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Everything posted by Vennelle

  1. Happy Birthday!
  2. Sick idea, i like it! +1
  3. Is absolutely correct.
  4. Sucks at Rocket League
  5. Clearly doesnt know what he is talking about.
  6. @Blu Blu is a terrorist :o
  7. Secretly enjoys Pitty playing Fifa
  8. @Chief You forgot to add: place ETF on level 1 as well already. PS: Ayyy
  9. Didnt even send me a message to respond to
  10. Ignores me on discord.
  11. Sold @Crash @JohnnyEnglish you may lock this now! thank you.
  12. Doesnt know anything usefull to comment, so just says ''anus''
  13. Estrogen
  14. Ballsack
  15. Happy birthday!!
  16. erect
  17. Happy birthday!!
  18. Hello there folks, I have decided to put this massive 2 icon base for sale. The property has a disc inside for easy acces to your cars and guns! The property is in a perfect location near Jail and near LS bank! This property is including the orange roof building (plaza) AND the big hotel behind it! Screenshots: ::: ::: Starting bid for this auction will be 10M Happy bidding!
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