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Everything posted by DJO

  1. CC Activity number: #14 Participants: naulty , schwaring , z3us Duration: between the day and night Screenshots: Click
  2. hazy bazy you you
  3. was really good friend , rest in peace
  4. happy happy @Spinkes
  5. S.W.A.T Activity : VIP Date : 15/07/2021 Participants : negan , silikondy Screenshot : ::: :::
  6. @CHAPO post your activities if you are interested
  7. @Sharlock keep making activities if you're still interested
  8. inactive , ~[Denied]~(red)
  9. @energizer said in Energizer's Application: Section A: Personal Information: Nickname: Energizer Account name: goplit You made it to the Top ! Congratulations your application has been ~[Accepted]~(lime) by the decision of our HQ team. Find any HQ for your entry tests.
  10. @Dzeko Describe SAM Role please not tell us why are you applying and not less than 30 words Edit your application you have 24Hours to do or it's going to be Denied
  11. Inactive , ~[DENIED]~(red,red)
  12. Date: 20/01/2020 Participants: DJO , kanox , aveyro , cena , unakadava , ram ::: Screenshot : :::
  13. @NarkoMAN You need to make activities ingame and post them here if you Still Interested
  14. Participants: DJO District: LS, LV, BC , SF , TR Shift period: 16/01/2021 Number of vehicles: 16 Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. Tested & ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime)
  16. hbd ya 9awad dz
  17. @Darkaress525 please Bold questions
  18. @ReZzYBG please Bold questions
  19. granted, but you have to join sapa which is already removed i want to slap @Lightning 's face
  20. granted, but in your dreams. i want to end this game.
  21. Participants: DJO District: LS, LV, BC , SF Shift period: 24/102020 Number of vehicles: 14 Screenshots: ::: :::
  22. @Maksim are you still interested ?
  23. Event Type: infernus Race to MC TOP LWS/G6: @Element Date: 05/10/2020 Prize(s): 2.000.000$ Winner(s): zk98 ScreenShot(s): ::: :::
  24. @Real The HQ Team have made their decisions and your application is ~[Denied]~(red).
  25. Inactive , ~[Denied]~(red)
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