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Shaggeh's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Address: 20 China Town Road Account name: MoonLord023 Last seen: 24th december 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/xHFTOoE
  2. Kill arrest rework ? For real ? Isn't it enough for you, that there are 2-5 times more criminals than cops all the time ? Isn't it enough all the special groups, that are more active than most gangs and who break your asses from jail all the time ? Should I mention that jail interior sucks and no cop can reach the criminals unless they kill arrest them ? What is be the point of being police officer, if every criminal can escape from jail so easly ? What about BRs, where there are like 30 criminals camping with guns and you die instantly when you show up ? If you don't like getting arrested spawn as cop, stop being so selfish and think about everyone's fun. Basiclly what you are asking is, when you get jailed to escape and continue playing like nothing happened. What about all the cops that die like 100 times every day ? Would you have fun to die like 10 times and after you arrest the suspect, he gets out 20 sec later ? In that case, I say let's remove the jail, so criminals can have fun. I bet if you were in squad, you wouldn't think the same, that's just selfish. Like i said, there are more criminals than cops, so this vote shouldn't be counted, as every criminal would vote, kill arrest to be removed.
  3. Address: Souvenir Gift Shop Account name: asuki Last seen: 5th January 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/TIFebcE
  4. Username: asuki Last Seen: 5th January 2019 screens: https://imgur.com/a/TIFebcE
  5. SECTION 1 Name: Shaggy In-game name: xfrozen Age: 19 Sex: Male English proficiency: 7-10 Native language: Bulgarian Other language(s): English and a little bit spanish, amigo Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?: Not yet When did you start playing SAES/MTA?: 4-5 years ago Total gameplay (hours): 1745 hours Aprox.gameplay daily (hours): 2-3 hours at least Average FPS: 50-60 Average ping: 50-60 Previous organizations and reasons for leaving: HS - it was long long time ago, i just joined the server, i wasn't very familiar with all gangs and how the things work, I left them, because of their inactivity. UE - first time i left them was, because of their inactivity, second time was, because of teammates attitude toward important stuffs such as daily activities. T~C - got deleted. Are you active user of Discord?: Yes, I am. SECTION 2 A. Define our role (FOX): To protect the state of SA from national, international threats, foreign operations and espionage. To fight against organized crime over land and sea and to keep the peace and make sure, that the laws and regulations are followed by everyone. B. Define marker arrest: It is when you arrest someone right after he spawned at the marker. C. Minimum arresting level: 10 stars D. Point out and define 4 major server rules: Do not DM other players. Do not avoid arrest. Do not use cheats. Do not abuse animations. E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest: To give the suspect a chance to play his role as criminal. SECTION 3 I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences: I am young man. I love to play video games. I kinda like SAES:RPG. I am single for obvious reasons... the girls don't deserve a guy like me. I am also very shy o.o and I still go to school (last year), then I will go to university to educate myself. II: Write your strengths and weaknesses: My strenghts are everything that come to your mind, except parachuting and keeping my mouth shut. (I don't talk that much, don't worry) III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?: Friendly members, I love their role, good teamwork, skilled members. IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team: Like I mentioned, I talk a lot - I am communicative. I am good at pretty much everything from chasing to stalking and sneaking behind people, also I am good at driving, flying and shooting. My RP skills are avarage, but I can always improve them by practising. V. Do you have any additional information you want to add?: No By posting this application, you are aware of our terms and that this application is only and only written by you, and states nothing but the truth. Retard test: ::: https://prnt.sc/mfdkzm :::
  6. @Tut-Greco said in Suggestion for Elegy mod.: @jaimy said in Suggestion for Elegy mod.: @Alperreis said in Suggestion for Elegy mod.: Elegy suppose to be real life Skyline, front side is R31 and basic shape R32, to be fair Skyline R34 mod would be perfect for Elegy. I know, but since @Tut-Greco wanna use a GTR for a other vehicle its kinda unnecessary to have 2 then. i don't mind having 2 nissans, fairly sure they look very different from eachother too For god sake, we put 2 BMWs, which sux. Surely we can put 2 GTRs. Not to mention that we put e30 to one of the fastest cars in saes...
