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Everything posted by Sweets

  1. Rip
  2. Address: 4 Faggots Hill Account name: k2016 Last seen: 03 september 2019
  3. ^[INACTIVE LS] Address:Crack Flats 3 Account name:cankutay123 Last seen:13Septembre2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. Good luck
  5. Best Of Luck :)
  6. Gz guys <3
  7. SECTION 1 ~[Name]~(black):Abd-al Karim. In-game name:Officer.SweeTy. Age:14 Sex:male. English proficiency:6/10. Native language:Algeria Other language(s): English.I also speak French, but still learning it. Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?:no. When did you start playing SAES/MTA?: I am playing MTA since 2015. SAES 2016. Total gameplay (hours): have 444 Hours in The Server. .gameplaAproxy daily (hours): Well, it all depends, now I'm having school entry, so I'll be able to participate in the game for at least 3+ hours a day. Average FPS:57/60. Average ping: 100. Previous organizations and reasons for leaving:CDC|OC|CDS|FBI. CDC :Left bcz inactive. OC: leave,one of the leader blamed me with a little problem. FBI:I Left because i want to try some thing new CDS:Left because i want to play cop. Are you active user of Discord:Yes Im. SECTION 2 A. Define our role (FOX) FOX means FOX Operations, which fights against the most wanted criminals and tries the best of imprisonment, a highly trained and skilled squad that protects San from all dangers. B. Define marker arrest:arresting a wanted person when he can't move at the marker, like arresting in marker BR . C. Minimum arresting level: Apprehending under wanted level 10 is not allowed, exceptions can be made under special circumstances D. Point out and define 4 major server rules: Deathmatch (DM) :The moessly sst imposed rule is the "No Deathmatch" Rule, Deathmatching is the act of aimlhooting/killing/damaging a person or his vehicle using weapons. It further includes Revenge killing out of personal prejudice or other causes. 2/Avoid Arrest :Aviod arrset by killing myself, for example, jumping off from a high roof, killing myself by a grenade, etc. 3/Do not camp at hospitals for arrest criminals. 4/Respect other players, do not insult them or be rude to anyone. It is prohibited to speak any other language, then English in the main chat. E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest:Roles are role-playing dialogues. In general, play roles in realistic scenarios in a video game because you are a character with a specific mission to perform. For people like me, they have nothing, on the other hand, I try to do my best to play roles in every situation, but at the same time, I enjoy as much as possible while doing this.Note, you have a lot of fun writing things and playing them at the same time, Or have fun playing / writing .... For me, in most cases and roles, more fun to write, because I can change and write things, I could not say that while playing roles (such as writing more about some participants, their story, what they said, and how Looked, etc.), I'm here, writing this, and I'm trying to put it in this content in my application, that people will really read it ... Eone passionately, while laughing or cursing at the same time, because I scoffed at things, which should be left as is, but! We are designed to develop new things, better, better, better than better, and at this point, you may realize that what you are reading has started as something useful, but you are now a platform, so I will stop here. SECTION 3 I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences:I used to call Karouma in real life, I am 14 years old, I am a fun person with everyone I enjoyed being around different types of people, and I always like to challenge myself to improve everything I do. I grew up in Algeria and still study that I dream to be Football player, in my personal activities like playing video games and swimming, I would like to be more open to myself because of a little quiet and a little closer to the introverted side, I would like to change this because I want to look more friendly and I think I am a very organized person and I would like to know exactly what I will do For the day and week, so I set my tasks and organize my workload from x Lal do this, II: Write your strengths and weaknesses:Shooting,Driving,Arresting,Some of the Parachuting,Roleplaying,Driving planes.. III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?:I like the role of FOX (Home Protection), I am interested in joining an FOX agent and I want to learn more and better, I want more help in the games / media archive. IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team: I am different, I am a serious man, hard working and never stop trying to improve himself. I'm neither a hopper nor a traitor. Finally, I'll be fit for the team, because I'm realistic, that means I know what to do and I know how to behave especially within the game. I really like this team because it's a team that loves good and helps. I trust this team very well. I do not give up. Like team members, I really respect their members as adults, and I work with my teammates. V. Do you have any additional information you want to add?: I do not. https://imgur.com/a/Q59FjF1
