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  1. @Bangas said in [JOB] Quarry Worker: @JohnTurner @JohnnyEnglish , you guys were working on something related with the quarry weren't you? but yea +1 to me Yes, I made a miner job. I gave the code I had to @JohnnyEnglish tho since I am inactive.
  2. This is an automated post TXN ID: 1V2052742L880353H Donation Amount: 1.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  3. @Jerome-Valeska said in [SUGGESTION]Cargrab: @DROT You can arrest us when we are doing jailbreak with killing us. If developers will reject this i will create a topic named like Remove Killing arrest in jail... Sure, remove kill arrest but then also remove ability to sell weapons and drugs inside of the jail.
  4. @Blade said in SAES Scripting Hackathon - Can you beat NanoBob ? - Edition 1: @JohnTurner said in SAES Scripting Hackathon - Can you beat NanoBob ? - Edition 1: @Blade said in SAES Scripting Hackathon - Can you beat NanoBob ? - Edition 1: @JohnTurner said in SAES Scripting Hackathon - Can you beat NanoBob ? - Edition 1: So, @Bone, I wanna participate. [ Team name ] - Team Orion [ Team members ] - @JohnnyEnglish and @JohnTurner YOU ARE NOT AN ASTRONOMER. CHANGE THAT NAME! What the hell? our astronomy club is called Orion :( I own a telescope?
  5. @Blade said in SAES Scripting Hackathon - Can you beat NanoBob ? - Edition 1: @JohnTurner said in SAES Scripting Hackathon - Can you beat NanoBob ? - Edition 1: So, @Bone, I wanna participate. [ Team name ] - Team Orion [ Team members ] - @JohnnyEnglish and @JohnTurner YOU ARE NOT AN ASTRONOMER. CHANGE THAT NAME! What the hell?
  6. So, @Bone, I wanna participate. [ Team name ] - Team Orion [ Team members ] - @JohnnyEnglish and @JohnTurner
  7. @Jay said in SAES Meme Pictures V2:
  8. 3PM Bird Show with @IG8820 and @Ramby Streamed on 13/08/2019 Peak listeners: 17
  9. Trip to the past with JohnT Streamed on 13/08/2019 Peak listeners: 11
  10. Chill tunes to get you through the day by JohnT and Music Requests Streamed on 12/08/2019 - 13/08/2019 Peak listeners: 21
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