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Everything posted by Vennelle

  1. knows that i know that he knows that Anas doesnt know he's arab
  2. Knows that Anas doesnt know he's arab
  3. Good luck! (:
  4. interferes with everything and everyone
  5. Cant use wikipedia
  6. @Mixpeko ((That's not a fact about me)) ((''he is gay'' is also not a fact)) ((You might wanna take a look here and try again (: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fact )) Likes anime
  7. Just confirmed he is 12 years old
  8. yahoo
  9. God damnit, if that aint Aiden fucking Pierce.. Goodluck by the way. (:
  10. Thinks he has a big e-cock.
  11. What are you doing in a prison suit outside the prison, that's the real question here. :thinking_face:
  12. Obese
  13. terrified
  14. Is secretly jealous of my Rocket League skills and whises he was as good as i am.
  15. Created this topc.
  16. @Tut-Greco true but im just afraid that some criminals will abuse it. However, ''realisticly'' (as far as a game goes) speaking it does make sense to spawn at the hospital when you die tho.
  17. But if criminals get killed and they spawn at the hospital, it's an easy escape..
  18. Doesnt know if he is allergic to women, never touched one before..
  19. Will never have a drug problem because of the lack of money he has.
  20. Does not have pubic hair yet.
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