  8. Happy birthday @Fyrr <3
  9. SECTION 1 Name:Abd-al Karim. In-game name:Officer.SweeTy. Age:14 Sex:male English proficiency:6/10. **Native language:**Algeria Other language(s): Endlish.I also speak French, but still learning it. Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?:no. When did you start playing SAES/MTA?: I am playing MTA since 2015. SAES 2016. Total gameplay (hours): have 425 Hours in The Server. .gameplaAproxy daily (hours): Well, it all depends, now I'm having school entry, so I'll be able to participate in the game for at least 3+ hours a day. Average FPS:57/60. Average ping: 50. Previous organizations and reasons for leaving:CDC|OC|CDS|FBI. CDC :Left bcz inactive. OC: leave,one of the leader blamed me with a little problem. FBI:I Left because i want to try some thing new CDS:Left because i want to play cop. Are you active user of Discord:Yes Im. SECTION 2 A. Define our role (FOX) FOX Operations X has multiple roles Both are investigative agencies of the Department of Diplomatic Intelligence, but are also responsible for various things on the ground The National Security and Law Enforcement Team, whose main objective is to protect the San community, FOX means FOX Operations X, and is fighting against the most wanted criminals. B. Define marker arrest:arresting a wanted person when he can't move at the marker, like arresting in marker BR . C. Minimum arresting level: Apprehending under wanted level 10 is not allowed, exceptions can be made under special circumstances D. Point out and define 4 major server rules: Deathmatch (DM) :The most imposed rule is the "No Deathmatch" Rule, 1/Deathmatching is the act of aimlessly shooting/killing/damaging a person or his vehicle using weapons. It further includes Revenge killing out of personal prejudice or other causes. 2/Avoid Arrest :Aviod arrset by killing myself, for example, jumping off from a high roof, killing myself by a grenade, etc. 3/Do not camp at hospitals for arrest criminals. 4/Respect other players, do not insult them or be rude to anyone. It is prohibited to speak any other language, then English in the main chat. E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest:Roles are role-playing dialogues and role-play. In general, role-play in realistic scenarios in a video game or simply representation because you are a character with a specific job to do. This is my best part on sever. Time is tight. For people like me, they have nothing, on the other hand, I try to do my best to play roles in every situation, but at the same time, I enjoy as much as possible while doing so. together. Notice, you have a lot of fun writing things and playing them at the same time, or you have fun playing / writing .... For me, in most cases and roles, more fun to write them down, because I can change and write things, I couldn't say that while Role-playing (such as writing a little more about some participants, their story, what they said and how they sounded like saying it, etc.). Sue, I'm here, writing this, trying to put it in such content in my application, that people will really read it ... they read it with passion, while laughing or cursing at the same time, because I made fun of things, which should be left as is, but ! We are designed to develop new things, better, better, better than better, and at this point, you may realize that what you are reading has started as something meaningful, but you have now become a platform, so I will stop here. SECTION 3 I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences:I used to call Karouma in real life, I am 14 years old, I am a fun person with everyone I enjoyed being around different types of people, and I always like to challenge myself to improve everything I do. I grew up in Algeria and still study that I dream to be Football player, in my personal activities like playing video games and swimming, I would like to be more open to myself because of a little quiet and a little closer to the introverted side, I would like to change this because I want to look more friendly and I think I am a very organized person and I would like to know exactly what I will do For the day and week, so I set my tasks and organize my workload from x Lal do this, II: Write your strengths and weaknesses:My strengths in-game are probably shooting, sniping and driving. I'm also a good roleplayer, which lets me improve my gameplay.and driving..... III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?:I like the role of FOX , I am interested in joining an FOX agent and I want to learn more and better, I want more help in the games / media archive. IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team: i think i am active/loyal/helpful/respectful, I am friendly to people I like and that are nice to me ,I'd feel better in this squad as there are many skilled players and i wanna be agent from them and i want prove my self/skills , . V. Do you have any additional information you want to add?:No.
