but didn't know what to eat. He went to the fridge , but it was empty. At this moment he thought about going to the shop , but was a bit scared from this gang. He tried to sleep , but couldn't. Someone called his phone. He went there and checked. It was his friend Lightning. He called him , because he wanted to say hi and one day to go somewhere so they can talk more. Alex said to go now , because he's very bored and have nothing do like his fridge is empty , can't sleep. Lightning agreed and suggested Alex to go in the casino. Alex accepted his suggestion / idea. Lightning said he broke his car in a race and begged Alex to pick him up. Alex just said coming , took the keys and head to the car. The mechanic saw there are big congestions at the streets and that's why he called Lightning to report it and told him that he will be late a bit. Alex finally picked him up and went to the casino. They both won money and Lightning finally could repair his car. Alex said he will repair it for free tommorow. His friend thanked him a lot. They both were very hungry and thirsty . They went to Cluckin Bell's restaurant. They shared a pizza and ate it. Then they wanted to go in the bar. They went there and smoke. After that they drank some beer and vodka. They became drunk. They decided to go home , because it was late. They went to their homes and slept. On the next day Alex repaired Lightning's car. Alex took his car for patrols as a mechanic and took Lightning. They were driving around Las Venturas and they met a guy next to his car parked next to the road. They got out of the vehicle and asked the guy what is going on. He said he hasn't gasoline and his car is broken. Alex checked the car and saw the damaged parts / things. It was a classic car, but old rims , wheels , paintjob ( rusty ) , broken windows , spoiler. Alex asked the guy named DodgeR , does he wants him to repair it. DodgeR first asked for the price. Alex told him for 763 dollars. DodgeR agreed. Alex took his reserve boxes with gasoline and put it in DodgeR's car. Then Alex told DodgeR to follow him , because they were going to the garage like they can't repair at the road. They went at that garage. So Alex asked Lightning and DodgeR for assiting. They agreed. So Alex started with the wheels which were very very rusty and old. He ordered them to give him 4 wheels and 4 rims. He removed the rims and wheels hardly. He re-placed new and better ones. Black wheels and white rims of course. DodgeR hadn't one window and that's why he told them to give him one. Alex asked for help to place it. They helped him. He thanked them. Then the spoilers... Alex hadn't many. He told DodgeR to choose one. DodgeR choosed and Alex said okay. The good thing was that Alex had everything good so he didnt have to make them on the moment. He put that spoiler. The car looked two ways better, but he didnt finish yet. He asked DodgeR what color , the same or another. He said the same. Alex told them to do it together. It didn't took much. Only 10 minutes. DodgeR was shocked when he saw his car repaired , better. As a bonus Alex gave him two boxes with gasoline so if he hasnt again. Alex gave him his telephone number so if something is wrong with his car or there is a problem to call him. DodgeR thanked him a lot and paid him 800 dollars instead of 763. Alex wanted to give him back those 37 , but DodgeR rejected. DodgeR called his friends and shared it. Told them about that mechanic Alex. After that DodgeR just said goodbye and gone. Alex proceed working and his friend was watching him. Participants: DodgeR and me CC Members: @Lightning Screenshot(s) https://imgur.com/a/aokXheI]~(sienna)
  10. Event Number: 88 Type of event: Infernus Race Prize: 1.000.000$ LWS/G6 member(s): Star Winner(s): @MarksMan Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/mblxBWt
  11. Event Number: 87 Type of event: Cheetah Race Prize: 1.000.000$ LWS/G6 member(s): Star Winner(s) @Ted Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/Ax2cN3X
  12. The format which I'm gonna use for my activities: ~[Date: Activity Number: Activity Type: Description: Participants: CC Members: Screenshot(s)]~(sienna)
  13. Dear applicant first of all thanks for interesting. Second , I want to say that you are accepted. You are showing good activity , maturity , english skills and that's why the HQ team of SATS decided to ~[ACCEPT]~(lime) you. Congratulations @Naker @Nakeer said in San Andreas Taxi Services ~ SATS: STAGE I. In-game nickname: OC|>Naker In-game username: Naker123 Age: 18 Languages spoken: Arabic, French and English Gender: Male Rate your english skills (1-10): 8.5/10 STAGE II. Tell us about yourself: Hello, My Real name is Ali and nicknamed in game as Naker. I'm a Moroccan PLayer. Since I got born, I love something named as Gaming, So I bought my first computer when I had 8 Years old. I have many friends on all games. I started Playing GTA SA 2 years after. I have 2 cousins are playing MTA SA, So I decided to play it too I starting playing RPG servers, I found it Simple and amzaing, I love it, and I started by reading the rules well it means I'm experienced. And actually I bought my new gaming computer and I'm playing all games. I'm a good driver while my dad is a taxi driver Why should we accept you?: Previous punishment(s): none Reason(s): Rate your driving skills (1-10): 9.75/10
  14. Address: 2 Kurwa Close Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/gC9B3lI Starting bid: 1.500.000$
  15. Am I the only one who didnt understand why is @SideSwipe leaving SAES ?
  16. Date: 15/05/2019 The place of the event: G6 area Event type: Rifle LMS LWS: @A7md Prize: 1.000.000$ Hosted by: FOX / Me Winner: @nyx_ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/hVcyada
  17. Event Number: 86 Type of event: Rifle LMS Prize: 1.000.000$ LWS/G6 member(s): @A7md Winner(s) @nyx_ Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/hVcyada
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