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Flexman's Achievements
Newbie (1/14)
Nickname:Flex Username:Flex02 Age:16 Nationality:Algerien English Skill's:5/10 Languages you can speak:Arabic,English How long have you been playing on SAES? :1 year Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) :none Are You In Any G/S/C now?N/A You know any members of Racing & Cunning Brother's? If yes , who ?@Pablo @Spider @WiTTi01 Why you want be a RCB member ?Im Good Drive but im Bad in Drive The Heli.
Good Luck Brother @FireSnow
Re: TST - The Strike Team Ingame Name: Flex Real Name: Louai Age: 18 Country: Algeria Languages: french, english and arabic Gender: Male Nationality: Algerien Have you ever been kicked/banned from the server ? / if yes why? yea i was kicked from the server but it was a joke from a staff member cuzz i was in his building area when he was doing some building staff. Have you ever been kicked from a Gang/squad ? / if yes why? no i haven't been kicked from a s gang/squad Part 2 / Your playtime in MTA/SAES. How long have you been playing MTA? iplay it for 1 Year How long have you been playing on SAES? a year. How many hours do you play in a day? like 2 to 4 hours or less it depends on the mood or the time i have. How many times do you visit the forums in a day? once or twice per week to check news but i have appliyed for something i check forums everyday. Previous gangs/squads?: Are you in any groups?: no. Do you have PC (Procop membership)?: No ihaven't. Part 3 / Questions about your qualifications. Strengths: i'm almost good at everything even i had a weakness point but not anymore i became better in sapa and i hope i perform more better in TST Weaknesses: no weakness point maybe i'll discover it in TST who knows hehe. Describe Deathmatch: Describe RolePlay: Role Play is when u act like in real life act and react just like the same u do in RL. Describe TeamWork: Teamwork is when u cooperate with someone else in order to succeed something. Add a picture of your "stats" by using www.imgur.com (press /stats ingame)(use spoilers: [ Spoiler][ /spoiler]: Part 4 / What to do if. What would you do if you are chasing someone and they avoided arrest? i need to take a sceenshot and report him for avoing arrest. What would you do if someone came and asked you for a bribe?: i'll give him a bribe but i'll ask him questions (how u got the wanted stars) ect.. Someone DMs you:Someone Killen Peopl's Do Out Reason. An admin asks you something: i'll listen to him and act gently. Someone from our squad with a higher rank calls you? i'll respond to him and react to his orders whenever i'm avaible. Part 5 / Additional Questions. Did any TST member suggest you to apply? Who? Yes, TST|McJoni|MAJ suggested me to apply for TST. Did you have the chance to hang around with any TST before applying? If so who? yea i'm always spawned as a police man and i patrolled with all the different squads but i don't really remember the names. Where is our private forums?: in TST Group and i can't reach it since i'm not a TST member. Who is the Leader and the Vice leader of TST?: Nfa is the Vice Leader and johhn is the Leader Why do you want to join TST?: i felt that TST is a good place for me where i can perform just like i used to do in NCI and i hope i'll learn now things from TST Give us atleast one good reason to accept you?: okay, there's many reasons like pc and experience ect.. but i have a good reason for u i don't like negaivity specialy between the members so i hope we're all good and if someone has a problem with me please tell me in game before joining TST. Tell us something about yourself( more than 30 words): well i'm a normal guy i go to gym everyday i'm in high school nothing else to mention i guess i just hope TST will be second family after NCI. Additional information: this the second squad that i apply for so u can understand that i'm a loyal guy so please whoever is reading this keep it cool with me and with all the members so we don't face problems.
NCI - National Crime Investigation - Media Archive
Flexman replied to readal's topic in Media Archive
Date:17.05.2019 Type Of Activity: Activity Online Members: 2 Active Members: 1 SS:https://imgur.com/a/nRfhjat -
NCI - National Crime Investigation
Flexman replied to readal's topic in Territorial Support Group (TSG) - ARCHIVE
@CARMEN ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime)-. You have been accepted by the Squad. Find a HQ+ member in-game to proceed with your in-game tests! Good Luck! -
NSWC - Naval Special Warfare Command
Flexman replied to Winston FXR's topic in Territorial Support Group (TSG) - ARCHIVE
Personal Info: Username:Flex Account name:FLEX02 Age:18 Nationality:Algerian Languages:English.Arabic You have discord ? :No Tell us about yourself: I love Jailed The Criminal's My arrested:443 In-Game Experience: How long you play SAES/RPG:1Years How long you play Mta :3 Years How long you play every day:2h English skills (1-10):5 RP skills (1-10) :7 Do you have Procop Diploma:No Previous Gang/Squad/Company:Just HCP (My Squad) Why did you leave:I Love NSWC Styles Have ever been banned before:No Reason for ban:/ Information : Your strengths:I can Jail any Pro Criminal In 1Sec Your Weaknesses:No Explain why we should accept you:Becouse MaXx Watsh My Styes In Game and he tell me to apply Who Recommended you to apply in NSWC:MaXx Rules: Did you read the F1 rules :Yes Are you allowed to arrest/kill in Hospital:No Are you allowed to arrest/kill in events? :No Are you allowed to camp in jail ? :No Explain what is marker arrest:it's Dont arrest any criminal in the door Explain what is deathmatch :Kill any player with No reson Explain what is parking arrest:Dont push criminal with car and stay up and will arrest him Explain N.S.W.C .rules 8:Dont arrest police like TST_Ice_NNB... Explain N.S.W.C. rules 13:Cant arrest criminal Have stars 0-10 -
@Arctic And @SsCorpion @JeSoS ?
