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Everything posted by defuser1

  1. Ingame name: Gozala Ingame username: Defuser1 Previous organizations and leaving causes: Wild Angels , because it close Define Underground Empire: UE was founded on June 23 1866 by 3 men - John Dixon, Edward McFarlane, and Judah Davis. UE purchases weapons from trust worthy criminal groups. Necessary amount of weapons goes for the needs of the gang, other are sold for the profit. UE Roleplay is connected with : Weapon Trafficking, Drug Trafficking, Money Laundering, Contract Killing and Corrupting politicians And Cops. What binds you with Underground Empire: I connected with you. I Would like to expand my experience in SAES joining a respectfull Gang and also Im binded with UE by my Criminal Role. What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is a formed community by highly dangerously criminals they have their own reason that is mostly money and lets not forget about the main reason, their one rule to play its profit.Its a community which is controller,leaded by wise people's everything is planned.Also gangs may become part of organized crime of course with discipline and loyal members also with a wise leader.Its mostly called mafia or crime syndicate.
  2. Ingame name: Gozala Ingame username: Defuser1 Previous organizations and leaving causes: Wild Angels , because it close Define Underground Empire: UE was founded on June 23 1866 by 3 men - John Dixon, Edward McFarlane, and Judah Davis. UE purchases weapons from trust worthy criminal groups. Necessary amount of weapons goes for the needs of the gang, other are sold for the profit. UE Roleplay is connected with : Weapon Trafficking, Drug Trafficking, Money Laundering, Contract Killing and Corrupting politicians And Cops. What binds you with Underground Empire: I connected with you. I Would like to expand my experience in SAES joining a respectfull Gang and also Im binded with UE by my Criminal Role. What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is a formed community by highly dangerously criminals they have their own reason that is mostly money and lets not forget about the main reason, their one rule to play its profit.Its a community which is controller,leaded by wise people's everything is planned.Also gangs may become part of organized crime of course with discipline and loyal members also with a wise leader.Its mostly called mafia or crime syndicate.
  3. Nickname: Gozala Age: 16 Country: Georgia Languages spoken: Georgian , English , Russia From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): i can rate my proficiency 8/10 How long have you been playing on SAES: 2 years In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: AA is the best arms dealers in San Andreas.They are selling guns and organizing deals with it. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): Wild Angels . Gang is close Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: None Name 3 BR rules: 1.During gang bank rob , members of gang which is robbing the bank can kill any player inside bank they are robbing if they dont want that player on their bank rob 2.One gang is allowed to do maximum of 2 gang bank rob per day 3.Gang cannot start gang bank robbery with only 1 member of that gang inside the bank Name 3 GR rules: 1.No grenades to be at a gangrob at all. 2.No spawn killing 3.You are not allowed to rob alone. Name 3 Turf rules: 1. if you.re killed in a turf where a turfwar going on , and you.re spawned as a cop or criminal . its not counted deathmaching. 2.you can only use your gang spawn or hospital spawn when a turf war is going on.you are not allowed to spawn medic or cop to assist your gang in a turfwar. 3.Gaining health allowed only via respawning , health from a medic who is not in your gang or eating food. What is Roleplay?: Acting like real life What is Deathmatching?: If someone randomly death match you , If he apologizes I forgive him, but if he do it on purpose and don't apologize I report Someone DMs you. What do you do?: i report him. You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: I do nothing Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: No Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): My name is George i am from georgian i can speak english language , i am frendly and i like team play and role play of course i think i need this gang i like how play AA player and i want to look like AA players.
  4. Personal information Nickname:defuser1 Ingame Username:Gozala Age:16 English proficiency: i can rate my english proficiency 8/10 Nationality: Georgia Spoken Languages:English , Georgia , Russia Roleplay skills: i can rate my roleplay skill 7/10 Previous Organizations you joined and the reason why you left/kicked : None Questionnaire Write a paragraph explaining our Role: hunting and killing enemies , robbing and stealing , arms and drugs dealing and carjacking. Previous punishments/bans and reason: N/A Why you want to join Wild Angels?: because I think I deserve to be with you guys, and I think it's the best gang for me What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : i can help my teammates i am loyal and active too. What does DeathMatch means: If someone randomly death match you , If he apologizes I forgive him, but if he do it on purpose and don't apologize I report If someone randomly DMed you, what will you do?: i report him. So you were going for a JB then you find a cop (AFK or not chasing you), what will you do?: then cop not chasing me dont care about him leave him. What does avoid arrest means: if cop behinh you to arrest you and you kill yourself or disconnect or throw grenade and die. State 3 turf rules: 1. if you.re killed in a turf where a turfwar going on , and you.re spawned as a cop or criminal . its not counted deathmaching. 2.you can only use your gang spawn or hospital spawn when a turf war is going on.you are not allowed to spawn medic or cop to assist your gang in a turfwar. 3.Gaining health allowed only via respawning , health from a medic who is not in your gang or eating food. State 3 BR rules: 1.During gang bank rob , members of gang which is robbing the bank can kill any player inside bank they are robbing if they dont want that player on their bank rob 2.One gang is allowed to do maximum of 2 gang bank rob per day 3.Gang cannot start gang bank robbery with only 1 member of that gang inside the bank State 3 GR rules: 1.No grenades to be at a gangrob at all. 2.No spawn killing 3.You are not allowed to rob alone. Additional Information Do you know any WA Member, and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : yes , Staifi kalasherie they did recommended me to join. What are your strengths: Driving , Shooting , Aiming and RP What are your weaknesses: i am very Humble i think this is my weakness Something else to add?: i think i am ready to join WA i am very happy for staifi recommended me to join WA.
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