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Bolt's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Address : 13 Dutch Faggots Close Account name: davidgrlmz Last seen : 28 March 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/owWF1lf https://imgur.com/D0Y3MjI
  2. Additional Information What is your Real Name: Tolga Age : 18 Country of residence : Turkey What other languages do you know? : Turkish, English and a little bit Azerbajcan Rate your english skills : mhmm, well I don't like lie, "6" That's enough for me Please tell us a little bit about yourself, (Write minimum 50 Words) : My name is Tolga and I'm eighteen years old. I was born in 24th March 2000 in a big city that is called Ankara, in the middle of Turkey.Its capital city of Turkey. My parents is separate like and that means I'm at mom around one week then I'm going to dad around one week. I have 3 brothers, one that is 19 years old, turning 21 years old and two little brothers, both 7 years old.On my spare time I do pay attention to my friends and of course to the alcoholic and the beach on summers.On winters I play a lot of PC since it's pretty cold in Ankara on winters, snow and shit, so i prefer to stay inside on winters on my spare time, but of course I go outside though it's snow, but it's just cold and shitty snow. I work as waiter in small cafe for earn some money and going to courses for preparing myself for university In-Game Information and Motivation Part What is your Ingame NickName: [CDC]Bolt Account name (?) : wd01 Do you have discord ? : Yes How many day hours do you spend in-game in a day : Daily 3-4 Hours How long have you played on MTA and SAES : 4 Years Have you ever been banned or jailed by SAES admin/staff (if so please write the reason) : N/A Previous gangs/squads/:(explanation of why you left/ or kicked) : SAPA: well Cop side is boring .I'm bored from sapa and i left What would you say your weaknesses and strengths are? : Weaknesses : I see myself weak at evading bullets while on chase and flying or driving any kind of air-sea vehicles. Strengths : Well, I am a good driver and I have good imagination for rps etc, I love teamwork, I'm a bit rigorous with myself, I like when it looks realistic I am really experienced in working with team together, Also driving and finally, I am really creative in any kind of roleplays. This is where the effort goes when you want to join, why do you want to join HHMC ? : Because I want to be more close to mature and skilled players. I want to help you guys grow even more than now, and I want to help you achieve all goals you want to achieve succeful RPs and some epic RPs. For what reason we must accept you, and what you can offer us (Please write more information here because this part is important) : Well I am a mature guy , I like being with u guys, I am loyal , I am friendly,Honestly and Helpful , I am a skilled member and I have too many experience in RPG server. I hope If you want to really accept me, I'm here and I still waiting you... <3
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