............................... ~[[HCP]Welcome to HYDERABAD CITY POLICE [HCP]]~(blue,cyan,yellow,red,blue,cyan,yellow,cyan,yellow,red)............................ .............................................Leader ~[FLEX]~(yellow,lime,red)............................................................... ~[Rules:]~ 1: play with rules of seas rpg F1 2:Respact all seas mumbers 3:Dont arrest crims have 1..5 stars 4:You'll always have to offer wanted criminals to RP 5: dont do DM-marker arrest- parking arrest 6: Always speak English on main/team/squad chat 7: If any squad ask you for help/back up, you should go to hel <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Ranks desciption>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Leader( level 5) This is the leader of the squad, he will look at the financial things, will look for properties and operates everything. -Vice Leader / Major General (level 4) This is the leaders 3rd hand, he has been a HQ for a long time and is one of the head HQs. -HQ Team (Level 3) They are the veterans of the squad. They are loyal and searching for potential members, they have ability to promote and kick/invite/warn. They will watch the members. -OB (Level 2) They are Colonel's Assistants and their main job is keeping team in order. (Level 1) SGT < Sergeant Lieutenant's Assistants to help keep team in order. level 0) H Helper This is the probation time, here you will learn all the tactics and rules you n eed. Probation time is 10 days <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<player>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OFFICIAL MEMBER: Flex ~[-Boss (Level 5)]~(red) Flex ~[-Vice Leader / Major General(Level 4)]~(blue) Lion ~[-Boss (Level 3)]~(purple) Mark The_best ~[-OB (Level 2)]~(green) / ~[-R(Level 1)]~(green) / ~[-H Halper (Level 0)]~(green) / <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<~[testing]~(cyan,yellow)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ACEPPTED- You have been accepted by the squad. Find a HQ member for the in game tests. ( Look the roster to find one HQ ) Good luck! Denied - You application is poor or you don't have enough skills. You can apply again in 1 week. PASSED - You have been invited in our Squad, you passed the in-game tests. Banned / Blacklist - You apply to much times in our application with status Denied. Or your application was very negative. Do not apply again in this Topic. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<~[Application]~>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Username: Account name: Real name: Age: Nationality: Languages: English skills (1-10): Do you use Teamspeak: In-Game Experience How long you play SAES/RPG: When did you join the server: How long you play MTA: How long you play every day: Previous Gang/Squad/Company: Why did you leave: Have ever been banned before: Reason for ban: Your strengths: Your Weaknesses: Rules Knowledge Did you read the F1 rules: Did you read the Squad rules: Are you allowed to arrest/kill in Hospital: Are you allowed to arrest/kill in events?: Are you allowed to camp in jail (Prison) : Is marker arrest allowed: Explain what is marker arrest: Explain what is Death-matching: Explain what is RP : Screen Shot:
Re: TST - The Strike Team Ingame Name: Flex Real Name: Louai Age: 18 Country: Algeria Languages: french, english and arabic Gender: Male Nationality: Algerien Have you ever been kicked/banned from the server ? / if yes why? yea i was kicked from the server but it was a joke from a staff member cuzz i was in his building area when he was doing some building staff. Have you ever been kicked from a Gang/squad ? / if yes why? no i haven't been kicked from a s gang/squad Part 2 / Your playtime in MTA/SAES. How long have you been playing MTA? iplay it for 1 Year How long have you been playing on SAES? a year. How many hours do you play in a day? like 2 to 4 hours or less it depends on the mood or the time i have. How many times do you visit the forums in a day? once or twice per week to check news but i have appliyed for something i check forums everyday. Previous gangs/squads?: Are you in any groups?: no. Do you have PC (Procop membership)?: No ihaven't. Part 3 / Questions about your qualifications. Strengths: i'm almost good at everything even i had a weakness point but not anymore i became better in sapa and i hope i perform more better in TST Weaknesses: no weakness point maybe i'll discover it in TST who knows hehe. Describe Deathmatch: Describe RolePlay: Role Play is when u act like in real life act and react just like the same u do in RL. Describe TeamWork: Teamwork is when u cooperate with someone else in order to succeed something. Add a picture of your "stats" by using www.imgur.com (press /stats ingame)(use spoilers: [ Spoiler][ /spoiler]:https://imgur.com/a/9T6JZvF Part 4 / What to do if. What would you do if you are chasing someone and they avoided arrest? i need to take a sceenshot and report him for avoing arrest. What would you do if someone came and asked you for a bribe?: i'll give him a bribe but i'll ask him questions (how u got the wanted stars) ect.. Someone DMs