  7. Property has been sold.
  8. In-game name & Age : Shaggy, almost 19 years old. Account name : xfrozen Nationality & Timezone : Bulgarian, UTC +2 Gender : Male. Language skills? : 7/10 Tell us about yourself in 2 paragraphs : I am almost 19 years old, I have been playing in saes since 2014-15, not very sure though. I am loyal and mature, so far i have been in only 3 gangs. In my free time I like hanging out with friends, but at home most of the time I play video games. It is my last year in school, therefore next months I might not be as active as I am now, but it will be temporary. How long have you been playing on SAES? : At least 4. Are you part of any groups, if so which? : San Andreas Interceptors. Previous group(s) and leaving cause(s) : Cunning Stunts, I was kicked because of inactivity, which I didn't report. The other groups I had been died before they become active, so ... Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server? ( If so, details please ) : None. Previous (legitimate) bans? ( If so, details please ) : None. Character roleplay backstory ( If you don't have one, make one. At least 1 paragraph ) : My name is Reese Kobb, now I live in small beautiful house with a little front yard, but let me tell you my story. When I was a child, the bigger kids bullied me, I couldn't fight back. When I grew up a little more, I became aggressive and angry all the time. Then one day, some of my classmates started make fun of me in front of the others. I decided, that it will be the last day, they laugh at me. So I went to the guys and punched one of them, he fall on the ground, hitted his head and never stood up. I was expelled from school and my parents kicked me out from home. I had nowhere to go. A year after, a guy reached out to me, saying that he wants to help me. Of course, I didn't believe him. No one has ever helped me before, but I was wondering, how could he help me. So we met in one of the city pubs. He was part of a motorclub called Hell Angles, he recruited me as their, drug dealer. It was profitable for a short period. Then the risk became too high, so I had to quit. Of course, as you might guess, It wasn't easy to quit. The only way to give up on that job, was through the grave. After I stashed some money, I bought new identfication documents and driving license. Ever since, I have been hidding, working legal jobs for a month or two, before I get fired. Nowadays, I own a small house, a pickup and my favorite motorcycle - Harley Davidson. It took me many years of working before I secure my future, I am just an ordinary man now or at least that's what I am trying to look like. Define Demon Disciples Motorcycle Club : A brotherhood, where all members are equal, among friends, sharing the same dream, which is to ride beside each other and rule the streets ! Why should we invite you into Demon Disciples Motorcycle Club & how could you benefit us? : I haven't been in MC before, but that doesn't mean I cannot benefit the group. I can be a great friend to everyone, I believe everyone needs friends. I am active and I can contribute to the group by doing activities on regular basis. Also, It is my personal opinion, that I have leadership ability, I know how to manage and deal in different kind of situations. Do you have any unique abilities that you can bring within the club? : The only "unique" ability, that I can bring is my stupid jokes, that sometimes I am the only one who understand them. I believe everyone can drive, shoot and work as a team. Did anyone recommend you to apply or do you have any friends inside the club? : I seeked out for the club myself, because I am interested in joining MC. Any additional information we may need to know? : No.
  9. $4.500.000
  10. Market value: max $1.000.000 Daily Income : $8000 Starting Bid : $5,000,000 Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/HJUsjz9 ::: Auction ends in 2 weeks or until I'm pleased with the price.
  11. Address: Idlewood Appartment 10 Account name: sosaboy Last seen: 30th december Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/zGmx4KM
  12. Address: Douglas Private Offices Account name: sosaboy Last seen: 30th december Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/57vWRIJ
  13. In-game nickname: Shaggy Match: Match 1, 3, 4, 5 Bet: Crystal Palace, Liverpool, FC Porto, Chelsea Bet amount: Crystal Palace(250k), Liverpool(500k), FC Porto(250k), Chelsea(500k)
  14. ::: Before: After: :::
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