  10. Activity Date : 23/07/2019 SS:
  11. ~[Date: 08/07/2019 Screenshots:]~(black)
  12. ~[Case . 19 Participants: Pirus |Speed (@Speed ) [FBI]LaZaR (@lazar ) Case Name:: Pull-over Description]~(black) FBI members used to patrol countries like LS-LV. So we drove the car slowly, we were quiet because a lot of people had problems with one person on the car, so we just wanted to get it and see why driving like crazy, because it is not good for him and for him. People in this country. Also, you will be penalized for doing so, regardless of why, the basic rules must be respected while driving everyone, otherwise the license will be revoked. We saw someone very far, was on a car. We just caught gas, and as we approached it, it was actually just a traditional pull and we behaved as if we did not even know what to do. Recruiting from the special task force used to talk to Mentet very detailed, to see what the reason, why he was driving very quickly. In fact he had problems with people in the hospital, I've only been baffled, so it was not really understood. ~[SS]~(black) ::: https://imgur.com/a/LUHNvmf :::
  13. ~[Case . 18 Case Name:house arrest Participants @TheBest Description;]~(black) Got a anonymous tip about a drug dealer in San Andreas. So I got there and saw that The-best*s car was outside the house. I saw the best sitting on the floor at the gym. I told him to get up and put his hands up. I could smell the weed smell and I found a bag with cocaine in it. He told me that it wasn't his. After 10 min of talking he admitted that it was his and he was going to sell it.
  14. ~[Event 47 Event: LMS Reward: 1.000.000$ Winner @YosoX screenshots :]~(black)
  15. ~[Date: 02/07/2019 Screenshots:]~(black)
  16. ~[Case . 17]~(black) ~[Case Name]~(black):buy some tonics ~[Participants]~(black): @zabalito ~[Description;]~(black) Bought gym supplies Zabalito received a call from SweeTy about his desire to get some supplies for his work and his sporting life. So we had a conversation and let's meet and have a look at the supplies I can provide. As he took a look he decied he needed some steroids pills, protein powder and some BCAA to help him out in his new work and at the gym.) As I loaded the three boxes of supplies he took up cash and we made the exchange.
  17. Date: 26/06/2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  18. ~[Case .]~(gray) 16 ~[Case Name:]~(gray) East Los Santos Call ~[Participants:]~(gray) @wisker @DiaBlo1 ~[Description]~(gray) It was Tuesday morning when Officer SweeTy was in his patrol. Suddenly, there was a call from HQ that there were some shots in the Los Santos area by some gangsters and police officers outperforming a number of police officers and that is why they asked. Officer Sweety received the call as soon as possible. At the scene, there was an officer standing at the end of the street behind the wall. Officer Sweety took the other officer and expelled the M4 and then headed towards the gang members to control the situation. Fortunately, four of them fled after seeing police officers heading towards them and two of them remained there while surrendering and laying down their weapons. The officers went and tied the suspects and looked around to look for any injuries. At the same time they were looking for him, a member of the gang took the opportunity and tried to escape. On the northeastern side, the snipers fired a bullet directly at the head, causing it to fall and update on the radio until the suspect was dropped. The angry officer and the other officer drove the suspect to the Sultan and went to the police station. After arriving at the police station, the officer ordered SweeTy to detain him until the court handed down a sentence and returned to his command to go to the mechanic's center of the Sultan, which was severely damaged by the shooting. .. SS: ::: https://imgur.com/a/S3RE5dv :::
  19. ~[**Event **]~(black):25 ~[Event:]~(black) LMS ~[Reward]~(black):1.000.000$ ~[Winner:] @Bartman ~[Screenshots:]~(black) ::: :::
  20. ~[Event :]~(black)23 ~[Event:]~(black)checken shooter ~[Reward:]~(black)1.000.000 ~[Winner:]~(black)@Uk., ~[Screenshots:]~(black) ::: :::
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