you: i'll take a screen shot if i could then i'll report him. An admin asks you something: i'll listen to him and act gently. Someone from our squad with a higher rank calls you? i'll respond to him and react to his orders whenever i'm avaible. Part 5 / Additional Questions. Did any TST member suggest you to apply? Who? Yes, TST|Rocker|HQ suggested me to apply for TST. Did you have the chance to hang around with any TST before applying? If so who? yea i'm always spawned as a police man and i patrolled with all the different squads but i don't really remember the names. Where is our private forums?: in TST Group and i can't reach it since i'm not a TST member. Who is the Leader and the Vice leader of TST?: Arma is the Vice Leader and johhn is the Leader Why do you want to join TST?: i felt that TST is a good place for me where i can perform just like i used to do in SAPA and i hope i'll learn now things from TST Give us atleast one good reason to accept you?: okay, there's many reasons like pc and experience ect.. but i have a good reason for u i don't like negaivity specialy between the members so i hope we're all good and if someone has a problem with me please tell me in game before joining TST. Tell us something about yourself( more than 30 words): well i'm a normal guy i go to gym everyday i'm in high school nothing else to mention i guess i just hope TST will be second family after SAPA. Additional information: this the second squad that i apply for so u can understand that i'm a loyal guy so please whoever is reading this keep it cool with me and with all the members so we don't face problems.
Re: TST - The Strike Team Ingame Name: Flex Real Name: Louai Age: 18 Country: Algeria Languages: french, english and arabic Gender: Male Nationality: Algerien Have you ever been kicked/banned from the server ? / if yes why? yea i was kicked from the server but it was a joke from a staff member cuzz i was in his building area when he was doing some building staff. Have you ever been kicked from a Gang/squad ? / if yes why? no i haven't been kicked from a s gang/squad Part 2 / Your playtime in MTA/SAES. How long have you been playing MTA? iplay it for 1 Year How long have you been playing on SAES? a year. How many hours do you play in a day? like 2 to 4 hours or less it depends on the mood or the time i have. How many times do you visit the forums in a day? once or twice per week to check news but i have appliyed for something i check forums everyday. Previous gangs/squads?: Are you in any groups?: no. Do you have PC (Procop membership)?: No ihaven't. Part 3 / Questions about your qualifications. Strengths: i'm almost good at everything even i had a weakness point but not anymore i became better in sapa and i hope i perform more better in TST Weaknesses: no weakness point maybe i'll discover it in TST who knows hehe. Describe Deathmatch: Describe RolePlay: Role Play is when u act like in real life act and react just like the same u do in RL. Describe TeamWork: Teamwork is when u cooperate with someone else in order to succeed something. Add a picture of your "stats" by using www.imgur.com (press /stats ingame)(use spoilers: [ Spoiler][ /spoiler]:https://imgur.com/a/9T6JZvF Part 4 / What to do if. What would you do if you are chasing someone and they avoided arrest? i need to take a sceenshot and report him for avoing arrest. What would you do if someone came and asked you for a bribe?: i'll give him a bribe but i'll ask him questions (how u got the wanted stars) ect.. Someone DMs you: i'll take a screen shot if i could then i'll report him. An admin asks you something: i'll listen to him and act gently. Someone from our squad with a higher rank calls you? i'll respond to him and react to his orders whenever i'm avaible. Part 5 / Additional Questions. Did any TST member suggest you to apply? Who? Yes, TST|Rocker|HQ suggested me to apply for TST. Did you have the chance to hang around with any TST before applying? If so who? yea i'm always spawned as a police man and i patrolled with all the different squads but i don't really remember the names. Where is our private forums?: in TST Group and i can't reach it since i'm not a TST member. Who is the Leader and the Vice leader of TST?: Arma is the Vice Leader and johhn is the Leader Why do you want to join TST?: i felt that TST is a good place for me where i can perform just like i used to do in SAPA and i hope i'll learn now things from TST Give us atleast one good reason to accept you?: okay, there's many reasons like pc and experience ect.. but i have a good reason for u i don't like negaivity specialy between the members so i hope we're all good and if someone has a problem with me please tell me in game before joining TST. Tell us something about yourself( more than 30 words): well i'm a normal guy i go to gym everyday i'm in high school nothing else to mention i guess i just hope TST will be second family after SAPA. Additional information: this the second squad that i apply for so u can understand that i'm a loyal guy so please whoever is reading this keep it cool with me and with all the members so we don't face problems.