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Everything posted by Chief

  1. so since i got my new 2GB ram today i think i will leave SAES because now i can get max payne 3 and state of decay + lifeline and a lot of other games and pleas upvote my posts or i will have to create a new forum account
  2. Ingame name: Upton Username: ali303 Country of Residence: Egypt Spoken Languages: arabic and english Date of birth: 18/4/2005 Date of the beginning of your SAES career: 10 months Previous organisations: WA / SAPA / SAFP / ICE Miscellaneous questions Define The Company's role in one sentence: ThC is a gang that focus on Arms Smuggling, Blackmailing, Assassination, Jail breaking, Money Laundry, Intelligence Agency, Johnson and McGee Pharmaceuticals and taking over the world by working together with gangs and criminals You are getting chased by a cop and sadly you die by falling off a cliff. Because of that, the cop is menacing you with a report. How would you approach this? i will tell him that it was a mistake and if this didn't work then i will talk to an admin and explain what happened exactly You are in a confidential gang meeting. Instantaneously the leader of the meeting advocates something that you do not sympathize so you accidentally said something ridiculous. The leader of the meeting orders you to leave the gang and the meeting. After leaving the meeting and walking to your car you suddenly see 2 laser dots on your clothes, one pointing at your heart and the other at your liver. First, you act calm but then suddenly after a few milliseconds you get that signal in your brain that you have no body armor. What would you do after realizing that you are unprotected? i will run and hide behind my car and i will call my gang members so they can take out the snipers There is a guy where you had several disputes with. causing you to have an incredible hatred against him. You also have sworn several times that you will never forgive him and every time you see him you try to avoid him as you know if you do not severe drama will happen. Now this same guy which you have a grudge on decides to join the gang of which you are a respected member of. He somehow managed to join. How would you react when you see him in the gang? if he joined the gang then he is my brother and i will forgot everything happened between us and act like there is nothing because at the end we are brothers from the same gang
  3. HBD habibi
  4. missclick
  5. @perlo said in Suggestion/Opinion about a Player!: @master-chief said in Suggestion/Opinion about a Player!: Players Forum Name (@Tag): @perlo Rate his in-game skills (0-10): -10 Rate his english skills (0-10): -5 Do you know this player in real life: yup How long do you know this player in-game: 10 months Your Opinion about this player in-game: he is a gay and i have a proof (His hand print on my ass) Your Suggestion about this player in-game: if he invited you to his house reject bec he is gonna f*ck you @master Cheif : 1- i dont know you in real life 2-I am respected and I do not do anything of this 3-you bad player in saerpg.uk 4-and i have good skills 5-I said again I do not know you (and I will not know you in the future if we meet) i won't do anything crazy right now so calm down and if you don't love jokes why you just don't say that? and i think you didn't saw that because sam said : ~[If you have any problem with the players opinion or suggestion please be calm and try only to read what he write.You are allowed to write a comment to the players, but take it easy.]~(red) so i will tell you again to calm down
  6. i came up with this idea so here it is what if we can put some bombs in our cars? gonna be useful for RPs and great when someone steal your car so you can explode it and very very great for DM maybe when i get into the bomb shop i choose a bomb like TNT for 10k and C4 for 30k and shit like this and after i choose the bomb i will be given a button and when i press it the car explode ty for reading my shitty suggestion !
  7. if there is no price then 15k
  8. deleted
  9. HBD SAFP :police_car: :oncoming_police_car: :police_car: :oncoming_police_car:
  10. pleas add this it will change the RP history but how can we see the player's ID? maybe /see playername ID?
  11. Chief

    Ban Appeals

    hope they will stay visible forever
  12. Granted, but when you kiss your wife your immortality will be gone I want to be one of SAES Dev
  13. @azizess01 said in New Gang Sons of Satan MC: -About yourself. -In-game nickname:Mafyouza -In-game username:Mafyouza -Your real name:Aziz -Age:16 -Nationality:Tunisia Player SAES Career Information :A player information saes [SOS]Big Boos|L How long have you been playing on SAES? :I play in saes from 3 years. Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) :No,this is my first time i apply in gang. If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them :This my frist time i apply in gang. Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) :Yes,i get banne because i play with a multi-accouting. Why we should Accept you ?:I preferred this gang because I love it and especially its members cooperate with each other I hope to accept this gang. ~[DENIED]~(red) because this gang is dead :expressionless:
  14. But who will be the president of the united states :cry:
  15. When people will learn FFS?
  16. Granted, but he will be a fake nicus I want a dog
  17. level 7? did you posted this on the wrong server's forum? and RS is a gang or squad?
  18. @perlo ok
  19. So I always should get tired on making those fucking banners so you can delete the group after 1 day :expressionless:
  20. Granted, but you have to work in the restaurant I want to break rules without getting banned
  21. Granted, but everyday someone will knock your door to f*ck you I want gaming PC
  22. @revonex said in [GMI] Global Motors Industries: @master-chief Exactly what I expected. For real i'm the fucking VL already why the fuck should i even apply? :expressionless:
  23. 1 - your username : classfield 2 - account name : classfield 3 - age : classfield 4 - Nationalty : classfield 5 - Languages Spoken : classfield 6 - English skills 0/10 : classfield 7 - Truck driving skills 0/10 : classfield 8 - Why do you want to join us? : classfield 9 - did anyone from our members told you to apply? if yes then who : classfield 11 - what is RP : classfield 12 - Strentgthss : classfield 13 - Weakness : classfield 14 - Explain our role IN YOUR WORDS : fuck off? 15 - Pervious Groups : your ass :expressionless:
  24. @flex said in [Suggestion]Per account in game can be created per PC.: @master-chief said in [Suggestion]Per account in game can be created per PC.: @flex said in [Suggestion]Per account in game can be created per PC.: @master-chief said in [Suggestion]Per account in game can be created per PC.: well it's a good idea because i know a friend have 8 accounts or 9 is it Hesha? I wish if it was hesha but sadly he is one of my friends and i can't tell you his name :stuck_out_tongue: It must be you! it's right that i have 3 accounts........but i only use one......
  25. @flex said in [Suggestion]Per account in game can be created per PC.: @master-chief said in [Suggestion]Per account in game can be created per PC.: well it's a good idea because i know a friend have 8 accounts or 9 is it Hesha? I wish if it was hesha but sadly he is one of my friends and i can't tell you his name :stuck_out_tongue:
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